No. 19730
>So you think the only decent show kyoani did was the violent one with action and stuff blowing up?
Well, they are really really bad at making cute girls doing cute things shows.
>way to invalidate your opinion bro. I guess you think romance, drama, comedy, and adventure is for fags?
I enjoy most of those to varying degrees. By the way, FMP was definitely romance and definitely comedy (the non mecha parts are a typical romcom). Good attempt at trying to discredit somebody just because you disagree with his opinion, though.
>Arakawa is one of my favorite shows of all time and I cant STAND any of the 'modern' shaft shows.
Precisely what I said, not sure if you misread that or something.
>Doing their own thing doesn't make them good any more than a homeless guy taking a shit on your yard is good becuase he's doing his own thing.
Yes, fuck SHAFT for trying to do something mold breaking, they should stop trying to be a special snowflake and accept that everybody in the industry has to make same-y shows and creativity is frowned upon.
>I think the people who hate on their fanbase are the guys who hate all things 'moe' and project those feelings onto said fanbase.
Oh, but I love all things moe. Gochuumon is by far my favorite show this season.
Do you guys really believe that? Even if you check out something objective (for example hard, cold numbers like downloads) it's obvious that every KyoAni show is outrageously popular with western fans. None of them are popular by standing on their own two legs. They are often refered to as 'this season's KyoAni show'. That's the sole reason they are being talked about. KyoAni made them. And that's a big part of what makes KyoAni's fanbase annoying. They never really judge the show by any other criteria than 'KyoAni made it so I like it'. SHAFT fans are terrible but they won't give up a limb to defend everything SHAFT makes. If they think it's shit they admit that.
That's also why I'm enjoying Free! way, way more than I should. They are completely confused as to what they are supposed to do right now. They can't really defend it and they can't really ignore it.