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804 No. 804 [Edit]
Games you wish they'd make a sequel to but you know they never will ;_;

Though honestly, they'd probably just fuck it up anyway.
>> No. 805 [Edit]
Well it did get sort of a sequel on NGC. The devs said that it was the final version of their game but I wouldn't know about that since I never finished the game.

For me it has to be Republic Commando. I was always a fan of Star Wars games and this one was particularly good, like a Bad Company set in the SW universe. I also know that Lucasarts would fuck it up.
>> No. 806 [Edit]
I would buy a 360 for the sole purpose of playing a sequel to Republic Commando. If it wasn't on my own systems, of course.

I would also rage because you are correct about them fucking it up.
>> No. 807 [Edit]
The Gamecube version was more of a director's cut sort of thing than a sequel, since all they did was add some extras to the original game. They were nice extras, but still.
>> No. 874 [Edit]
  Guardian's Crusade, the best PS1 RPG nobody played.

The OP still makes me tear up to this day.
>> No. 892 [Edit]
Wow, I'm sure there are so many but right now I can't really recall any of them.

So I'll go with Evil Genius I guess (although new Dungeon Keeper woul be fine, too).

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