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File 130797692047.jpg - (118.47KB , 1024x768 , FacingWorlds.jpg )
3520 No. 3520 [Edit]
Hey /vg/, we should all download Unreal Tournament 99 for some nostalgia. You can play it multiplayer without a patch/crack or any issues. There are lots of servers still up, so we should have no problem finding one to use.

Torrent link, 300MB GOTY edition:
>> No. 3521 [Edit]
Well why the heck not? I never really played this game, but it looks low-end enough for ANYONE to play. Downloading it now.
>> No. 3522 [Edit]

DDL. Slightly larger.
>> No. 3523 [Edit]
Guess I could.
>> No. 3524 [Edit]
The torrent's moving pretty slow... I'm getting slightly under 100kB/s at best, so it'll be finished in about half an hour.

When are we playing?

Post edited on 13th Jun 2011, 9:01am
>> No. 3525 [Edit]
We're playing right now, but you can always hop on irc and people will most likely play or set up a match time.
>> No. 3526 [Edit]
Just finished downloading it, installing now... what server are you guys on?
>> No. 3527 [Edit]
Well I can't play right now since I'm at work, but when I get home (and if I'm not lazy enough) I might join.
>> No. 3528 [Edit]
Installing now. Just give server and I shall join.
>> No. 3532 [Edit]
I won't be able to play till a bit later on, but keep it installed guys and we can set up some games.

It's seriously lots of fun, if you've never played UT before. It's not like new FPS games, where anyone can be good and you just need to spray. UT is a twitch FPS and takes a lot of skill regarding maps, guns, game mechanics and stuff to master it.
>> No. 3533 [Edit]
Has anyone made a tohno server yet? Or are we just playing on a random one?
>> No. 3535 [Edit]
I might check in sometime.
UT99 was always fun for me, but i only like the Facing Worlds levels for some reason...
>> No. 3536 [Edit]

I would suggest just a random one. There are literally dozens and dozens of them even though the game is 10+ years old.

Hosting one would require low ping/fast internet and most residential lines don't have the routing for FPS games. We can just pick a random empty/kinda empty server and use that.
>> No. 3537 [Edit]
Haven't played this in a while. Even if we don't get a /tc/ game going, the bots are really good in Unreal games. Stick them on Godlike and it's practically like fighting against a team of aim botters. Gotta learn all the jumps and dodges for that.
>> No. 3539 [Edit]
There's a server called "Classic not for dialup" that seems to be empty and have a good ping. Try that one?
>> No. 3540 [Edit]
I went on that server, and at first I was like "holy shit, brohno's!" but then after the round ended I realized everyone else there was just a bot... also my ping was around 160, so not that good at least for me, but playable.

Post edited on 13th Jun 2011, 1:15pm
>> No. 3542 [Edit]
any server that we can agree on playing,when playing? also does the Native irc work with tohnos irc channel (I am not very good at this)
>> No. 3544 [Edit]
Maybe << The Playhouse >> #tdmpickups

I was getting good ping in North America
>> No. 3545 [Edit]
Yeah, it does.
>> No. 3549 [Edit]
This is pretty fun. I hope that I'll get to play with some of you.
>> No. 3563 [Edit]
Find a great server I stink at playing they kick me囧

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