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File 129469014784.jpg - (136.97KB , 1024x768 , Europa-Universalis-III88646.jpg )
896 No. 896 [Edit]
I'm sure that I'm not the only one here enjoying this fine game.

Currently thinking about to start a great campaign either as France or as Poland.

Maybe, just maybe, I will post my progress with screenshots here. But be aware I'm not the great strategian.

So, yeah, EU3-General, let's discuss this game here. Also, if you have any questions regarding this game, ask them. I'll try to help you.
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>> No. 899 [Edit]
How do I defeat the powerhouse that is England?
They seem ridiculously overpowered and their generals and admirals are always better than mine.
>> No. 905 [Edit]
Great game. I only ever play it once a year at most because a game can last you's such a complex, deep game. You can't even do things without pausing, because by the time you're done adjusting stuff the game has changed.
>> No. 922 [Edit]
is that the Divine Wind expansion?
I love the series, have been a fan of paradox since EU1 came out. Once the patches and good mods roll out the game is fantastic, but even vanilla is great. I like their community forums too, is very friendly and the developers actually listen to the fans;
>> No. 932 [Edit]
No, it's vanilla.

That's a hard question.

I would try it as France, because you have a relationship with Ireland and therefore you can station troops on their land pretty easy.

Prepare for big debts, even as France, because the AI is cheating and don't be greedy, Englands AI won't accept big looses.

Forget fighting them on the sea, it's practically impossible to win.
>> No. 1080 [Edit]
File 129615052217.jpg - (103.71KB , 557x604 , EU3_1.jpg )
Anyone playing the new expansion?

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