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File 129212809467.jpg - (521.70KB , 1920x1200 , WoWScrnShot_120910_232623.jpg )
347 No. 347 [Edit]
Did anyone else get suckered back into WoW with Cataclysm?

I spent $10 on the core game and BC (during the Black Friday sale) to make a BE and just try out some of the redesigned zones. I have to admit, I did not think I would really stick with it. However, after finishing the Silverpine storyline, I immediately went ahead and put down another $10 on WotLK and pre-orderd Cataclysm, as I think I'll be playing again for a while. However, the server I'm currently playing on is pretty much dead.

I'm looking at re-rolling on a more populated PvP server with a decent Horde to Alliance ratio, but it would certainly be nice to have some people to play with beforehand. Anyone else playing?
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>> No. 348 [Edit]
File 129212883177.jpg - (333.27KB , 1680x1050 , WoWScrnShot_112410_190401.jpg )
I like the new 1-60 quests but I don't really wanna play through BC and WotLK again
the redridge line for alliance was a pretty neat rambo parody, it was fun but it feels totally out of place in fantasy game
>> No. 349 [Edit]
I wish I had though to take the Blood Elf, it would have made for much more hilarious screenshots.

I've yet to try any of the Alliance side quests. I do kind of agree, however. All the references and parodies are funny, but at times, they seem completely out of place. A good example of that is the first part of the Goblin starter zone, Kezan.

And yes, I am not looking forward to Outland. I didn't like it when it was new, and I'm definitely not going to like it after the revamped 1-60 content. I liked Northrend, so that'll be the light at the end of the tunnel. Still, I'd like to find a decent server and some people to play with.
>> No. 351 [Edit]
I would like to check out all the changes made to Azeroth while leveling two characters (both Horde and Alliance) to 60, but I'm not going to.

Outland seriously blows. The three times I've gone through leveling there, I absolutely hated it. Although Northrend is pretty fun in a way, especially your first time through.
>> No. 352 [Edit]

You better be a mage with improved blink, or something.
>> No. 353 [Edit]
I've never played WoW
>> No. 354 [Edit]
Yes and no.

Cataclysm sucked me back in before it was even released. Some of the new stuff sounded really cool and I reactivated my account in the middle of the hype.
I even planned what to do for Cataclysm and prepared professions and some stuff.

But as information kept coming it became apparent that this game's philosophy would be for the most part the same as in TBC and Wrath and it was a huge disappointment.

Cancelled account and lost all interest.

Funny that I used to check for even the tiniest changes every beta patch and now that its all out I don't even care enough to check it on a private server.
>> No. 355 [Edit]
I haven't played WoW for years.

Though I must admit that Cataclysm does sound nice, I'm still sick of Blizzard and their constant bullshit. And I don't want to go through Outland again.
>> No. 356 [Edit]
I'm glad I never played WoW, otherwise the phishing emails I get from "blizzard" about my account being hacked/stolen/changed would freak me out.
>> No. 359 [Edit]
Unless I'm not modeling it after a character from a crappy anime/manga. The name itself is pretty fitting for a rogue.
>> No. 361 [Edit]
I'm a little curious why you think that Cataclysm's philosophy is the same as WotLK. Can you elaborate on that?

Dungeons are noticeably harder than they were in WotLK. Healing actually takes some skill and decision making as opposed to being face-rolling easy, and if DPS mess up they are going to die now.
>> No. 370 [Edit]
Currently fighting off the urge to play again since they redid all of the starter zones, and the only thing I liked doing in the game was questing. But I'm currently worth less than $1 so it's pretty easy to avoid buying it.
>> No. 391 [Edit]
Its still about advertising things that people think they want instead of making a game they will enjoy, basically, keeping people hooked up instead of entertainment.

Every expansion has been like that.
Lots of new cool stuff on paper but the real game is a mess that has to be all patched up to fix it but then it needs more patches to fix what the last broke and so on.
>> No. 396 [Edit]
Never played WoW, never plan to.

I'd rather waste free time playing generic korean mmos that i'll drop a month later then pay 15 bucks a month for a game i'll get bored with and drop.
>> No. 397 [Edit]

Well the first month is free.

And if you don't get tired of it by a month you must really like it.
>> No. 398 [Edit]
Thing is he would still have to shell out the cash for the game itself, unless things have changed in the last three years, and from what I've heard a lot of things have changed with WoW and how Blizzard runs it during that timeframe.

I don't think I could ever bring myself to play this game again though. Nine months was enough for me.
>> No. 399 [Edit]
I tried a 15 day trial and played MAYBE an hour.
that hour i have purged from my head and imagine i was asleep during it.

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