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File 129504788434.jpg - (272.17KB , 1200x733 , cho_aniki.jpg )
934 No. 934 [Edit]
I can't be the only one who still likes to play some old gems from time to time, can I?

I finished Parodius on the SNES just yesterday. It took me a good two months but I'm really happy. Okay, I must say that I cheated with save states in the end, those damn last levels are a real bitch to pass. I'm thinking of doing a marathon of all Metal Slugs next.

Also an idea I've been tossing around for some years now is to build me a MAME cab with this old softmodded Xbox of mine. The only real problem would be to find appropriate sticks and adaptors because I'm no good with any kind of electrical cables. One day, I'm sure I will.

What old games do you still play today /tc/? 2D games are probably the best kind of games because they never get old and always look good. Pic somewhat related but mostly for giggles.
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>> No. 935 [Edit]
Hum believe it or not, I actually use for recommendations.
Regardless of your opinion on tool assisted speed runs, the stuff they cover on the site is usually quirky, obscure gems.

I used to think the NES library was all about Nintendo and Capcom until I found out about them. My latest finding was this insane Michael Jackson arcade isometric shooter.
>> No. 937 [Edit]
File 129504931483.jpg - (86.11KB , 640x480 , hangtime.jpg )
I'd play this every day if I could but I'm just too lazy to start up my console.

Damn this game was addictive as hell. Nope, I didn't buy NBA Jam back then, I had NBA Hang Time which was basically the same game.
>> No. 938 [Edit]
I'd play harvest moon 64 if I wasn't too lazy to get my N64 out.
>> No. 939 [Edit]
File 129505111452.jpg - (139.68KB , 799x554 , 003e86aa-d2d9-4410-ba3a-a88918df0770.jpg )
Been playing this lately.

Still haven't managed to get the entire world map mission done. I always get bunged up going back and forth between Europe and Eastern Asia. Man this game was a gem.
>> No. 940 [Edit]
File 129505871838.jpg - (7.93KB , 256x222 , Final_Fantasy_III.jpg )
Safe from VNs, I'm not currently playing any games (not even touhous). A couple years ago, though, and since I never had a SNES, I used to play DKC (I got 101% that way), Mario RPG, FF III and other emulated stuff on my old computer; if I wouldn't spend so much money on figures (and waste most of my time in other ways), I'd like to buy some used N64 games to play them in my console now.
>> No. 962 [Edit]
File 129519347017.jpg - (167.59KB , 1280x720 , outrun_coast2coast.jpg )
Okay this version is not really old but I like to play it all the time, even if only for 5 minutes.

I had Harvest Moon 64. It was far from the best HM game, the graphics were really bad, even for N64 and the story was extremely stale. But did I spend hours and hours playing it? Hell yes, I did. Once you choose your waifu the game really picks up. Serious fun.
>> No. 968 [Edit]
File 129528851780.jpg - (9.60KB , 261x193 , cover.jpg )
In all honesty i've never been one for old games. I did, however, pick this up recently and haven't played much else since.
>> No. 1096 [Edit]
File 12963463363.png - (311.82KB , 800x600 , taekwondofacekick.png )
>2D games are probably the best kind of games because they never get old and always look good.

When I played Suikoden 2 semi-recently, I was really impressed with the way the battles play out, with the relatively big sprites all attacking more or less at once, very nice animation and all that.

To think that they started using polygons years beforehand and it still took them 5+ years to catch up and make similarly fluid, respectable visuals.

Every once in awhile I'll dig out an SNES-era (maybe PSX-era) JRPG and go through that, or maybe Super Metroid. I also like little "time-killing" sessions of Contra 3, Castlevania 4, Street Fighter Alpha 2, or an NES/SNES Mega Man game.
>> No. 2119 [Edit]
File 130232084770.jpg - (405.41KB , 1133x1600 , 5392DC_360_FRNT.jpg )
Anyone buying/bought this? I never played Space Channel 5, so it would probably be worth it. They should have put another game other than Crazy Taxi though, everyone played that to death already.
>> No. 2970 [Edit]

I would have bought this if they replaced Crazy Taxi and Bass Fishing with Shenmue and Jet Set Radio.
>> No. 2971 [Edit]
I'll give you Bass Fishing, but crazy taxi is a classic man.
>> No. 2972 [Edit]

It's a classic, but a classic that's already on every console since the DC.
>> No. 3909 [Edit]
I still have my dreamcast (well, replaced it not too long ago), but the only 2 I have from the cover art is sonic adventure and crazy taxi.

I also still have my sega genesis, which I randomly break out now and then, as well as a bunch of old windows 9x-era games, which a few don't work on my 9x gaming computer because they don't play nice with the graphics card I have in it for some reason, Frogger being one of them, which pisses me off because I loved that game.
>> No. 3930 [Edit]
I just love old games. I own a gbc (and a gba), a broken master system, a broken playstation (not X), a pikachu n64 with a broken mic and a burned hey you pikachu, a gamecube (not sure if this is retro but anyway) and I'm going to buy a dreamcast soon (maybe). I also emulate consoles that are expensive as fuck like the neo geo (I don't really like most fighting games but I love games like metal slug and twinkle star sprites). I'm playing Conker's Bad Fur Day right now (only other rare game I played was banjo-kazooie although my saves won't work anymore unfortunately). I don't really like most video games, but retro ones have a place on my heart since I'm a slut for good 2D shit.
>> No. 3931 [Edit]
Conkers Bad Fur Day was surprisingly a really excellent platformer. A lot of people just see it as "that game with the talking poop" though
>> No. 3932 [Edit]
Anyone with half a brain knows that game was a excellent classic.
>> No. 3933 [Edit]
the ending was the best part and unique Conkers girl friend Berry dies, and he is stuck being the king of everyone he hates to be around.

also I loved how the music changed when you walked around the world.

also what you never play Golden Eye, Diddy Kong Racing, or Perfect Dark!? Those were all like best sellers.
>> No. 3934 [Edit]
File 131052258895.gif - (81.39KB , 332x461 , richter3.gif )
Castlevania is probably my favourite series. I finished another playthrough of the original a few days ago, still as frustrating yet fun as ever.
>> No. 3935 [Edit]
(I'm 3930)
I don't really like FPSes or racing games (and most simulation/sport games, for that matter), as crazy as that might sound. I love platformers, though.
>> No. 3937 [Edit]
Can I just say to OP: A MAME cabinet from an Xbox is a waste of time versus just using a good old-fashioned Windows PC.
>> No. 3940 [Edit]
>> No. 3975 [Edit]
File 131102172153.jpg - (81.50KB , 640x625 , rollcage.jpg )
This game certainty didn't age very well, but I'll still never forget this one.
Might just be because of the wicked awesome cars though.

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