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File 129238030352.jpg - (704.05KB , 1280x1024 , ar_tonelico_ii_wall_4.jpg )
393 No. 393 [Edit]
What's all the hype about this game recently?

I decided to give it a go anyway, I just need to find a controller and I'm set.
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>> No. 394 [Edit]

What do you mean recently?
>> No. 395 [Edit]
I keep seeing threads on a certain board about it, but it's is a somewhat old game already.
>> No. 400 [Edit]
File 129238325165.jpg - (415.64KB , 1465x941 , cute_imoutos.jpg )
It's working, albeit not really pretty. There are a few glitches.

Seems rather nice so far.
>> No. 482 [Edit]
AT2 has been around a few years. The third game came out last year on the PS3, I think.

Only reason it's so popular is because of the lewdness, which is a gamble for a mainstream series that can't actually show anything pornographic. But it seems to have worked.
>> No. 501 [Edit]
It's a VN/dating sim crossed with a JRPG, like mass effect for weeaboos. Pretty art, cgs, cute girls. That's it basically. Highlights including going into the minds of magical girls in order to get more powerful magic and make them wear cosplay outfits. Also has very interesting, very pretty music.
>> No. 503 [Edit]

So it's Persona 3?
>> No. 572 [Edit]
File 129297448451.jpg - (632.24KB , 1280x960 , partingwords.jpg )
that's really not all the game has to offer

it takes place in a very unique setting and has amazing music

it's really a creation that is meant to allow fans to delve deeper into the universe if they feel like putting forth the effort

there are people who devote their time to learning hymmnos, since it's a working language, which then opens up a lot more of the backstory and other easter eggs hidden in the songs which are sung in hymmnos

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