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File 129316502752.png - (0.99MB , 1033x777 , shot_008.png )
685 No. 685 [Edit]
Anyone else playing world of tanks?
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>> No. 686 [Edit]
Can other people see those decals or is it client side only?
>> No. 688 [Edit]
Just the person who made them, it's basically a mod and not something official in the game.
>> No. 689 [Edit]

If people could actually witness my itasha tanks destroy them I might've picked it up
>> No. 718 [Edit]
File 129370463026.jpg - (270.04KB , 1035x777 , shot_029.jpg )
At this point I'm finding the easy to mod skins to be the only actually interesting thing left in this game. playing the same battle on all of the six or so maps is starting to get real old, using a faster scout tank to zip past all the slow pokes can be bit fun though..
This was one mmo I thought I might stick with, but the game is just so barren and repetitive, I don't really mind how slow it is.

Anyway, If anyone's interested, I can upload the tank skins I've made so far.

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