No. 4759
I love you guys, but... I'm sorry to say, but some of you are really blind, let's start with this, please read it carefully, especially the part about actually making games in Japan:
Also Yu Suzuki recently left Sega, a dude that worked YEARS at this company and has started now a new indie studio.
You can't deny that there is something going on in the japanese gaming industry. I have reached a point in my life where I only care for Cave shmups, my Disgea fix and Visual Novels (and a little Puzzle Game/ Mahjong here and there). Cave is turning more and more into a handheld company and Visual Novels are pretty much the only thing I'm keeping myself up-to-date now. There is ZERO announcements for new shmups for consoles or arcades in 2012 so far and even on 2ch there is a huge thread about the dead of the STG genre.
So yeah, while I welcome the fact that the industry is going to make more VN and eroge in the future and the fact that they HAVE to listen what the fans says instead of dictating them what the *casual* gamer wants and raping their favourite franchise (the new Syndicate will be a FPS, wtf), the shmuper in my heart is a little sad about this direction.
Now that the 360 is officially dead in Japan I accepted the fact to play the shit out of my 360 collection until it dies or me starting to get bored by them and transfer to emulate my shmups via mame and demul(hopefully) and completely abandon modern gaming. Apart from fapping and VN, shmups are one of the few things that distract me from the great black void that stares me in the face every waking hour.
>I know there are a lot of Westerners that appreciate nip games, far far more than the Western publishers think there are. Pretty much everyone here on Tohno-chan is a person like that, to give an example.
Really dude, really?
OK, I'm looking at the first site of /vg/ and aside from this thread I see:
- a PSVita thread
- a ranting about Xbox360 thread
- a Minecraft thread
- a Saint's Row 2 thread
- a Skyrim thread
- a Final Fantasy 14 thread
- a Dwarf Fortress thread
- a Dead Island thread
- a Gamestop thread
- a Deus Ex: HR thread
The PSVita and the FF14 are the only *japanese* vidya threads, on a so-called dedicated-to-japanese-stuff site. No offense, but when it already looks like this HERE, how do you imagine does it looks in the majority of peoples minds?
Post edited on 19th Sep 2011, 11:30am