No. 12498
You're right, but...
In the past, love has always been an extremely spontaneous thing for me, or at least it's felt that way. The idea of love being structured and mathematical is a bit disturbing. (Maybe those aren't the right words, but they're close enough.) I'm not sure if I can really explain why I think that way. Maybe it's residual from expectations in 3D relationships which is stupid because 2D could not be more different - in a good way.
I don't know. I hope I stop feeling this way so much. I started going through her original canon again and I've been feeling a little better.
I just want to make her happy, which I guess in a way answers my question if I really love her or not. Thanks for the input though, it was helpful.
Yes, this is a part of it too. Just because of who she is, I think that she deserves someone who is utterly dedicated to her and loves her deeply, passionately, and endlessly. I just get afraid that I'm not good enough for her, and lately more that my love isn't good enough for her. I know she wouldn't like that thought process for the first part so I try not to get stuck in that rut... I guess I should try using that thought process to avoid overthinking loving her, too.
Wow that was actually really helpful. Sorry for blogging. Thanks guys.