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File 129507890569.jpg - (259.13KB , 1024x1024 , CM3D_top.jpg )
944 No. 944 [Edit]

What do you guys think of this game so far?
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>> No. 951 [Edit]
It looks promising.
>> No. 960 [Edit]
I need a better computer to run this smoothly.
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
I can run it decently at lower settings. It gets choppy maxed out, but nothing serious. Pretty good considering I'm running off Intel HD graphics.

I dont quite get the deal with the dancing, seems kind of boring after a while.
>> No. 1015 [Edit]
File 129543801091.png - (682.21KB , 1286x748 , image11.png )
Looks like it could be cool.

I hope they do something about this hair before it's released.
>> No. 1016 [Edit]
Music by IOSYS? That's kind of cool.

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