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File 132034357636.jpg - (174.92KB , 1024x923 , 124020331030.jpg )
5203 No. 5203 [Edit]
Any good shooters with vehicular combat that run in somewhat old hardware?

I've already played BF2 and Halo CE
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>> No. 5204 [Edit]
Unreal Tournament 2004 had amazing vehicle combat. It's multiplayer is pretty active still, but the bots in that game are just as good if not better than most human players if you can't find any. Stick them on Godlike and you'll get ruined.
>> No. 5205 [Edit]
Red Orchestra?
>> No. 5209 [Edit]
You might not be able to run it, but Rage is decent and there's a pretty heavy focus on vehicular combat.
>> No. 5211 [Edit]
Try Battlefield 1942 or Mechwarrior 2.
>> No. 5212 [Edit]
battlefield 1942? do people still play that? or are you saying he should play the AI (which iirc are really bad)
>> No. 5219 [Edit]
File 132042797282.jpg - (241.24KB , 508x349 , BattleTanx.jpg )
>> No. 5559 [Edit]
File 132308050759.png - (1.63KB , 560x384 , zChoplifter.png )
>run in somewhat old hardware

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