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3983 No. 3983 [Edit]
hey /vg/!

I'm not much of a console gamer, but I do own a pretty much mint condition 360 from a few years ago, and I recently bought a second hand Wii. I've heard there's some good new games which has been released, and I'd like to catch up.

any recommendations?
>> No. 3984 [Edit]
The only console exclusive game for 360 worth getting that I can think of is Red Dead Redemption. As for Wii, New Super Mario Bros and the Mario Galaxies are fun, and maybe Animal Crossing if you like. I'm not much of a console gamer myself anymore so there's probably tons of other stuff too (´・ω・)
>> No. 3985 [Edit]
>any recommendations?

yeah, sell your wii.
>> No. 3986 [Edit]
Red Dead Redemption isn't a exclusive game for 360
>> No. 3987 [Edit]
No, but it is console exclusive
>> No. 3988 [Edit]
well, for 360 there's halo 9, gears of war 3, oh and call of duty 15.
for wii there's mario, mario and more mario.
>> No. 3989 [Edit]
What genres do you like? Bayonetta is good.
>> No. 3990 [Edit]
It's backwards compatible with the Gamecube, so I recommend the following if you haven't tried them:

Resident Evil 4
both Zelda games
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Tales of Symphonia
both Metroid Prime games

I've never touched a Wii, but I hear a lot of good things about the Mario games for it.
>> No. 3991 [Edit]
As a 360 and wii owner myself, here are some stuff I've enjoyed (some of these aren't exclusives but I've never really cared about that).

Bioshock 1&2
Dead Space 1&2
Read Dead Redemption
Rockstar's Table Tennis, NHL [insert year here] (obviously stay away from these games unless you enjoy the sport)

Donkey Kong Country Returns
Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3 (though I felt it was the weakest out of the trilogy)
No More Heroes
Zack and Wiki

Anybody here played any of the Trauma Center games for the Wii? Playing the original one on DS and I'm finding it fucking hard (though pretty fun) and was wondering how the wii games are in comparison.
>> No. 3992 [Edit]
If he's gonna get RE4, he might as well buy the wii version.
>> No. 3993 [Edit]
Oh, and I should've mentioned that I'm looking forward to Catherine but am probably going to wait for some time for the price to be lowered first.
>> No. 3994 [Edit]
Yeah the wii version is the best version. It has all of the bonus stuff from the PS2 version but with the graphics of the gamecube version
>> No. 3996 [Edit]

Both are good lists for the generally well received games on the consoles, including XBLA and WiiWare. Don't miss out on Zack & Wiki for Wii.
>> No. 4000 [Edit]
thanks a lot folks! these posts will have me to dig into something for the next few days. and don't worry about my Wii, I got it cheap from a friend for roughly 60 bucks.
>> No. 4003 [Edit]
Another thing about RDR: The zombie DLC is really awesome, and makes it feel like a totally different game. Beat the regular game before you touch it though, because it has spoilers for it right off the bat.
>> No. 4004 [Edit]

Get back to /v/.

I know that it's been said a lot already but honestly, Zack & Wiki. Wii is worth owning for this game alone. THIS is what motion controls should've looked like (in pretty much every other game out there they add nothing). Aside from that:

T1 (must play):
- Muramasa
- Little King's Story (honestly, my expectations were through the roof and I think it still met them all; if Uncharted 2 wouldn't have been released in 2009 it would be my GotY)
- Monster Hunter 3

T2 (should at least try, most are great):
- de Blob (might lack some depth and get stale fast but if you want to take it easy and relax it's very pleasant - the dynamic, jazzy soundtrack pretty much made the game worthwhile for me)
- A Boy and his Blob
- Sin and Punishment 2
- Punch Out
- Warioland Shake It
- Fatal Frame 4
- Rune Factory Frontier (Oceans gets released in September)
- Super Paper Mario (if you aren't too much of Paper Mario purist - lots of long time fans hated it)
- Kirby's Epic Yarn (warning: it's piss easy)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns (warning: surprisingly, this one is not piss easy - not that it's hard but you won't feel insulted)
- Castle of Shikigami (nice, short shmup nobody heard about)
- Deadly Creatures
- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
- lots of on-rails shooters (Dead Space, HotD etc.)

I'm too lazy to actually look through Wiiware titles so I'll just name those which I liked enough to remember them:

- Lost Winds (amazing atmosphere)
- NyxQuest (nice little platformer, it's short so it doesn't overstay it's welcome)
- bi rip series (all are very nice but I loved bi rip.Beat the most)
- Bonsai Barber (I'm completely serious here; even if you won't enjoy the gameplay enough to keep playing it for long time the presentation and mere idea behind it is hilariously awesome)

One thing I'd like to mention even though it might not deserve it:
- Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of The Moon (this one is a little tricky and it's a rather careful recommendation, as it might turn out you won't like it at all; basically, it's on the 'style over substance' side but the atmosphere of empty, devastated world was really there despite cell shading and rather bright pallete)

There are some other games worth looking into but most for novelty reasons mainly (but check out Kororinpa an/or Mercury Meltdown, the controls are great) and you're so packed you won't get bored for a long while. Also, two great games (actually three, but I mentioned RF Oceans already) come out next month: Rhythm Heaven Wii (only in Japan but it hardly matters) and Xenoblade Chronicles.
>> No. 4005 [Edit]
looking back at things I should have stuck with the PS2 and a gaming PC.

also Mad world for the Wii.
>> No. 4032 [Edit]
Somewhat off topic, but I heard a rather nasty rumor that a Zack & Wiki sequel was being considered, but Inafune canned the idea in favor of Spyborgs for Wii. Sucks. The game would probably be better suited for handhelds, even if the Wii remote implementation is among the best thus far in a Wii game. Hopefully they'll take another chance at it on 3DS.

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