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File 131105053735.jpg - (134.87KB , 1599x1066 , 1306690604758.jpg )
3997 No. 3997 [Edit]
Most people on Tohno-chan are probably on summer vacation right now (at least in the northern hemisphere) or are NEETs, so I was thinking, would you be interested in organizing some kind of tournament between us?

Game needs to be determined of course, then the form of tournament we could have. It could be a best high-score race (e.g. shmup) or if we manage to get enough teams, some kind of bracket tournament (e.g. fighting game) but that's to be determined.

What you think? Any ideas?
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>> No. 3998 [Edit]
we've been able to get track mania and team fortress 2 matches going.
unless it's free to play, I don't think we'd have much luck getting people together in any other game.
>> No. 3999 [Edit]

A TF2 tournament sounds pretty fun.
>> No. 4033 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind something.
Finally caved and got Steam so I could try TF2 out.
>> No. 4034 [Edit]
File 131129273798.jpg - (150.27KB , 1066x1584 , 1306690288639.jpg )
I made us a poll, VOTE HERE:

We can always pirate something. I'm sure no one will care if it's some old game that has been pirated millions of times already.
>> No. 4035 [Edit]
I think it's safe to say most people are scared of playing pirated games online.
>> No. 4036 [Edit]
I picked TF2, but LoL would be fine for me too.
>> No. 4037 [Edit]
Now is probably a bad time to get into TF2 since they just introduced a horribly OP weapon for the soldier, which in addition to being cheap as hell also crashes servers sometimes. This is second hand knowledge though since I haven't played it in a while myself.
>> No. 4038 [Edit]
I'll probably be spending my time just doing practice vs bots mostly for a few days anyways.
Unless there's a server for T-C I could pop on at some point.
>> No. 4053 [Edit]
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I wouldn't suggest an LoL tournament because, even though it's a free game, it's just unfair to people who don't spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours on it. Besides, it's a 5v5 game annnnd I'd kick all of your asses easy.
>> No. 4057 [Edit]
It looks like TF2 is winning this with 15 votes.
>> No. 4067 [Edit]
Damn, I went and deleted TF2 when it went free-to-play. I've got nothing against that as a concept, its just that the servers I loved to play on were just swamped with new players with 400+ms ping and it was just pointless to play.

I think the only multiplayer game I have installed is Bad Company 2. Maybe some of you play that, or better yet, EVE Online? We could have an awesome /tc/ pirate corp.
>> No. 4070 [Edit]
Don't forget that it's a crappy cancer of a game.
>> No. 4098 [Edit]
>EVE Online
Isn't that the one that makes people wait 22 years for their skills to be trained?

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