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12806 No. 12806 [Edit]
Good morning, /mai/, I have only lurked for a few minutes on this board, so I'm not sure if I've done anything wrong before posting this. I apologize for anything I may do or say that is offensive before-hand. It's the middle of night and this has been keeping me up, and didn't feel like attentionwhoring on imageboards I've grown accustom to.
I also do not know if videogame waifus are allowed here, I would assume "yes" as it's a board centered around love.

I was playing a certain game for the first time, and when I encountered this character who I could call my waifu, My heart had skipped a beat. I didn't know why, and I couldn't explain it. The character herself was overconfident and tried threatening that she would beat up this monster. The monster hits her once, and she says "oof, you win!" Giving up immediately. Still shaken up by this feeling I could now describe as being "lovestruck," I didn't think to call it that back then. I laughed at the dialogue, and moved on. Where I encountered her after defeating the monster, unconscious, laying on the floor with her ass in the air. When I tried talking to her, she thought she was still fighting the monster, getting overconfident and saying "I'm not dead yet!" following a sexual innuendo, "I got creamed by that monster.." She asked me if I saved her, I said yes and she proceeded to get mad and tell me how much she hates everyone, and where she is. She calms down, thinking she found what she was looking for, and asks you to escape with her. I reloaded the save and saw what happened when you answer "No." Where she simply says "...whatever."

As I moved on with the game, she gets imprisoned by some other characters and you have to save her brother. The characters are friends of yours, but she had done something that threatened the life of another character and the big leader got mad as hell. So I did as she asked, she reveals a bunch of plot showing off how much she's able to take in. I also learned she's really fast at typing. Eventually after a bunch of deaths and stuff, She's kidnapped by the big bad and imprisoned again. This time, you're eventually imprisoned and you learn that, despite her seemingly selfish personality, she's still a tomboy with the heart of a child, and she took care of your unconscious and wounded self, before being taken away. She also gave you a letter that foreshadows a bad event that happens to her.
A jailmate jokingly asked if it was a love letter.
At this point, I was surging with emotions thinking that she's going to die and everythings screwed and bla bla bla. As I continued playing, I had to think "why am I feeling this way?"

Then, when I reached the final boss, her life was threatened

I broke down crying

And then it turned out "oh well she isn't going to die" and then the final boss turns her into a beast that I have to kill.

In the end I find out she survives, and you and her escape with everyone else. However, the game took place on a floating island. And after defeating the final boss, the island fell, crashed, and everyone on it dies. There's another ending where you can prevent that, but I don't get to go with my waifu.

Why did you have to realize this? Well, you didn't, but for some reason I couldn't help but think about what happened to me during the game, I was so lovestruck, so quickly. It didn't even make sense, like a teenage boy going through puberty. I felt so excited and happy to see her ingame, and had so many feelings during it.

Of course the reason why I didn't tell you who it was or what game she's from is to avoid ridicule because it is somewhat embarrassing. Though a lot of people will probably recognize the game based off of the detailed description.

But I had fallen in love with a fictional character, and this has gone on for about a year. I broke up with my girlfriend to be with her. I was planning on getting a dakimakura pillow but she doesn't have any designs.

The weirdest part is that I've never been able to masturbate to her, she's too precious for that I guess. Or maybe it's because all of her porn is terrible but w/e.
>> No. 12809 [Edit]
I watched her anime series for a while. I was intrigued by her design, you can say it was love at first sight, but I never really called her my waifu until much later. She really stood out to me, and the only girl that I kept coming back to. She was just there for me the entire time, waiting for me with her arms wide open.
I dismissed having a waifu and took it as a joke until I had to realize what it really meant to me. I didn't really take having a waifu that seriously, at least until somewhere around about a year ago. And I've called other girls 'waifus' before on tohno-chan but that was when I just discovered waifu as a concept and still struggling to define what exactly is a waifu to me.
She's just too precious to me and she will always have a place at my heart. I don't want to mention her identity here because it gets too embarrassing as in addition to off-hand remarks from others, such as how much they want to fuck her or how much they want to masturbate to her. It makes me feel a little dead inside whenever people say that about her.
>> No. 12810 [Edit]
>She's just too precious to me and she will always have a place at my heart. I don't want to mention her identity here because it gets too embarrassing as in addition to off-hand remarks from others, such as how much they want to fuck her or how much they want to masturbate to her. It makes me feel a little dead inside whenever people say that about her.

I know that exact feel. But im here for a few months now and really doubt you would see such comments here. I still never posted her here though, dont really know why.
>> No. 12828 [Edit]
>It makes me feel a little dead inside whenever people say that about her.
Exactly my feeling, but it's tough to be completely shielded from that when I spend pretty much 100% of my free time on my computer.

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