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File 129530968321.jpg - (141.06KB , 500x300 , dragonquestix_2.jpg )
971 No. 971 [Edit]
Let's have a thread about recent JRPGs. This was my favourite genre in the SNES days (and to a lesser extent the PSX/PS2 days). I guess this means whatever is on the most recent generation of systems, since they've been out for awhile now. Upcoming stuff like the 3DS is fine too, of course.

I loved Dragon Quest 9, it's probably about equal to 8 and 5 (my other favourites). I felt like it took what was great about previous games (job system/skill system) and combined them in an way that, while not completely original, was still different enough to feel like more than a rehash.

Other than that, the only current-gen JRPGs I've tried are the demos on the PS3 store (like Eternal Sonata) and Star Ocean 4, all of which were underwhelming.

What experience do you have with recent JRPGs?
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>> No. 973 [Edit]
>What experience do you have with recent JRPGs?

Most of them are now on portable consoles like the DS or PSP.

So, if we talk about JRPGs these days we mostly talk about portable games.

The games I played:

Infinite Space:

Shit. Story seems interesting and whole setting is really awesome, but awful, awful gameplay.

Final Fantasy IV:

Great. A long game with great graphics. I spend something about 70 hours with this game. So, yeah, I liked it very much.

Dragon Quest V:

Classic on the DS. I got a little bit bored after some time. DQ is somehow not my cup of beer.

The World ends with you:

The biggest surprise for me. I never thought that this game would be that awesome. It was awesome. I highly recommend it anyone owning a DS, even if you don't like JRPG as genre.

Etrian Odyseey:

More roguelike than JRPG, but anyway. It's a hit or miss. A hit for me. Though, I can understand when somebody gets bored with this kind of game.


Like I said, JRPGs on the big consoles will be in the near future a thing of the past.

I you don't believe check this out:

Download it, ca. in the middle say start talking about DQ9.
>> No. 1001 [Edit]
  I've been playing ZHP. its like a cross between Disgaea and a roguelike. if you like those type of games you should give it a try.
>> No. 1003 [Edit]
File 129532414717.png - (227.66KB , 256x448 , Jeanne_d'Arc_Coverart.png )
Is Nier considered a jRPG? That was probably my best game of 2010 after Mass Effect 2.

Otherwise I've been playing this on and off when I'm sitting at the computer, don't know how lengthy it really is but the fights last for a while. It is a tactical RPG after all. Anime cut-scenes are a nice addition but they are rare and the story isn't really compelling either. Best part are the fights the rest is quite average in my opinion.
>> No. 1006 [Edit]
First of all, you both have a good taste in games, but ZHP and Jeanne D'Arc are SPRGs not JRPGs.
>> No. 1038 [Edit]

Nier was cool but after Drakengard it was... kind of underwhelming for me. It seems cavia wants to play it safe story wise now.

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