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File 129515916181.jpg - (134.83KB , 500x811 , pachinko.jpg )
952 No. 952 [Edit]
Do you have any non-traditional games?
What are they?
I have a Japanese pachinko machine. I like it alot, I just wish it was cleaner. I also wish I could change the Odds.
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>> No. 953 [Edit]
That looks pretty cool. There's apparently a really old pinball machine (on of the first according to my mom) in my aunt's attic, but that's not technically mine. Maybe after they sell that house I can have it
>> No. 957 [Edit]
Itd be awesome if someone actually had a real version of The Bog from Kaiji
>> No. 961 [Edit]
File 129518370634.jpg - (0.98MB , 3648x2736 , 1277159849154.jpg )
There was a guy on /a/ who had a Kaiji pachinko machine. I must say I am really jelly.

What I truly want now is this though:

A Macross pachinko, that'd be extra-planetary awesomeness.
>> No. 979 [Edit]
File 12953143174.jpg - (84.32KB , 400x607 , yellow-cab.jpg )
OP,here yeah Macross is nice ,but expensive.
I want this one,but I can't find it anywhere.;_;
>> No. 1063 [Edit]
I won't ever be able to get one unless I hit the lottery ,but a medal game such as this.

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