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File 140267759832.jpg - (2.99MB , 1500x5571 , neregate_com-Summer-2014-Anime-Chart-v2.jpg )
19681 No. 19681 [Edit]
Summer is right around the corner and with it a new season of anime.
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>> No. 19682 [Edit]
I vow to not pick up 5/10 shit shows this season. (Chaika, No Game No life, Mekakucity actors, Bryhildr, Isshuukan Friends, Seikoku no Dragonar. All complete trash and yet I will finish them).

Instead I'll pick up the stuff I'm 90+% sure will be at least decent and watch old stuff on the side. The days of watching garbage are over.
>> No. 19684 [Edit]
I wonder if they'll can save Psycho-Pass after all.
>> No. 19686 [Edit]
I am so pumped for more Monogatari.

I am going to be interested on how Kancolle turns out.
>> No. 19687 [Edit]
Omg it's true...

That's truly great.

I started reading Hanamonogatari some time ago, but lost track of it. If I remember correctly, it was serialized right before Koimonogatari but it happens some time after graduation, so it should push forward the story a little.

I'm glad. I'm really, really glad.
>> No. 19689 [Edit]
So is kyoto animation planing on becoming a fujoshi studio or what?
>> No. 19690 [Edit]
>an undead idol awakens to help protect the area of japan
Good lord what the hell is it with them and idols lately?! Whats next a huge mecha idol that fights alien idols from an invading idol planet trying to steal our idols? or maybe the ghost of a idol trapped in the body of cat that solves crimes while still performing for her old fans on the side? We've already had underground rebel idols fighting space marines from an oppressive galactic empire that hates idols after all. It's like every season now it's more and more idol this and idol that. This tat is really getting ridiculous.
>> No. 19692 [Edit]

Hopefully. I hope S2 will sell well and that they'll contunie doing garbage like that.
>> No. 19693 [Edit]

That'd be great. I hope Free! S2 will sell as well as S1 did and that Kyoani will continue to churn out garbage like that. Frankly even two seasons in it seems to good to be true.
>> No. 19695 [Edit]
I agree good sir. They should do shows like 'Desperate Housewives' and 'Big Bang Theory' but animated. No one cares about idols.
>> No. 19696 [Edit]
>Zankyou no Terror
Makes me wonder if there's ever been a terror attack in Japan.

Welcome to the club.
>> No. 19697 [Edit]
That's what I say to myself every season. And every season I end up picking crappy shows because cute girls or because everybody's talking about it and making it sound good.

>Whats next a huge mecha idol that fights alien idols from an invading idol planet trying to steal our idols?
I'm 90% sure macross did that before. The movie noone likes comes quite close to it, at least.

The Sarin attacks on Tokyo subway come to mind. Wikipedia has a small category devoted to the subject too.

Post edited on 14th Jun 2014, 8:16am
>> No. 19699 [Edit]
-Stuff I can say for sure I'll check out:
kantai collection (just to get an idea of what the big fucking deal is, and as with that supersonico crap I'll probably drop after a few ep.)
hanayamata (only thing remotely cute looking this season that isn't some stupid harem/idol/romcom shit)
barakamon (sounds like it could be decent)
yama no susume (first season wasn't bad so may as well)
ai mai mi (first season wasn't bad so may as well)

-Stuff I'm unsure about watching:
Sengoku Basara: Judge End (saw the first two seasons so I feel I might as well, but the second season sucked so I don't know.)
Futsuu no Joshikousei ga Locodol Yattemita (nothing new or interesting here. just, 'whatever')

-stuff I might force myself to watch if I can't find enough anime to fill my quota.
aldnoah zero (I keep giving mecha a try becuase robots are awesome, yet it keeps coming up as horribly generic full on retarded diarrhea dog shit every time. I'd be going in expecting to drop)
gekkan shoujo (looks like fujoshi shit but whatever. beggars can't be choosers this season. main character is cute as hell which makes me at least consider it.)
glasslip (I've already seen a hundred anime based on some random xxxxclub, so whats another one?! haha fuck me...)
rail wars (I don't even... what the fuck ever.)

ps, I don't care about sailor moon and that monowhatever smut can go fuck itself along with this shitty season.
>> No. 19700 [Edit]
Why do you want them to make garbage?
>> No. 19701 [Edit]

Wow, I didn't even realize I double posted. Didn't mean to send the first one.
KyoAni's fabase is cancerous beyond belief so seeing them bitch about Free! is the best thing ever.
>> No. 19702 [Edit]
No more cancerous than any other fanbase.
>> No. 19703 [Edit]
From what I've looked this is going to be what I'm watching.

will watch:

might watch/just for the hell of it/meh:
-Rail Wars
-kantai collection

I've been being bugged to watch Psycho Pass but don't really want to... maybe if I get bored enough.
>> No. 19704 [Edit]
Kyo used to be pretty damn cool and made some great stuff back in the day. Sure they went down hill after k-on and practically died after nichijou but I'd take their fan base over Monogatari or eva's fanbase any day of the week.
>> No. 19705 [Edit]
seems like we got some similar tastes there.
>> No. 19707 [Edit]
Do you know what a false dichotomy is?
>> No. 19713 [Edit]
we can be best buds then, anon!
>> No. 19719 [Edit]

That's a nice opinion.


Does Gainax even have any fans left? I swear they died half a decade ago. Haven't seen anybody say 'so how about that Gainax dude' since PSG pretty much.
SHAFT's fanbase can get pretty bad at times, true, but it's slightly less bearable because SHAFT actually do their own thing. Whether it's good or bad is debatable but at least it's a breath of fresh air.

The biggest problems with both KyoAni's and SHAFT's (especially SHAFT's) fans is that they start to multiply at a rapid rate the second the studio in question chruns out a massive turd. SHAFT hasn't really made anything worthwhile since Arakawa S2/Soremachi (no idea which of those two aired later and I'm too lazy to check, could swear it's Arakawa but...). KyoAni... I'm not sure if they have ever made anything good to begin with so it's a bit more complicated. FMP was okay I guess?
>> No. 19721 [Edit]
Arakawa is one of my favorite shows of all time and I cant STAND any of the 'modern' shaft shows.
>> No. 19722 [Edit]
Aldnoah.zero, Tokyo ESP and Zankyou no Terror might be in the territory "crazy/stupid enough to maybe work". They'll most likely run out of air after the first episode. Like, a quick shooter.

Barakamon looks really nice, but it could easily fall into the trap of overloading on whimsical. Then there's the studio's track record. Cautiously optimistic? Maybe.

Rail wars - a show about trains - how could they possibly screw this up?
>> No. 19723 [Edit]
>KyoAni... I'm not sure if they have ever made anything good to begin with so it's a bit more complicated. FMP was okay I guess?
So you think the only decent show kyoani did was the violent one with action and stuff blowing up? way to invalidate your opinion bro. I guess you think romance, drama, comedy, and adventure is for fags?
>> No. 19726 [Edit]
If you ask me Gainax pretty much fell apart. All the people who made Gainax what it was have left the studio. Gainax fans lately seem to have turned their attention to Trigger and are treating it like the new Gainax. All they have left now is the die hard eva fans but I'd like to think even that massive well will dry up someday if they keep treating it like something they can extort endlessly.

Shaft's fan base is easily one of the last fanbase's I'd ever want to associate with offline. They strike me as being composed almost entirely of teenagers. Not the simple minded fun loving teens of Gainax's fanbase. Theirs are the more pretentious, perverted and hipster types. The impression I get of the average Shaft fan is someone who spends all day either masturbating or convincing themselves and others of their own superiority. Doing their own thing doesn't make them good any more than a homeless guy taking a shit on your yard is good becuase he's doing his own thing.

Kyoto animation gives off the impression they gave up on trying to make anything decent after nichijou flopped and just want to make cash grabs that pander to any group that will have them. Their fanbase hasn't really stuck out much to me at all. I think the people who hate on their fanbase are the guys who hate all things 'moe' and project those feelings onto said fanbase. After their trolling with the second season of Haruhi and fujoshi pandering I find it hard to believe Kyoto animation could still have much of a fan base left.
>> No. 19728 [Edit]
Yeah I never got why people rant about KyoAni's "fanbase". I find it hard to believe that a significant number of dedicated fans dig a significant number of KyoAni's shows, by nature of diversity. I would assume that there's a lot of fans of 'some' of their works, but that's a long ways off from generally being a KyoAni fan - in my books anyway. I certainly love certain works of theirs, with a passion even. And there's certainly other works of theirs I'd rather never existed.

Shaft on the other hand seems to be very consistent about what they do, for better or worse.
>> No. 19730 [Edit]

>So you think the only decent show kyoani did was the violent one with action and stuff blowing up?

Well, they are really really bad at making cute girls doing cute things shows.

>way to invalidate your opinion bro. I guess you think romance, drama, comedy, and adventure is for fags?

I enjoy most of those to varying degrees. By the way, FMP was definitely romance and definitely comedy (the non mecha parts are a typical romcom). Good attempt at trying to discredit somebody just because you disagree with his opinion, though.


>Arakawa is one of my favorite shows of all time and I cant STAND any of the 'modern' shaft shows.

Precisely what I said, not sure if you misread that or something.


>Doing their own thing doesn't make them good any more than a homeless guy taking a shit on your yard is good becuase he's doing his own thing.

Yes, fuck SHAFT for trying to do something mold breaking, they should stop trying to be a special snowflake and accept that everybody in the industry has to make same-y shows and creativity is frowned upon.

>I think the people who hate on their fanbase are the guys who hate all things 'moe' and project those feelings onto said fanbase.

Oh, but I love all things moe. Gochuumon is by far my favorite show this season.


Do you guys really believe that? Even if you check out something objective (for example hard, cold numbers like downloads) it's obvious that every KyoAni show is outrageously popular with western fans. None of them are popular by standing on their own two legs. They are often refered to as 'this season's KyoAni show'. That's the sole reason they are being talked about. KyoAni made them. And that's a big part of what makes KyoAni's fanbase annoying. They never really judge the show by any other criteria than 'KyoAni made it so I like it'. SHAFT fans are terrible but they won't give up a limb to defend everything SHAFT makes. If they think it's shit they admit that.

That's also why I'm enjoying Free! way, way more than I should. They are completely confused as to what they are supposed to do right now. They can't really defend it and they can't really ignore it.
>> No. 19731 [Edit]
>SHAFT fans are terrible but they won't give up a limb to defend everything SHAFT makes. If they think it's shit they admit that.

>>Doing their own thing doesn't make them good any more than a homeless guy taking a shit on your yard is good becuase he's doing his own thing.
>Yes, fuck SHAFT for trying to do something mold breaking, they should stop trying to be a special snowflake and accept that everybody in the industry has to make same-y shows and creativity is frowned upon.

Whatever you say bro.
>> No. 19732 [Edit]
File 140294078218.jpg - (38.55KB , 1219x685 , nisemonogatari-blu-ray-2-063.jpg )
You guys sure go to (the same) great lengths every time trying to put down Shaft and their fans, for people who allegedly loathe bratty attitudes...

There's no such dichotomy. I love Shaft and Kyoani and other studios' shows all alike, comment them all accordingly, and feel no need to bash people who like the shows I don't. That "edgy teen" stereotype is nothing but a straw man of yours.

Post edited on 16th Jun 2014, 10:51am
>> No. 19733 [Edit]
so someone shits on both kyo and shaft, and someone else (guessing you) comes along to shit on kyoani while defending shaft. people in turn defend kyoani while shitting on shaft and you take people's impression's & opinions as personal attacks and act like you're being bullied while trying to play the idort who's above it all.
Gotta say; I love the 'standing up to a bully makes you a bully' logic that always comes up when people defend things like moe or kyoani in this case. Shit's getting slung around both ways, you can't pretend to be non-biased if you're jumping in to throw your own share of shit at the people on kyoani's side.
>> No. 19734 [Edit]
>someone else (guessing you) comes along to shit on kyoani while defending shaft
No, that's what I just said: I like them both and other stuff. It couldn't be so hard to read those 3 lines, man.

Anyway, doesn't matter really. People will make threads of the shows they like as always, and haters will try to shit them up as always and then tell each other that they started it, etc.

Post edited on 16th Jun 2014, 11:57am
>> No. 19742 [Edit]

Are you trying to say I'm a SHAFT fan? Reading comprehension 101.
>SHAFT hasn't really made anything worthwhile since Arakawa S2/Soremachi.

SHAFT is garbage nowadays. The thing is I still kinda admire them for trying. Even if they fail miserably.


That summary is so wrong on so many different levels I don't even know where to start.

>Shit's getting slung around both ways, you can't pretend to be non-biased if you're jumping in to throw your own share of shit at the people on kyoani's side.

No, he can and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. If you'd learn to read what people write instead of trying to project your own thoughts onto them it'd help a lot. Guy outright stated he likes both but of course you're a mindreader who goes 'nah, you're saying that but you're not fooling me, I already know what you're up to!'.
>> No. 19743 [Edit]
>Do you guys really believe that?
No it's what I know. If what you say was true they wouldn't throw fits about free but instead defend it. Kyoani has made a lot of popular shows, that doesn't mean someone who's a fan of fmp is going to like tamako market or that someone who likes lucky star is going to like Munto. You sound like you're just hating on them for being popular when you complain about download numbers, that combined with how much you seem to like shaft is the sort of thing that makes me believe shaft fans are a bunch of pretentious hipsters.

>they should stop trying to be a special snowflake and accept that everybody in the industry has to make same-y shows and creativity is frowned upon.
Since when does be a special snowflake mean using the same director for everything and making all your shows perverted smutty trash and/or edgy for the sake of being edgy? Shaft's grade of mold breaking is comparable to that of the average hottopic customer. Conformity is still conformity even if you're trying to conform to a group of non-conformists. Shaft has a very blatant and obvious style that they stick to in most of their work, it might have been different the first time around but not after a dozen. there's a reason why people refer to some of their more recent stuff as being 'very shaft like'

>By the way, FMP was definitely romance and definitely comedy
plenty of shows have elements from various genres. fmp was a mecha action first and foremost.
>they are really really bad at making cute girls doing cute things shows.
k-on's sales numbers disagree.
>> No. 19744 [Edit]
I like both kyoani shows and shaft shows too. That said I can now fanboy it up and no one can call me out on it.
>> No. 19745 [Edit]
Didn't FMP turn into more of a slice of life in it's latter seasons?
>> No. 19746 [Edit]
>They never really judge the show by any other criteria than 'KyoAni made it so I like it'.
I guess I never considered that, but now that I think about it I used to think like that too. It wore off, and I figured it wore off for everyone else, but I guess not.

>That's also why I'm enjoying Free! way, way more than I should. They are completely confused as to what they are supposed to do right now. They can't really defend it and they can't really ignore it.
That's a very "meta" way of enjoying a show.
>> No. 19747 [Edit]
>They never really judge the show by any other criteria than 'KyoAni made it so I like it'.
You should get a job at a movie theater. You could replace all the projectors.
>> No. 19748 [Edit]
>that combined with how much you seem to like shaft is the sort of thing that makes me believe shaft fans are a bunch of pretentious hipsters

I dislike SHAFT, though. They make nothing but pandering garbage nowadays. It's pretty sad really.
I mean it would be weird to actually like one and dislike (SHAFT and KyoAni) the other. Both are nothing but pandering, just pandering to two different types of people.

>Conformity is still conformity even if you're trying to conform to a group of non-conformists.

That's mostly what I said. Pandering is bad no matter what.

>Shaft has a very blatant and obvious style that they stick to in most of their work, it might have been different the first time around but not after a dozen.

How is having your own unique style and sticking to it bad? It's actually the only good thing that SHAFT has going for them nowadays.

>k-on's sales numbers disagree.

Oh wow, you actually brought up sales numbers. I feel dumb for replying to you. God fucking dammit why do I always respond to posts as I read them...
But yeah, if something is popular then it's automatically good. To determine which shows are actually good we can simply look up sales-numbers and we're done. Thanks for your time, that is all, no need to talk about this any further. Let's just accept that the likes of K-On and Monogatari is the best anime has to offer.
>> No. 19753 [Edit]
>But yeah, if something is popular then it's automatically good.
Calm down. Being good at something could very well imply achieving commercial success doing it. We can both agree that k-on is a qualitatively terrible piece of audiovisual garbage, although I don't see the point in preaching this message when it's not called for.
>> No. 19759 [Edit]
>Both are nothing but pandering, just pandering to two different types of people.
And, of course, what is catered to what you may like is exempt from the label 'pandering'.
But of course, for what you like cannot possibly be pandering but beautiful works of art that shock and confound the very bottom of your soul.
>> No. 19761 [Edit]
>That's mostly what I said. Pandering is bad no matter what.
and that's exactly what shaft is doing with every installment of Monogatari, but at least we seem able to agree on that.

>How is having your own unique style and sticking to it bad?
It's bad when the style they're sticking to is bad.

>Oh wow, you actually brought up sales numbers.
was it not you who brought up 'cold numbers like downloads' before? you say "we can simply look up sales-numbers and we're done." but before you were saying that and meaning it for downloads. A post I might add that makes it seem you only think kyoani has an annoying fanbase because and only becuase 'some' of their programs are popular.
>> No. 19776 [Edit]
I thought tc liked k-on. I'm so confused.
>> No. 19778 [Edit]
We do, just like SZS and several different stuff. Don't mind their studio wars.
>> No. 19780 [Edit]

>And, of course, what is catered to what you may like is exempt from the label 'pandering'.
>But of course, for what you like cannot possibly be pandering but beautiful works of art that shock and confound the very bottom of your soul.

Nice projection, I certainly don't remember saying anything of the sort.
I'll just add that there is some pandring that I 'like' but in a 'guilty kind of pleasure' way. If I'll be asked about my opinion on such anime I'll still call them garbage.


>and that's exactly what shaft is doing with every installment of Monogatari, but at least we seem able to agree on that.

Pretty disgusting, really. Shinbo was ruined the second he made a show that didn't bomb. Success really spoils people. It's a shame because Shinbo never really pandered to people before that, I don't remember him making elaborate bubble bath fanservice scenes. But hey, it sells so who cares.

>It's bad when the style they're sticking to is bad.

Can't say I see any problem with it.

>was it not you who brought up 'cold numbers like downloads' before? you say "we can simply look up sales-numbers and we're done." but before you were saying that and meaning it for downloads. A post I might add that makes it seem you only think kyoani has an annoying fanbase because and only becuase 'some' of their programs are popular.

You literally cannot read, can you? I said exactly the opposite - that despite the fact that their shows are outrageously popular they are still shit. They don't stand on their own legs to begin with.


I'm sure /tc/ is just Tohno replying to himself and as such people having different opinions is simply impossible.
>> No. 19785 [Edit]
I'm a big fan of cute girls doing cute things type shows but k-on didn't really do it for me till the second season, and even then just the first half.
>> No. 19789 [Edit]
I've long been a k-on hater, just not very outspokenly. Now's my chance though! At first I was like - oh no the thread is derailed, but then I was like 「C H A N S U」

Post edited on 20th Jun 2014, 7:45pm
>> No. 19790 [Edit]
>as such people having different opinions is simply impossible.
lol. you don't know much about multiple personality disorder do you?
>> No. 19803 [Edit]
File 140334652241.jpg - (93.86KB , 546x456 , 13206936586.jpg )
Well, most of /tc/ is (or was) schizoid, remember?...

>> No. 19813 [Edit]
Hanamayata and Yama no Susume S2 are going to be cute.
>> No. 19885 [Edit]
I remember when that test thing would be posted almost every week back then. Now there hasn't been a single mention of it in a year or two or something. Aside from your post, anyway.
>> No. 19891 [Edit]
Sasuga Summer. Traditionally it has been a season where 'unwanted' shows end up and once again it looks pretty boring overall.

Watching 100%:
Hanayamata - cute Kirara girls doing cute things, Madhouse edition.
Sailor Moon - a year late but whatever. Frankly I already see it in pretty dark colors. New cast looks pretty bad overall and while the artstyle looks okay in promo art it also seems to look awful in motion.

Jinsei - it'd be perfect if not for the male protag. Makes me think it'll turn into a shitty self insert harem show.
Zankyou no Terror - plot summary does nothing for me but Watanabe + Kanno is enough to put it on my radar.

Dandy - Speisu Dandi wa uchuu no dandi de aru.
Sabagebu - more cute girls, except this time in a club I wouldn't really want to see them in. Didn't watch that paintball thing from last year for pretty much the same reason.

Yama no Susume S2 - didn't like S1 as much as rest of /tc/, felt kinda lukewarm about it to be honest.
Aldnoah.Zero - plot summary sounded interesting, fortunately neregate was kind enough to mention Urobhuchi is involved. I doubt he'll ever write anything good so I chances are I'll end up ignoring this one.
>> No. 19893 [Edit]
Urobutchi is only credited as the original creator, actual series composition is this guy:

>> No. 19905 [Edit]
Hanayamata please.
>> No. 20049 [Edit]
Yama no Susume!
>> No. 20100 [Edit]
Any anime I am watching is TOKYO GHOUL. Braiiinsssss.
>> No. 20206 [Edit]
File 140643358855.jpg - (172.71KB , 800x610 , yopd.jpg )
Desu~ gun
>> No. 20316 [Edit]
>> No. 20412 [Edit]
>> No. 20496 [Edit]
dang, I've hardly posted anything on here about anime this season. Everything just sucks and I'm too lazy to keep up with the things that don't suck as much as the rest. Hanayamata and Yama no Susume are good though, i should post about them...

Post edited on 24th Aug 2014, 6:57pm

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