No. 122
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>Having a hard time deciding who I want to go for on my second playthrough. I went for Shara the first time, but also fell in love with Karina, Sofia, Raven, and Daria. I'm quite the lecherous bastard.
I don't blame you. I was in such a situation myself. I even wished that there was a polygamy end or something, but I told myself that I would choose the girl that I liked the most.
>Nice. Pretty much all I did on my first playthrough was farm. Farm farm farm. Not by choice, though; it was the outcome of my retardation. I didn't trigger the event at the monster village right the first time I went there, and hence my tree never grew a second floor. Completely oblivious, I just kept farming and only farming until I was almost level 40.
On my first playthrough, I was a bit retarded. But for my second playthrough, I'll have to explain exactly what I did.
I quested and farmed around the same time. Most of what I did during spring was farming. I wasted all my money on seeds and decided to plant, plant, plant seeds, pick whatever I got, threw them into the bin, bought more seeds until my entire field was covered with seeds and plants. During the summer, due to my previous experiences in summer (in previous RF/HM games), decided not to farm because of the insane amount of storms that happen. So I took up fishing, mining, crafting and cooking and did the quest where I got Raven's pendant. Since I had about 100,000-300,000 gold at the time, I decided to go to Carlos' Resort to fish up some Salmon and Shrimp (and the occasional Legendary Scale). I ended up cooking a lot of Fail Dishes and Super Fails, which I ended up giving to Sofia even after her love points reached 10. But it still raised my cooking and fishing levels quite a lot, so I could eventually start to cook Smoked Salmon without failing, which I would eventually buy stacks of rice to make Salmon Rice Balls. During the fall, I decided to farm even with the slight risk of storms. So I planted some Fall vegetables with a ton of green peppers and yams. My stats and skills skyrocketed.
I've only played DS when a bunch of acquaintances wanted me to play Days of Ruin again. I only found out about RF3 undub shortly after that. I've played RF3 in moonrunes a year ago before, but I was completely retarded and had no idea what to expect.
Although this is the best RF ever made to date, I felt that the story was too short and that the story ended after marriage. It'd be nice if they had a plot to continue after marriage like somewhat in RF2 without the second generation stuff. If anything else, I'd like more character interaction. It took me a couple of days to finish RF1, but just within 24 hours to finish this one.
On the note of marriage candidates, I even had a Sofia folder, even though it is quite modest in the number of pictures.