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File 137102715139.jpg - (134.51KB , 1280x720 , moshiman.jpg )
16032 No. 16032 [Edit]
should i watch shuffle?
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>> No. 16034 [Edit]
Please use >>2446
>> No. 16040 [Edit]
thank you,
what about girls bravo?
>> No. 16041 [Edit]
File 137109545580.jpg - (360.26KB , 1000x840 , 1312977252709.jpg )
ok, nvrmind about grils bravo, it turns out i already seen it, but what bout ah my goddess?
i notices that it has its own board on shanachan and a series god enought o get its own board mst be pretty good so should i wantch that?
i think i'll give it a try
>> No. 16042 [Edit]
thats the thread for people who are already watching older animes, not the recommendations thread.
>> No. 16043 [Edit]
Take it easy!!!
>> No. 16044 [Edit]
If you know there's a recommendations thread why not use it?

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