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File 139054838853.png - (223.52KB , 471x471 , ikki.png )
18543 No. 18543 [Edit]
I haven't seen a IKKI thread around these parts yet.
Anyone else think that Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha is the shit?
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>> No. 18579 [Edit]
ep3 was a bit hyperactive, but still excellent
>> No. 18779 [Edit]
File 139306132480.png - (697.61KB , 1280x720 , quicktime-2014-02-22-01h18m48s135.png )
that last ep was like a strong dose of tranquilizer, this show is intensely relaxing
>> No. 18809 [Edit]
File 139372046332.jpg - (67.07KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Inari Konkon Koi Iroha - 07 [97C5033A]_mkv.jpg )
I'm a bit disappointed with the series, really.
It's quite the bait and switch, with the first 4 episodes being about the shinto side of things and transformation shenanigans, and at this point it's a SoL and even the main character doesn't remember the important reason as to WHY she was given the chunk of divine power way back in the introduction.
>> No. 18812 [Edit]
yeah, i dropped it too
>> No. 18851 [Edit]
That's not Ikkitousen.
>> No. 18852 [Edit]
File 139440635233.jpg - (73.35KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Inari Konkon Koi Iroha - 08 [B6B09378]_mkv.jpg )
that's the IKKI musume why would you think of her as a father?

Post edited on 9th Mar 2014, 4:06pm
>> No. 18865 [Edit]
File 139465341640.jpg - (19.73KB , 480x360 , hqdefault.jpg )
OP here, I'd delete this thread if I could, but I don't have the password anymore. Nevertheless, I am OP of the thread and should have the right to delete it if I wish to, therefore please don't post in it anymore.
If any of you do still wish to discuss this anime, please use the other IKKI thread for that purpose.

Thank you & pic unrelated,
>> No. 18883 [Edit]
why is this a sticky?
>> No. 18886 [Edit]
File 139483233955.jpg - (57.77KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Inari Konkon Koi Iroha - 09 [58A83CC2]_mkv.jpg )
see >>>/fb/4716
>> No. 18887 [Edit]
becuase it's more fun that way
>> No. 18894 [Edit]
its the only amusing thing about IKKI
>> No. 18921 [Edit]
File 139535884415.jpg - (70.14KB , 1280x720 , [Vivid] Inari Konkon Koi Iroha - 10 [DA0ED34B]_mkv.jpg )
whelp, it's over.
that ended about as predictably as is possible.

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