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37 No. 37 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure that every Brohno with a DS has played any of the Rune Factory games before.
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>> No. 38 [Edit]
>> No. 39 [Edit]
I've never played any of the Rune Factory games, I only ever played regular Harvest Moon but I'm gonna try to get the new one that just came out in North America. I haven't played my DS in a while and I'm a sucker for anything related to Harvest Moon so it should be pretty fun.
>> No. 40 [Edit]
Well, the game itself belongs here but it often skirts /mai/ territory.

I strongly recommend Rune Factory 3. (And there is a general thread on /jp/.)
>> No. 41 [Edit]
Nope, never played them. I don't plan to emulate them either since i have a thing against pirating current gen handheld
>> No. 43 [Edit]
It's up to you. Nobody else said anything about emulation or pirating or whatnot.

I've only said that because the Rune Factory series does seem like t-chan's ideal type of game on handhelds or consoles.
>> No. 44 [Edit]
Looks interesting. I have a DS but only like 1 game for it. I'm actually not even sure how I got a DS, it just showed up in my house one day. Maybe I'll try it.
>> No. 45 [Edit]
I haven't, although I've been meaning to for quite some time. I downloaded the first two DS games ages ago but the idea of playing this type of game on DS didn't really appeal to me. I really wanted to play Frontier but I'm a Eurofag - I was too lazy to actually convert the region to PAL (which is really easy) and to go out to buy some DVDs and - more importantly - I actually wanted to buy it, knowing that it'll be published by RSG and all. I'm used to waiting for the releases for a ridiculously long time but they overdid it by postponing it at least three times (when I read that they'll release it on 1st of April I laughed so hard I almost peed). By April I sort of lost my intest already.
Also, funfact (altough I have to question whether it's funny): Rune Factory 2 (yes, you read it right, TWO) was released a week ago in Europe. What a joke.

So, I assume that it's okay to start with this one, right?
As I said, I actually downloaded 1 and 2 and I hate to skip previous games in the series because I like to see how the game evolves but it's obvious that I won't really play the first two games. If so, I'll probably have to look for my DS (which might be quite a challenge in this mess; I've last seen it like half a year ago). Oh, and the third Layton game got translated, too. Might play that as well.
>> No. 46 [Edit]
... Now that I think about it, it probablt won't work on my flash card either way, it's over 3,5 years old (older than your DS, right?).
>> No. 47 [Edit]
>older than my DS

Probably. Not so sure when the Legend of Zelda gold DS came out.

If it's R4 original, it's fine.
>> No. 48 [Edit]
I sold my DS to make rent, but if I still had it I'd buy all the RF games.

Vidya waifu simulators are my favorite. Harvest Moon titles always suck me in too.
>> No. 51 [Edit]
I went to buy the game this morning between classes with the money the government gives me for being poor, but I got sidetracked and ended up spending it all on books. Oh well, I'll try to buy it at Christmastime when I have some money to spend again.

What is the best DS emulator out there right now? I remember I tried to download one a long time ago but I couldn't get it to work, maybe I'll try to play the first two games in the meantime.
>> No. 52 [Edit]
Now the game (the undub in particular) runs fine on R4 with the new Wood R4 firmware.

Could you run an NDS emulator?

no$gba. I've used it before. But as I remember it, you need the NDS firmware files in order to run it properly. Haven't used it in years ever since I got my DSLite.
>> No. 53 [Edit]

Actually it's M3 but I will probably work something out, there wasn't a single DS game I haven't been able to run up to this point, even though they stopped releasing the firmware by late 2007. Where there is a will there is a way.

But you haven't answered my most importnant question.
>So, I assume that it's okay to start with this one, right?

By the way.
>I went to buy the game this morning between classes with the money the government gives me for being poor
I feel there's something really wrong with this. And no, I'm not trying to critize you Brohno, sorry if it sounds that way!
>> No. 54 [Edit]
Just out of curiosity, what kind of M3 are you using? I stupidly went with a CF for mine, and some more recent games won't run. I couldn't get Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks to work for the life of me.
>> No. 55 [Edit]
I'm sorry, but can someone explain me the appeal in playing handheld games outside of the car/train/plane?

I don't have a lot of money but I saved some up to buy a NDS and a flashcard. It was the worst mistake in my life. I'm a neet of course so I don't travel, so I tried to take the games seriously, but only to be disappointed at the shallowness and simpleness of the games. And the horrid graphics if they were in 3D.

I checked almost the whole NDS library with my flashcard.. I found like 3 worthwhile games.

I don't get you people, honestly I don't.
>> No. 56 [Edit]
It's just usually to pass the time. But anyway, Rune Factory 3 is an addictive game. I only beat the game within one day on a weekend because I had so much free time on my hands. I don't particularly care about graphics, as long as the gameplay is good and keeps me hooked onto a game.
>> No. 59 [Edit]

Well, NDS doesn't exactly have the best library ever but stating that

>I checked almost the whole NDS library with my flashcard.. I found like 3 worthwhile games.

is too much. There definitely are some worthwhile DS games. If you're a harsh critic than we would have to narrow it down to ~15 games; otherwise, there are literally hundreds of them. Most are really shallow, that's true, but every now and then I don't mind it, as that's exactly what I'm looking for.

If you're asking us about the 'point' I'll have to question what do you value in games. Please note that while we have a thread about SNES games we don't have a thread about any game from the current gen home consoles.

I must admit that I prefer old games. Usually you could just counter such opinion with the usual 'take of your nostalgia goggles' but this doesn't apply to me. I got into video gaming really late (like when I was ~14), around the time when last gen consoles were released and I still prefer NES/SNES games over most of the titles released over the course of last few years. I have played the first Megaman game a few months ago and it was great. // It wasn't my first experience with Megaman overall but it's been a while since I played any Megaman platformers; I spent a lot of time playing the Battle Network games, though - they were awesome.// A game doesn't need to be complex to be enjoyable - for me, it's the opposite. I feel that nowadays most games have to many options and most of the time around ~80% of them aren't really worth exploring. On the other hand, you've got games like, say, Rhythm Heaven (since we're talking about DS) which uses TWO 'buttons' (as in two possible commands) throughout the entire game (well, there is that one guitar minigame where you need to use L button but that's it) and for me it's nothing short of amazing. It's streamlined, hard and most importantly - fun; just like Megaman.

If you're looking for good graphics you should've bought PSP. However, I feel that most of us don't feel that way and we would rather enjoy some indie game with 'crappy' graphics (that's what people who can't appreciate x bit graphics call them) like Yume Nikki, Cave Story or VVVVV (another great example of game so simple, and yet so adicting - and you only use ONE button!).

Also, one of my biggest complaints regarding games nowadays is their difficulty. When I played the 2008 PoP game I wanted to punch somebody in the face (especially considering two facts: the first trilogy was really god and the art for this one was amazing). It's not always the case (think Demon's Souls or Oboromuramasa) but it applies to most new games. There is nothing like the joy of killing the boss who has kicked your ass for 2038 times straight.

I know that this post is kinda all over the place. Sorry for that. I just wrote about what came to my mind and I'm too lazy to edit it now.
>> No. 61 [Edit]

M3DS Simply.
I really like the Zelda games and I certainly don't mind cel shading (as a matter of fact I absolutely adore it) but the first DS Zelda game (Phantom Hourglass) was, in my opinion, horrible and undeserving of the Zelda title. IPlease note that I'm judging it by Zelda standards: it was a good game but I expect much more from Zelda games. That's why I haven't bothered with Spirit Tracks yet, since I heard it's pretty much PH 1.5 (luckily, the timed dungeons are gone - whoever came up with that one should've been fired on spot). So I can't tell you if it worked or not although I recon I might've seen the title screen once, so up until that point there were no problems - I'm using Ys Menu, by the way.
>> No. 62 [Edit]

Strange. Very strange.

I also mostly enjoy older games, especially NES/SNES games. And I, also, care mostly for gameplay and challenge. That's why Touhou is my favorite game. And yeah, I did check almost the whole library. Admittedly, I didn't beat every game, but I at least played it for 5 minutes, usually enough for me to conclude that the game isn't for me.

Here are the games I can say I actually enjoyed. Order of Ecclesia. I enjoyed it, because it had great music, good visuals and I was in control of my character for almost the whole game (I hate cutscenes and walls of texts in video games). But it was way, way, WAY too easy. Way too short. It seemed more like a tech demo to me.

Ouendan 1 and 2. I had fun beating them, I admit it. But again, way too easy and short. I got all maps on all difficulties S'd in 2 days. Come on.

TWEWTY I enjoyed because of the challenging combat, if you put the difficulty high and keep yourself at lvl 1, and the funky visuals and sound. Biggest complaint, you can't skip the god awful story.

The Mega Mans and Zeldas only got me frustrated because they are horrible. Putrid. Awful. Just a reminder of how disgusting something excellent becomes when it gets mainstreamed. Good thing that I didn't have any hopes for them in the first place after X4 and Wind Waker.

There. 3 games. The rest, an insult to my intellect and an insult to me as a person, because I'm expected to give money and spend my free time on those products.

And yeah, you guessed right, I bought a PSP after I sold my DS. But hey, even the PSP games suck and the remakes are all in 3D which looks like shit. But at least it's a way to keep the whole NES/SNES/GBC/PSX/Classic PC library with me. Because those consoles actually have good games.
>> No. 63 [Edit]
You should have bought a psp in that case, they're much better for playing around the house.
The games tend to not only be higher in graphics, but they're more involved, more console game like.
DS's are made more with outgoing kids in mind who don't care about graphics or image quality, who have friends they might want to play pokemon with and just want to jump into games quick and play for a few minutes, it's why the system has so many mini-game based games.
>> No. 64 [Edit]

I'm too lazy to actually make a list of DS games I consider good. Here are some titles you might (or might not, although you probably did already) want to check out:

- Phoenix Wright series: not very 'gamey' but since you're posting on tohno-chan I don't think you mind VNs
- Layton series: casual shit, but this time actually done right
- Advance Wars series: where 'difficult' actually means 'difficult'
- Hatsworth
- Bangai-O Spirits
- Retro Game Challenge (most games are so-so, but I totally fell in love with Guadia Quest)
- Rhythm Heaven
- Contra 4
- the Mario RPGs are painfully easy but nonetheless enjoyable (well, at least Bowser's Inside Stroy - Partners in Time was a letdown, though)
- I found Kirby: Canvas Course to be somewhat difficult, although that may be only because I couldn't get use to the control scheme
- at least 5 games I totally forgot about

- tons of RPGs (especially both SMT games), as difficulty is always somewhat 'subjective' in them - if you want some challenge skip all the grinding (note that it doesn't always work - I 'accidentally' broke FFTA2 by obtaining broken items)

There are many other games I liked, but most of them would be probably too easy/simplistic for your tastes. I tried to list only games where the difficulty isn't insulting (and some where it is, but the games have other redeeming qualities).
>> No. 65 [Edit]
I enjoyed PA 1, 2 and 3 but those are GBA games.

I hated Apollo Justice and Miles Edgeworth.

Layton is too easy and too much text and pixel hunting. Wish they put puzzle after puzzle instead.

Advance Wars: Couldn't take it seriously with the kawaii art design. Also huge walls of text.

Hatsworth: Got bored in the middle and quit.

Bangai-O Spirits: Didn't check it.

Retro Game Challenge: How is this a DS game. Well, if you consider it a DS game it's good.

Rhythm Heaven: Good game.

Contra 4: Good game.

Mario RPG: Too easy, too much text, can't skip the god awfully story. Like, the epitome of what I don't like about the DS.

Kirby Canvas Course: Same as you, couldn't get used to the control scheme.

You also reminded me of SMT: Devil Survivor which was somewhat challenging, but not as challenging as the other SMT games. Good music.

So yeah, there are some decent games, but they are all short and scaled down. I do understand that such games are favourable in travel, and that's why I asked in the first place why would someone at home invest time and effort into the DS when he could be playing better games. Not to mention, some people even spend money to do that.
>> No. 66 [Edit]
VVVVV looks like torture. But, then again, I recently 100%'d Super Meat Boy on XBLA, so I guess I'm into that.

Spirit Tracks has better dungeons, but it's basically the same as Phantom Hourglass. The rail system isn't really implemented all that well, and eats up a lot of traveling time early on. The one nice thing is that Zelda's with you for the entire game, so you get a nice portrait of her personality. She was kind of bossy, but not tsun like Midna.

I actually thought Order of Ecclesia was one of the tougher Castlevanias on a handheld. It's not Circle of the Moon tough, but I found it more difficult than Dawn of Sorrow or Portrait of Ruin.

You should look into the Monster Hunter games on PSP. They're fantastic, addicting, and challenging, but they aren't for everyone. You're kind of abritrarily limited in a number of ways, and character movement is extremely stiff.
>> No. 68 [Edit]

>Advance Wars: Couldn't take it seriously with the kawaii art design. Also huge walls of text.

Try Advance Wars: Days of Ruin instead (also known as Advance Wars: Grimdark edition). It's slighlty easier but still enjoyable. Oh, and you can completely disregard the storyline if you feel like it - you can always check the mission objectives if you're not sure what you're supposed to do.

>Hatsworth: Got bored in the middle and quit.

It's a shame, I thought it's a game you'd enjoy.

>Kirby Canvas Course: Same as you, couldn't get used to the control scheme.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I only mentioned it because it made the game more difficult for me. Personally, I had even more trouble with TWEWY's control scheme (again, I'm not saying it was BAD, I'm only talking about how I couldn't get used to it).

Regarding the 'scaled down' thing: as I mentioned earlier, I actually prefer simplier (designwise) and more streamlined games and I feel that DS has some games like that. Every now and then I can play a 60h long game (Okami speedruns are fucking hilarious) but I have many other hobbies, so I definitely don't mind short games.

As a sidenote, I really enjoyed Dyson (this time we're talking about PC game). You might check it out: you'll hate it for sure. There's a certain difference in our approach to games in general which I noticed by now. At first I thought you're one of those 'hurr grafix' guys for which I apologize.

... Then again, what are you actually playing? It's not like there are many current gen games which would suit your tastes (or so I think).


VVVVV wasn't that hard. There is one challenging moment but other then that it's rather easy (unless you set yourself some limit, like completing the game with less than [x] deaths).
>> No. 69 [Edit]
I play mostly Touhou and Osu! and emulate older games.

Current gen.. hmm. Well, I really liked Persona 4, but that's 2008 and PS2. I liked Starcraft II, but that's only because it's Starcraft with updated graphics, not like they did something brilliant. Can't say I liked anything else this gen.
>> No. 71 [Edit]


Yeah, thought so. Now I just have to ask about this: why would you complain about DS? It's not like other systems would suit your tastes better and you managed to find some games you enjoy.

I'm not trying to say DS is awesome or anything - I'm sort of glad they abandoned the 'Game Boy' brand because I personally believe that DS couldn't even hold a candle to previous Nintendo handhelds. I just don't understand why you chose to complain about DS instead complaining about the state of the industry in general.
>> No. 72 [Edit]
You're right. I should be complaining about the whole industry.

Maybe it was because threads like this convinced me to buy a DS. Maybe it's because I used to love Nintendo and I keep getting disappointed by everything they do. Oh well.

But on the other hand, people who buy DSs and their games support this kind of industry and this thread was the first on the board showing support for the current industry, so maybe it was fitting to complain about the DS? Maybe if the thread was about the Wii, 360 or newer PC games I might have complained just as well?

Whatever, you're a cool guy. Roll on.
>> No. 76 [Edit]
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Well, I just wanted to let you know that I feel your pain. The whole 'casualization' process is complex and the more you find out about it the more sickening it seems.
At this point it's no longer importnant whose 'fault' it is and whose trying to appeal to the casual fanbase most (pic related) - it's an irreversible process and we just can't do anything about it. The biggest companies will keep doing this and it will only keep getting worse. All we can do is count on (and support, as I mentioned earlier I always try to buy games if they are released by publishers like RSG) smaller devs who are willing to release games for niche audiences (which is a big risk - when I found out that the developer of Little King's Story filed for bankrupcy I raged really hard; it was one of the best games of 2009).
There is one thing that is bothering me on an equal level and that's the attitude of 'game journalists'. Those retards are a much less visible cancer but they obviously have some influence (as people will buy what they'll hype). And they don't even profit from it that much - while it's understandable that Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft simply want to maximize their profits I don't think it's as vital for various sites/magazines (sure, it might generate more traffic, but I think the difference would be marginal - most casuals don't give much of a damn about them). One thing I absolutely CAN'T stand is reading their rants' about difficulty. Well, excuse me princess(es), it's not my fault you suck at video games.

I have a few excerpts from reviews (various sources) of Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins as an example:
'A great-looking update of a classic platformer, but it can be frustratingly difficult to a fault.'
'A decent remake of a classic platformer, but it's ultimately too hard, too old-fashioned and too short-lived.'
'There's a fine line between 'challenging' and 'sadistic,' and this is on the wrong side of it.'
'When it isn't busy knocking you off cliffs or duping you into a second play-through, it's a fun, hectic shooter, but without a more gradual difficulty ramp or at least some cheat codes, this is one problem best left unsolved.'

Words fail me.

... But I still feel you chose a wrong thread to complain in. While Harvest Moon/Rune Factory games might appeal to some causal gamers they definitely aren't aimed at them. It's definitely a niche (although Nintendo tries REALLY hard to change that - luckily for us, they do that through advertising rather than gameplay changes) title and by showing support to the franchise(s) you don't really show support for the current industry (or rather, for the things that are horribly wrong about it). If anything then maybe buying the DS is a little like kicking yourself in the nuts but at this point I don't think it matters anymore - they sold well over 130mln of them and there are many people out there who are willing to buy a new one whenever a new model is released (I still use my 2006 'fat' DS and I defnitely don't plan to buy a new one; as a matter of fact, I don't think I'll be buying 3DS, either). So yeah, not much we can do about it. I feel that the indie scene/small developers deliver on regular basis, though, so it's not THAT bad.
>> No. 77 [Edit]
I tried to fight the industry a time ago. I used to write reviews for newer games, being harsh and giving average score instead of >9.5 like all mainstream games get nowadays.

But guess what, my reviews kept getting rejected. I used to argue a lot on the internet, on forums and such, but I rarely met that agreed. Everyone seemed to like the situation.

I felt like I was in a world where everyone is happy except me. And in such a world, frankly, I don't matter. So I gave up really. I don't go to gaming sites anymore, I don't watch the scene, I simply don't care anymore. I sometimes play an older game, replay a good game or get better at Touhou, that's all. But it's good to know that there are others who are dissatisfied with the industry.

And yeah, nothing much you can do except not buying newer products, and just playing indie stuff.
>> No. 79 [Edit]

There are more of us, I can tell you that for sure. But there sure aren't enough to actually make a difference.

On a sidenote I'd like to mention how we are 'cancerous' (I know I am, even if only a little; don't know what about you) to some other aspects of 'culture' (although it almost seems wrong to talk about culture on a video games board) - for example every time you go to cinema, people who like opera shed a tear at how low our culture has fallen. Oh well. I'm okay with that nad it made it much easier for me to accept the fate of video game industry - as I said, good games are still being developed and released, even if they are few and far between. And as far as I know operas aren't exactly getting shut down at record pace so it's alright.

Ok, sorry for derailing the thread guys. Now, back to Rune Factory general.
>> No. 80 [Edit]
I just started playing it because I was informed that Yukari Fukui (Nono) was Shara's VA. Playing it on my brother's DS, and I have to say, my thumbs were not ready. I haven't played a handheld since like Pokemon Silver or something. Shit hurts. I was fishing for a long ass time because it was fun, but it killed my thumb. I guess I'm too casual! But yeah, so far I'm liking the game a lot.

Kind of unsure on how the game will progress, or what I need to do to secure my affection with Shara, but there's plenty of time for that. I'm using the dual swords now after starting with the hammer. The hammer seemed cool, but was too slow for my liking.
>> No. 81 [Edit]
>Yukari Fukui

I suddenly must play this game.
>> No. 82 [Edit]
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Eventually, you'd have trouble deciding which waifu to pick.

I was forced to choose between Sofia (Minori Chihara), RAAIIIINBOOOOW/Daria (Yui Horie), Raven (Emiri Katou) and Karina (Shizuka Itou).

Even though I didn't like her (Minorin's) roles as Yuki and Chiaki that much, I ended up with Sofia. To this day, I have yet to know what I liked about her. Maybe I guess she made me hnnnnnngggggh the most. Damn it, she almost made me forget about mai own waifu as well.

I haven't touched my DS that often until I found out Rune Factory 3 undub patch was out. Now I don't play Magic nor any PC vidya that often because of Rune Factory 3.
>> No. 83 [Edit]
>Eventually, you'd have trouble deciding which waifu to pick.

Is there some metric it goes by, or is it random?

>I ended up with Sofia

Sofia is really cute, Though the whole talking in opposites thing is kind of strange. I probably would have picked Karina out of that bunch. Lazy moe~
>> No. 84 [Edit]
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>Is there some metric it goes by, or is it random?
Well, it's not exactly random because eventually you'd do their quest chains and end up falling in love with some of them, so you'd have trouble which to pick. Decisions, decisions...

>Sofia is really cute, Though the whole talking in opposites thing is kind of strange.
The talking in opposites type of thing is odd, but she is just so moe~ moe~ kyun because of it.

>I probably would have picked Karina out of that bunch. Lazy moe~
She has nice character development as you do her quest chain.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
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Been hooked on Rune Factory 3 for the past week or so. Up to level 48 now with 330,000g, and Karina is my favourite girl by far, with Pia coming in second. I like the villagers and story more than the first Rune Factory DS game, but preferred the dungeons in the first for the slower pacing. You had to plant and grow things to gradually progress through by making ways of recovering RP while inside, now it seems you can just run straight through to the boss room without having to waste any RP on killing things.

I keep killing myself by crafting for too long without checking my health...
>> No. 95 [Edit]
>I keep killing myself by crafting for too long without checking my health...

Hate it when that happens and that fucking fat old bitch keeps charging me money. But I don't care, since I make shitloads of cash per day I'm so used to Rune Factory 1 when it came to doing shit. Looks like I'll have to get used to this HP/RP system.
>> No. 96 [Edit]
I haven't even gotten too much into the crafting part of the game. I've cooked a few things for food quests, but that's about it.
>> No. 104 [Edit]
I spent 30 minutes crafting crafting crafting drinking crafting crafting drinking crafting crafting eating crafting crafting sleep and only a few minutes into the game has passed, almost wasted half my mats on making nothing but items. I also repeated the pattern for cooking as well.

I fished for days, cooking random food (and getting some Salmon) until I got Smoked Salmon and Salmon Rice Ball recipes and decided to make stacks of them. I fished at Carlos' resort just to get the Salmon, so 1,200 gold (plus the amount of stacks of rice) is a small price to pay for a potential profit that is at least 9-10 times the amount that I have to pay for to get these items.
I sort of did the same with growing Pink Melons and Strawberries to make stacks upon stacks of Preludes to Love on my previous playthrough. I sold them to make money, not that I needed the money. It's only because they were clogging my backpack and my fridge.
>> No. 109 [Edit]
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This game is really awful! I truly despise every second of it while I'm playing!
>> No. 115 [Edit]
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Second playthrough:

Raven's Heart Pendant is awesome. It gives you nice skill gains (and some nice stat gains if you farm quite a bit on reharvestable crops.)

I also made smoked salmon and salmon rice balls, eventually got a barn full of animals that make eggs and milk, and I was making level 10 chocolate cookies, cheesecakes and poundcakes that sell for thousands. A month or two after equipping the pendant, my stats skyrocketed during the fall (mostly due to reharvestable crops what constantly give me blue runes and runeys).

I was almost considering picking another girl for my second playthrough, but I ended up choosing Sofia again. I mean, even though I like some of the other girls from time to time, I still end up with Sofia.
>> No. 116 [Edit]
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Nice. Pretty much all I did on my first playthrough was farm. Farm farm farm. Not by choice, though; it was the outcome of my retardation. I didn't trigger the event at the monster village right the first time I went there, and hence my tree never grew a second floor. Completely oblivious, I just kept farming and only farming until I was almost level 40.

Having a hard time deciding who I want to go for on my second playthrough. I went for Shara the first time, but also fell in love with Karina, Sofia, Raven, and Daria. I'm quite the lecherous bastard.
>> No. 119 [Edit]
Okay, I found my DS and guess what - it actually works. What's more I'm not experiencing any serious glitches - the game froze like two or three times but other than that it work like a charm.

As for the game itself there's not much too say - it's good. I just wish they would properly explain some stuff (or they could at least give you some in-game encyclopedia to check the mechanics behind various things when the need arises), with the way it is now it's confusing for a first timer. I have no (or next to no) idea how half of all these things are supposed to work.


>Playing it on my brother's DS, and I have to say, my thumbs were not ready.

I feel your pain, I haven't played DS in a long time.
By the way, I'm not gonna complain as I don't have PSP and stuff but releasing these games on DS seems pretty pointless. If they released it on PSP instead tot only would the graphics be improved but also the sound would be much crispier (and the voice cast is delicious).

As for the girls themselves Karina is probably my favorite, but I also like Daria and Marian. And Sofia. And Raven. And Shara... Well, I don't really dislike any of them.

Oh, and don't tell anyone but 'english' names sound silly.
>> No. 120 [Edit]
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>with the way it is now it's confusing for a first timer. I have no (or next to no) idea how half of all these things are supposed to work.

I felt the same way when I started. I went through a shit ton of trial and error with save/reload in between just to figure everything out. I'm sure a more experienced Rune Factory / Harvest Moon player wouldn't need it, and that's probably why they didn't bother explaining much, but it would have been nice.
>> No. 122 [Edit]
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>Having a hard time deciding who I want to go for on my second playthrough. I went for Shara the first time, but also fell in love with Karina, Sofia, Raven, and Daria. I'm quite the lecherous bastard.
I don't blame you. I was in such a situation myself. I even wished that there was a polygamy end or something, but I told myself that I would choose the girl that I liked the most.

>Nice. Pretty much all I did on my first playthrough was farm. Farm farm farm. Not by choice, though; it was the outcome of my retardation. I didn't trigger the event at the monster village right the first time I went there, and hence my tree never grew a second floor. Completely oblivious, I just kept farming and only farming until I was almost level 40.

On my first playthrough, I was a bit retarded. But for my second playthrough, I'll have to explain exactly what I did.

I quested and farmed around the same time. Most of what I did during spring was farming. I wasted all my money on seeds and decided to plant, plant, plant seeds, pick whatever I got, threw them into the bin, bought more seeds until my entire field was covered with seeds and plants. During the summer, due to my previous experiences in summer (in previous RF/HM games), decided not to farm because of the insane amount of storms that happen. So I took up fishing, mining, crafting and cooking and did the quest where I got Raven's pendant. Since I had about 100,000-300,000 gold at the time, I decided to go to Carlos' Resort to fish up some Salmon and Shrimp (and the occasional Legendary Scale). I ended up cooking a lot of Fail Dishes and Super Fails, which I ended up giving to Sofia even after her love points reached 10. But it still raised my cooking and fishing levels quite a lot, so I could eventually start to cook Smoked Salmon without failing, which I would eventually buy stacks of rice to make Salmon Rice Balls. During the fall, I decided to farm even with the slight risk of storms. So I planted some Fall vegetables with a ton of green peppers and yams. My stats and skills skyrocketed.


I've only played DS when a bunch of acquaintances wanted me to play Days of Ruin again. I only found out about RF3 undub shortly after that. I've played RF3 in moonrunes a year ago before, but I was completely retarded and had no idea what to expect.

Although this is the best RF ever made to date, I felt that the story was too short and that the story ended after marriage. It'd be nice if they had a plot to continue after marriage like somewhat in RF2 without the second generation stuff. If anything else, I'd like more character interaction. It took me a couple of days to finish RF1, but just within 24 hours to finish this one.

On the note of marriage candidates, I even had a Sofia folder, even though it is quite modest in the number of pictures.
>> No. 126 [Edit]

I wonder if it's at least explained in the instruction booklet. Then again, even if it is that way that's pretty stupid - it's one thing to do such in thing in a game for consoles/PC but as far as I know you're supposed to play handhelds when you're NOT at home (well, I guess I'm doing it wrong).


>During the summer, due to my previous experiences in summer (in previous RF/HM games), decided not to farm because of the insane amount of storms that happen.

Nobody told me a thing about storms. Not how they work and not even that they actually happen. Nobody told me a thing about upgrading weapons/tools which you already possess. When I upgrade a weapon with something that's supposed to improve the critical hit rate I'd like to know what are we talking about - if it improves the rate by 1% I'd rather sell such item, if it's 50% it may be worth it. How am I supposed to decide stuff like that when there are no (visible) numbers whatsoever? Nobody told me why damage is reduced in some cases. Nobody told me that I'm supposed to throw stuff at monster to make them my pets. Nobody told me all my plants will wither one the season ends (as a matter of fact, the opposite was implied). Nodoby told me wether the quality of gifts given to other characters on their birthday matters. Nobody told me how giving gifts affects the affection of certain characters.

The lack of all sorts of stats is another source of frustration. Is my level in ability A high enough to warrant buying B bread or will I just waste money without learning anything? How many do RP do I need to perform task C without killing myself. How much will my skill improve after I'll finish task D? And most importantly - food. How much HP/RP will I gain after eating E?

This isn't even a quarter of questions I asked myself. I bet you can find answers for some of these questions if you look hard enough but I feel that this information is so basic that it should be explained properly (or at least tell me where I can find said information), without me hacing to look for the answers.

At this point I seriously consider reading some fuide and that's one of things I NEVER do.

Also, I feel that the game favors some of the girls by giving you shittons of quests from them. For example, I aim for Karina with Daria as my backup option and even though I do their quests immeadiately after they appear Shara is still at top of my affection list (while Daria isn't even in Top 5). At this point I try to avoid Shara and Raven whenever it's possible.
>> No. 129 [Edit]
This game practically implies that you have played the previous Rune Factory games before, even if they do give you a tutorial on how to farm, mine, fish or whatever. So newer players to the franchise generally have no idea what to expect and whine about storms when their field gets destroyed by storms.

The R button shows you how a weapon is upgraded, for example. Because it shows you details of what the item does.

Generally, all the girls have the same amount of quests, just that some requirements for quests may be different than other quests.
>> No. 133 [Edit]

Yeah, I understand that much. I still feel they should explain in properly. I learn something new each time I play the game - up until yesterday I didn't have much of an idea how upgrading weapons works. I decided to upgrade my new, somewhat expensive (although judging by how much money you guys make it was embarassingly cheap; I still don't have any animals and I pretty much farm all the time - it works fine for me that way, not having enough money to buy what you want is a good thing in my book) weapon and I sort of ruined it by upgrading it with cheap shit just to increase my skill in crafting to upgrade said weapon with better stuff later on. Little did I know it will only be harder and harder and you can only upgrade it 10 times (or so I think).

By know I lost my hope for Daria end, she's well behind most heroines in affection rating. Oh well, I hope I won't end up with Raven/Shara at least (not on my first playthrough anyway). I always have this problem with my white knight/average nice guy syndrome - I just sort of want to help them out and when I see a request on the board I can't really turn them down. It's even worse in the VNs because everytime you decide to talk or do something for one of the heroines you end up doing her (well, maybe it doesn't happen all the time, but it happened in quite a few VNs I played, most notably Yume Miru Kusuri - when I chose the option to 'talk' I actually meant talk, not to fuck another girl, especially considering the fact that I did one of other girls ON PREVIOUS DAY). In general, you have to act nice to one girl you want to end up with and act like a total jerk to everybody else and I feel that something is definitely wrong with that. Oh well.

But most importantly, I wanted to thank you for 'inspiring' me. I bought a Wii over two years ago but I'm an INCREDIBLY lazy person. I could brag about how lazy I am but I'm too lazy to do that. Anyway, I had it for 2 years and I only bought like 6-7 games and I was never even bothered enough to soft mod it properly. Last time I tried to do it was ~half a year ago and I didn't finish it - I don't have much of a willpower so once I decided it takes too long I just gave up midway through it. I didn't do it before for similar reasons - I just didn't care all that much. It turns out I have done pretty much everything that needed to be done and today I installed one of the games on my external hard drive and voila, it actually works. I did it because I decided that I want to finally play Frontier and even though it's one of those games I don't really want to pirate (I will probably end up buying it if I'll like it - I hope they'll explain all kinds of stuff properly this time) but I also wanted to play it undubbed (I mean part of the fun of the game is coming from the awesome voice cast).

So yeah, basically you made me finish doing this stuff by creating this thread. Thanks. Not that I'll play it that much (I have lots of other stuff to do, I wish the days were longer nowadays - I remember wishing they would be half as long back in the day) and I'll probably kill myself in a month or so but still either wat, but for the time being I'll enjoy some MH Tri and NMH (I always wanted to play it but I won't buy a cencored game, come on - I'm from Eastern Yurop by the way). Thanks again.
>> No. 134 [Edit]
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>By know I lost my hope for Daria end, she's well behind most heroines in affection rating.

That shouldn't really matter. Just give her some jam/colored plants every day, do only her requests, and take her out to kill monsters whenever you can. At one point I had both Raven and Karina above Shara in affection, but it didn't matter. When the time comes, just propose to girl of your choice, and if her affection is high enough, she should accept.
>> No. 136 [Edit]

As I've written earlier I like Karina most and she's at the top of my affection list so everything is all right. Daria was my secondary choice, I will go after her on my next second playthrough.
>> No. 137 [Edit]
Can anybody tell me how I can get some wood? All these barns, forges and whatnot need like 50 wood or something and I've got like 3 so far.
>> No. 138 [Edit]
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Oh, I see. Well that's good, Daria is also my second choice.
>> No. 139 [Edit]
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Get an axe (if you don't already have one), and chop up those big stumps in your farm, they give 12 pieces each. You can also chop up branches for one piece of wood.
>> No. 150 [Edit]
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Shara, you are such a yandere.
>> No. 209 [Edit]
I don't own a DS anymore (it broke) and DS emulators are shitty. I'm poor so I don't think I'll ever get to play it.
>> No. 213 [Edit]

If you really wanted you could emulate it. I don't use emulators as I have a DS but I hear no$GBA works might fine just now (as in it supposedly doesn't crash at all).

If you dislkie emulators for reasons other than stability I understand why you'd rather skip on it (I wouldn't like to play GBA/DS games on my PC either). But if that's not the case there shouldn't be a problem.
>> No. 261 [Edit]
I befriended a Buffamoo but every time I try to send it to barn the game freezes. Is there any other way to send it to the barn (or just plain get rid of it) then by 'talking' to it and selecting said option? I'm sure I befriended another pet earlier and I actually managed to get it to go to the barn somehow but I didn't save it. What's more, every time I try to befriend another pet the game freezes automatically.

It doesn't make it unplayable but it sure makes it a little more anoying so I would greatly appreciate some help.
>> No. 265 [Edit]
Ok, I somehow managed to solve this problem. I sent that Buffamoo to the barn while standing in the room it belonged to. I'm almost certain I tried doing that almost immeadiately after this problem popped up but I might be wrong.

Damn, that was such a pain in the ass, too - I played the game all day long and I don't even want to know how many vegetables that were supposed to be shipped ended up as 'gifts' for said Buffamoo.
>> No. 267 [Edit]
Oh, I should probably note that sending the monster to the barn while standing anywhere save in the room it belongs to still freezes the game. But I can live with that, it's a relatively minor inconvenience (unlike limited storage room, drives me NUTS; I understand why they did it but I still dislike it).
>> No. 289 [Edit]
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This is the best plot ever.
>> No. 290 [Edit]

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