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File 129531139867.jpg - (137.07KB , 621x742 , tf2.jpg )
972 No. 972 [Edit]
Let's have a TF2 thread
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>> No. 975 [Edit]
I have never played TF2, but I would like to some day, and for some reason the Pyro class, with its short-range fighting capabilities and its sense of humor, seems strangely compelling.
>> No. 976 [Edit]
File 129531320771.jpg - (33.42KB , 500x362 , How about I sap your shit.jpg )
Everyone picks Pyro first. Those who say they didn't lie.
>> No. 977 [Edit]
File 129531359911.jpg - (68.09KB , 1176x664 , 1281120967932.jpg )
How's the game been recently?

I got tired of bullshit deaths by noskilled players. There simply isn't any kind of teamwork on the servs I use to frequent and I'm always a team-oriented player, which makes me extremely sad. Also, playing the scout now seems to make my computer lag.

Probably will never play this game again, Bad Company gives me good company for the moment and I plan on playing GW2 for a while if it's any good.
>> No. 980 [Edit]
It really is a fun game, despite the recent trading bullshit and whatnot. I could never have fast enough reflexes for games like CS so switching over to TF2 was great for me.

Yeah, I did start with pyro first. Only very briefly before I started to really like playing medic which I mained for some time before switching over to spy. One-hit kill backstabs are always so damn satisfying. Looking at my stats, I've played spy the most at 52 hours while medic is at 2nd spot with 27 hours.

I haven't played the game for half a year now (mainly because I was busy with other sutff) but last I heard, they added a whole bunch of new weapons/items or something, right? Are any of them actually useful or are they all crap?
>> No. 981 [Edit]
I was usually a scout first, until I discovered I love being a spy. With the instant cloak dagger thing I once killed a heavy's medic and instantly took his place. Then heavy turned around, saw "his buddy" and went on his way. Then I stabbed him in the ass.

I only started playing rather recently but it doesn't seem too bad to me. There's still a lot of bullshit sometimes (like getting backstabbed by a spy whose killcam shows them on the second floor of a building I wasn't even in. what the hell) but it's still pretty fun.
>> No. 982 [Edit]
The new weapons are really good actually, very balanced. The aforementioned instant cloak spy dagger (which will INSTANTLY transform you into the guy you stabbed while his dead body turns invisible, plus the whole thing doesn't make a sound), for example, comes with the major drawback of not being able to use your disguise kit. So you gain one really useful ability at the cost of handicapping yourself.
>> No. 983 [Edit]
Oh cool. I guess I better reinstall TF2 and play a little bit later this week.
>> No. 984 [Edit]
Also the spy watches are all great for certain situations and bad for others. The default watch lets you run around cloaked for longer, and you can refill your cloak with ammo boxes. The Cloak and Dagger watch lets you stand still while cloaked forever, but it drains really really fast when moving. Then there's the Dead Ringer, which will throw out a fake dead body and cloak you when you get damaged (faking your death), but you can't cloak with it otherwise.
>> No. 985 [Edit]
If you give me your steam name I can probably give you a few weapons. I have two of a lot of stuff.
>> No. 986 [Edit]
The dead ringer also can't be used unless it's meter is full and it's decloaking sound is really really loud. Personally I don't use anything but the default watch
>> No. 987 [Edit]
I'm the ersatz that's in the Tohno-can steam group. Do I need to have the game installed for you to give me weapons?
>> No. 989 [Edit]
I guess so because it says you don't have "trading privileges". Post when you have the game installed and I'll try again. Also I don't have quite as much stuff as I thought I did, so I might not have much you'd want.
>> No. 990 [Edit]
File 129531793893.jpg - (105.65KB , 475x612 , hatFortress.jpg )

I may not have been a tf2 player that long, but I remember when tf2 was about trying to defeat the other team, not about trying to collect as many hats as possible.

I picked engie first. call me a liar if you want, i don't care.
>> No. 991 [Edit]
On second thought I looked at the release dates for some of my items and most of them are from updates older than half a year ago, so maybe they wouldn't be new to you after all.


I only have 2 hats: The Ellis cap that came with the game and the "Ghastly Gibus", which apparently you get by dominating someone else who is wearing it.
>> No. 992 [Edit]
Do any hats have any stats-affecting abilities or is it just for looks?
>> No. 993 [Edit]
Just for looks.
>> No. 994 [Edit]
Oh alright, I guess I'll play for a hour or 2 tonight once my download finishes in 30 minutes. You don't have to give me any items, can't be too hard to eventually pick up some.
>> No. 996 [Edit]
To be honest, the hat faggotry doesn't bother me much.

There's a few hats that give bonuses when worn with a specific item set.
>> No. 997 [Edit]
I've never even seen people talk about hats in-game except for one instance where some guy asked me if I had any pyro hats the moment I joined.
>> No. 998 [Edit]
really? i'm quite suprised. every server i join the text chatbox is filled with TRADETRADETRADE spam. then again, it's been a while since I played, so it might have died down since then.
>> No. 999 [Edit]
File 129532209912.png - (258.36KB , 622x584 , Spybeard.png )
The only hat I'd ever want is the camera beard. I mean come on look at this thing
>> No. 1008 [Edit]
I get sick of suddenly being changed to the other team if I'm kicking ass as a spy. I was almost done wiping out a whole floor of engies and sentries when I suddenly died and joined team red, which was full of losers
>> No. 1026 [Edit]
File 129556987094.jpg - (38.05KB , 800x600 , state_of_tf2.jpg )
Hello, I just want to leave these two pictures here as a reason I don't play this game any further.
>> No. 1027 [Edit]
File 129556993134.png - (158.89KB , 494x660 , free_shit.png )
Either give me vanilla or stop updating my game, Gabe.
>> No. 1028 [Edit]
There's a frying pan weapon in the game now?
>> No. 1029 [Edit]
It's a L4D promo item that has the same stats as the shovel and bottle
>> No. 1030 [Edit]
Also, of the things shown there the only thing that makes any gameplay difference is the shield weapon he has. Everything else is just customization.
>> No. 3697 [Edit]
  I couldn't help but notice that they recycled alot of ingame voice lines and sound effects for this one. And I don't quite know what it is, but it just seems a little different than the other "meet the" videos.

Also spah head in medic's fridge made me laugh, though can't quite make out what he said.

Post edited on 24th Jun 2011, 6:47am
>> No. 3698 [Edit]
i think he said 'kill me'
>> No. 3699 [Edit]
It was fucking awesome though

"Let's go practice medicine."
>> No. 3704 [Edit]
>And I don't quite know what it is, but it just seems a little different than the other "meet the" videos.
Because it's much longer and it has a story?
>> No. 3714 [Edit]
No it's not that, I actually find that to be an improvement on the others. I'm not sure what it is though, or if there's anything at all.
>> No. 3730 [Edit]

the improvement is that it's longer and has a story
>> No. 3794 [Edit]
Animation quality might be a bit better

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