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File 131171291315.jpg - (456.55KB , 806x1124 , Rhythm Heaven Wii (Minna no Rizumu Tengoku).jpg )
4097 No. 4097 [Edit]
I wonder if there are enough people out there who are interested in it to warrant starting a new thread but for now I shall try at very least.

So, the new Rhythm Tengoku game is out. I began playing it just today and - while I thought it's impossible to ruin the game - I'm very disappointed. While the cutesy presentation, quirky games and catchy tunes are all still present the difficulty level has taken a nosedive. I only played through the first 4 games (and a remix) so far but it was insultingly easy.

1st song: got past it after my second try, got Gold Medal on my 3rd
2nd: passed it on my first, Gold Medal on 2nd
3rd: passed on first, Gold Medal on 3rd
4th: passed it the second time around but it took me quite a while to get the Gold Medal (still, less than 10 times); it was also by far the funnest of them all so far - losing is fun! - and I actually felt I've earned myself that medal (whereas previous ones where handed to me for no apparent reason) but I'm afraid it's because of the scoring system - I think that even if you nail all the notes it's impossible to get Gold Medal if you completely miss one of them (which was very easy to do in this song)
Remix: Passed on first try, haven't tried again for now.

So yeah, it's obviously way more casual friendly. If the 4th song was any indicator they might get a little harder as time passes but I'm afraid it won't happen. You could say that in the end all that matters is 'Perfect' mark but even though I can't deny it I don't really feel convinced. When I heard they're going back to button scheme I was hoping the minigames will be even harder than usual (as it's obviously the more precise input method)...

And I actually planned to import it, too!
>> No. 4124 [Edit]
  My favorite minigame so far. I just unlocked it yesterday and wanted to check what's it about but I 'accidentally' cleared it outright and got Gold Medal soon thereafter. And even after I got Gold I played it some more - honestly, this might be my favorite minigame from the entire series so far!

I've just entered the 4th section and I still don't have a single perfect. (´・ω・`) I manged to get everything right in the new Build to Scale song (it's really easy) but when the time came I blew all of my attempts (the last one on the last note). I just get too nervous I guess.

Also, since noone with a Wii seems to have much interest I might as well mention that those with halfway decent PCs can probably emulate it just fine (if you weren't aware of it already). I might've ranted in my first post but all in all I haven't had this much fun playing a game in a long while.
>> No. 4126 [Edit]
  Even though vgchartz is hardly a reliable source of info I don't know any other sites of this sort where I could check it so...

According to vgchartz Rhythm Tengoku Wii sold 121,043 units in it's first week (making it the best selling game last week). Sadly, first week sales took a visible plummet compared to Rhythm Tengoku DS but I saw it coming. The future of Rhythm Tengoku looks kinda bleak I think.

Well, it can't be helped. Here's remix 3.
>> No. 4128 [Edit]
VGChartz are garbage numbers, entirely based on guesses, or he revises his guesses after the fact. Many Nintendo titles are slow burners, sales-wise, and this was the case with Rhythm Heaven on DS, too. I'm sure the new Rhythm Heaven will do fine.

Here is Media Create's number for Rhythm Heaven:

01./00. [WII] Rhythm Heaven | ACT | (Nintendo) {2011.07.21} | ¥5.800 | - 118.173 / NEW

GAF's Media Create Sales threads are always reliable, as they quote Media Create and usually post Famitsu's numbers as well, both Japanese sales trackers. Their threads are always updated weekly as well with the latest week's numbers. They also have links to legacy Media Create threads that were made between 2004 and 2011. This is the link to their most recent Media Create thread for the period of 7/18-7/24:
>> No. 4144 [Edit]

>VGChartz are garbage numbers, entirely based on guesses, or he revises his guesses after the fact.

Yeah, I heard that much. Actually, I've even seen it myself - I remember an instance where one game's first week sales were cut by ~70% when official info has been released. But like I didn't know any other sites of this sort.

>Many Nintendo titles are slow burners, sales-wise, and this was the case with Rhythm Heaven on DS, too. I'm sure the new Rhythm Heaven will do fine.

Well that's true but Japan is very specific when it comes to sales. Basically it's all about pre orders. But since it's a title with a widespread appeal (that's euphemism for casual) I think I might be worrying too much.

>This is the link to their most recent Media Create thread for the period of 7/18-7/24

Thanks, I'll use that from now on.

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