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File 12921951294.jpg - (754.89KB , 1920x1080 , 1260926905992.jpg )
374 No. 374 [Edit]
ME3 just got officially announced. I can't wait already, they're going to tease us every occasion they get now.

Mass Effect gets a lot of hate sometimes for not being "a traditional RPG", especially since the second game where Bioware introduced a more streamlined gameplay with less strategy elements which made it basically a third-person shooter, however this game is an incredible cinematic experience. I easily put the first ME in my the top 3 favorite games ever and I had a hard time getting into it at first, it's only when it got on sale on Steam that I fell in love with it. Continuing the story of your character and have love relationships over three massive games is really exciting as well. The futuristic and mysterious atmosphere that reigns, the nostalgic music, the witty dialogues, the massive background they managed to create. Everything is perfect in my aspect.

I highly recommend you play these two games if you haven't. I put a good 300 hours in the two games with all the DLC. For comparison I only have about 460 hours in TF2 and I play it nearly every day since 2007.
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>> No. 375 [Edit]
File 129219526934.png - (1.22MB , 900x1062 , shepard_needs_to_save_the_galaxy.png )
Just leaving this here.
>> No. 376 [Edit]
File 129219577288.jpg - (131.13KB , 1280x1024 , 1265857508910.jpg )
Oh, and this.

Always cracks me up.
>> No. 377 [Edit]
Mass Effect is cool. It's too bad the GENERIC GRUFF SPACE MARINE version of Shepard is the only one that gets any publicity, but I guess I understand that from a marketing point of view
>> No. 378 [Edit]
File 129219594677.jpg - (445.21KB , 707x1067 , shepard.jpg )
>> No. 379 [Edit]
I enjoyed ME1 but felt that ME2 came short of its predecessor. I hope that ME3 would be better than both of its predecessors.
>> No. 380 [Edit]
File 129219625249.jpg - (160.80KB , 565x1185 , Shepard makes a hard decision.jpg )
2 really dropped the ball when it came to the story line. The side missions were good but it really shows that the main writer left the company after the first game. Human reapers, I mean what the shit.
Will be interesting to see how they handle 3.
>> No. 381 [Edit]
The only thing I missed from ME1 was the planet exploration. Anyway, I'm going to play through both of them all over again since I'm buying the PC versions with my Christmas money (I've been making the jump from xbox to PC and want to be ready for ME3)
>> No. 382 [Edit]
I felt like two did exactly what it needed to, build the stage for three.
>> No. 383 [Edit]
File 129219860323.png - (272.39KB , 750x1082 , 1267290615931.png )
I have kind of an apprehension for ME3, I don't know how they will handle the Illusive Man, the Human reaper and the action on Earth. Still excited.

Well he IS a space marine. Maybe I have no imagination but I don't see anyone other then a guy like him saving the galaxy (in the ME setting at least). Or is it the face you don't like?
>> No. 384 [Edit]
I mostly don't like how they totally ignore female shepard and jennifer hale.
>> No. 385 [Edit]
I figure it's just to avoid confusion for people new to the game. "What, are there two Shepards? Are they siblings?".
People who have played the games already know you can be both male and female so they don't make an effort to point it out.
>> No. 386 [Edit]
File 129220498436.jpg - (258.57KB , 1280x1440 , 1266908743320.jpg )
I don't see what's so great about Hale's voice but I enjoyed my playthrough as female Shepard just as much. I still find Mark Meer's to better than Hale's, Hale is far too much monotonic.
>> No. 387 [Edit]
>I still find Mark Meer's to better than Hale's, Hale is far too much monotonic

I found it the exact opposite.
>> No. 388 [Edit]
Oh, the second one is getting put out on the PS3 sometime soon, no?

Sucks that it isn't the first, I'd like to play the first before the second.
>> No. 390 [Edit]
ME1 was one of the best games ever.
ME2 was ok.
If ME3 will be like it, I'm not particularly exited.

Another bad story with a mediocre gameplay and not much to do.
>> No. 465 [Edit]
I appreciate being given the option between male/female and custom face design, but to be honest, every male face that isn't default, and every female face looks terrible compared to default manshep.

Fucking Vanderloo making me gay.
>> No. 466 [Edit]
Yeah they should have given femshep a model for her default too, but they just didn't care I guess.
>> No. 468 [Edit]
File 129253013757.jpg - (270.81KB , 1515x583 , 1267157225753.jpg )

Alternatively you can get something like this >>314 by modifying some ini file.
>> No. 469 [Edit]
and with this you can make those faces in ME1 too
>> No. 470 [Edit]
How can I make myself max level on the PC version of ME1? I'm getting a perfect save ready for ME2 but I really don't want to play through the game twice so I can hit max level, especially since I played through it dozens of times on the xbox
>> No. 471 [Edit]
You can use the console:
>> No. 472 [Edit]
That was good for getting me to 50, but apparently I still can't get to 60 without beating the game once. Oh well, I think the only perk that gives for ME2 is starting you at a later level, which is something I can just cheat in anyway
>> No. 2062 [Edit]
  Apparently DA2 is doing so badly that if you buy it you get a free copy of ME2
>> No. 2063 [Edit]
Most loyal fans = people who didn't buy either of their games? What?
>> No. 2064 [Edit]
no no, they're rewarding their loyal fans, rubbing it in their face that they missed out on the chance to get both games for the price of one.
>> No. 2067 [Edit]
File 130196354342.jpg - (153.55KB , 1400x1050 , 2011-03-31_00003.jpg )
Oh hi
>> No. 2069 [Edit]
I don't want to derail or anything but what is so wrong with DA2? I've never played it or DA1 but DA2 has a reputation for being a huge turd and I'm curious why.
>> No. 2071 [Edit]
-No top-down camera on PC.
-Ugly, ugly UI.
-Non-human races are completely changed to be more like Warcraft.
-Not much of a plot. It's like a prologue to Dragon Age 3.
-One main city, with maybe like two or three minor places outside of Kirkwall that you can visit.
-SHITTY FUCKING ENDING. Retarded cliffhanger that adds nothing.
-Same areas are reused like fucking crazy for quests.
-Half the length of the original game (25 hours now).
-Everybody is suddenly bisexual and wants your cock/pussy.
-lol you didn't preorder so pay us $7 for DLC on launch day even though you just paid sixty fucking dollars for the game
-Mass Effect dialogue wheel that only gives you three personalities (GOOD BAD SILLY) to choose from.
-There's frequent time skips, but it hardly feels like any time passes at all.
-Every female has hueg cowtits.
-You can't play different races like in the original game.
-Extremely linear, hardly any major choices to make.
-Unless you play on hard or nightmare difficulty, the game is basically a button masher.
-Can't customize the armor that your party members wear.
-Dialogue ranges anywhere from passable to downright cringe-worthy.
>> No. 2090 [Edit]
There's gonna be a Mass Effect anime OVA

It's probably going to suck
>> No. 2136 [Edit]
New details from Game Informer:

/!\ Spoilers

They said they want to bring back mods, so let's hope for the best.
>> No. 2137 [Edit]
Confirmed squadmates: Garrus (if he's alive)

Hooray! Garrus was cool as hell (basically space Batman) and the only female romance option I actually liked.

Also it looks like choices in past games will have more of an impact in the story instead of the shitty "oh hey its me remember the time you [ME1 REFERENCE]? Anyway bye" emails you got in ME2
>> No. 2158 [Edit]
File 130246868636.jpg - (384.73KB , 1118x1835 , BarackObamaMassEffect2a.jpg )
>> No. 2159 [Edit]
Scans of a ME3 article
>> No. 2184 [Edit]
File 130255279531.jpg - (40.09KB , 766x209 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Given that news, I bet the Bioware forum isn't happy about THIS news

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