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File 131554469294.jpg - (91.84KB , 1024x768 , 2011-09-06_00001.jpg )
4590 No. 4590 [Edit]
So how active is this place anyway?

Also, talk about Bastion if you've played it
>> No. 4592 [Edit]
>So how active is this place anyway?

In case of /vg/ you can expect 10 or so posts daily.

Played it for half an hour, quickly lost interest. Looked like another 'all style, no substance' game with zero depth.
>> No. 4607 [Edit]
Same, although I bought it. Waste of money. Customization for your character is a joke and the level design is atrocious. The stiff controls really bring down the combat, too, which isn't too bad, but not really enjoyable.

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