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No. 3812 [Edit]
  Anybody else here play Spacechem? Did an impulse buy today because it was only 5 bucks on the steam summer sale and although I'm satisfied with the money spent, jesus fuck, these puzzles are damn hard. I like the fact that there's tons of alternate solutions for every puzzle but even so, it's just so easy to get stuck on one and I'm only in world-3 in what looks like to have 6 worlds (if not more). I'm going to be stuck on one puzzle for hours if the difficulty level keeps on rising at the same rate.

But regardless of the difficulty (maybe I'm just dumb), I'd highly recommend it if you like puzzle games. Here's a video of gameplay footage to introduce some very basic gameplay stuff.
>> No. 3813 [Edit]
Played it some time ago and it was kinda cool. Not sure if I even finished it, though. At the same time I played another puzzlish game - Osmos - and I think the latter left bigger impression on me.

Not to say SpaceChem was bad or anything. Just... normal. Good but not great. Something I'd forget within a year if noone reminded me of it's existence.

But if someone is into games like that it's worth spending some time on.
>> No. 3815 [Edit]
This game is amazing. I've spent 5 hours on the second planet so far, the puzzles are fairly easy but optimizing them is incredibly challenging.

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