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File 129478517780.jpg - (33.39KB , 800x500 , niko my cousioh shit wait what.jpg )
900 No. 900 [Edit]
Some guy made a feature-length movie using GTA4. The voice acting is really bad but the rest is pretty cool (pic not related).
>> No. 914 [Edit]
Never played with the GTA IV movie editor. How time consuming is it?
>> No. 915 [Edit]
Movie was a bit boring, but I applaud his effort.
>> No. 916 [Edit]
I read somewhere it took him 2 years.
>> No. 917 [Edit]
I wish they would put RDR on the PC already. I wonder what this guy could do with that (whatever it is hopefully it wouldn't have voice acting).
>> No. 927 [Edit]
  here's another GTA4 video. It isn't a movie or anything, but it really makes me want the PC version now

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