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File 130622898288.jpg - (13.29KB , 450x382 , E3-Logo-Header.jpg )
3097 No. 3097 [Edit]
Just a little under two weeks left until this year's E3 starts. Pre-E3 events and info should start rolling in next week. Konami's pre-E3 conference is the first conference this year, scheduled for next Monday. Full schedule below (will be updated with stream links):

Monday, June 2nd:

CD Projekt/GOG: 12:00 P.M. PST
Konami: 4:00 P.M. PST
GTTV Pre-E3 Preview: TBA

Monday, June 6th:

Microsoft: 9:00 A.M. PST
EA: 12:30 P.M. PST
Ubisoft: 2:30 P.M. PST
Sony: 5:00 P.M. PST

Tuesday, June 7th:

Nintendo: 9:00 A.M. PST


The big three conferences are usually streamed on all the major game sites, as well as G4 if you have access to the channel. GameTrailers tends to stream the smaller conferences, and Konami's will be streamed on various sites according to the press release they put out, but I can't find any links.

I'll update with more conferences if there are some I'm missing. I'd like to use this thread as the general E3 thread, but if someone wants to make another one for announcements/new screens/trailers, etc. that's fine.

Post edited on 27th May 2011, 7:00pm
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>> No. 3098 [Edit]
Here's Nintendo's stream site, if you don't mind me posting, OP.
>> No. 3099 [Edit]
Yeah I was going to mention that when I put up other links. Nintendo's stream was easily the best for their conference last year.

Most sites don't have their E3 pages open yet.
>> No. 3100 [Edit]
There's really nothing I'm excited for at E3 this year. Maybe info on a GTA5, but given that Rockstar doesn't seem to want to make PC ports anymore I don't know if I can get hyped for that.
>> No. 3108 [Edit]
Some news from today:

>CD Projekt showing new Witcher title at E3
>"I can't say anything obviously for gazillions of reasons but it is a Witcher game, and I can say that console gamers might be interested in it," he explained.

>Sony's E3 press site goes live, hints at 9 titles?
>> No. 3116 [Edit]
>Japanese Publishers' E3 Hints/Teases:
- Tecmo Koei says its biggest title for E3 will be Team Ninja’s latest
- The publisher says they have other surprises as well
- Konami has the latest series titles as well as completely new titles planned for the show
- look for some surprises in Konami’s playable title lineup
- Konami is opening a special E3 site on June 3rd
- look for more specific details from Konami in next week’s issue
- SEGA bringing Sonic-related titles to E3
>> No. 3151 [Edit]
Huge rumor. Hopefully some of this is either confirmed or denied next week at Konami's conference.

>Metal Gear Solid Rising has switched developer, escaping Kojima Production to infiltrate Platinum Games. Hideki Kamiya directing.
>The next installment in the "main" MGS franchise (Metal Gear Solid 5, basically) is scheduled for this generation as a multiplatform release, with PS3, Xbox 360, NGP and "possibly 3DS"
>PC remakes of MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4 are bound to be released digitally via Valve's e-Commerce portal Steam.
>> No. 3152 [Edit]
>PC remakes of MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 and MGS4 are bound to be released digitally via Valve's e-Commerce portal Steam.

Hooooly shit I hope this is true

Though, it's kind of weird they would do that and not put MGS 5 on PC as well

Post edited on 26th May 2011, 4:29pm
>> No. 3153 [Edit]
Most of it sounds logical. I think the "remakes" will end up just being upscaled/slightly enhanced PC ports, and MGS1 + MGS2 already have PC ports.

Rising at Platinum Games has me more hyped than anything else. They can deliver a better action game than KojiPro can ever hope to.

Might as well post this while I'm at it.This definitely seems legit given are the source, and they leaked all the correct NGP specs earlier this year or late last year.

>Rumor: NGP Specs Downgraded, 2011 Release in Japan, Q1 2012 NA/EU
-From 512MB RAM + 128MB VRAM to 256MB RAM + 128MB VRAM
-planned 16GB of internal flash memory has been removed in favor of cheaper external storage
-Low-end NGP model to be competitively priced with 3DS at $250-$300
-Launch in Japan - December
-NA and Europe - Q1 2012
>> No. 3155 [Edit]

>Hideki Kamiya directing new MGS game


Remember when MGS was a stealth game? Good times.
>> No. 3156 [Edit]
>Remember when MGS was a stealth game?
>> No. 3157 [Edit]
>Metal Gear Solid Rising has switched developer, escaping Kojima Production to infiltrate Platinum Games. Hideki Kamiya directing.
Sounds like the games are gonna be real crap from now on.
I kind of wish they would just let it die already, how much more can they drain from this franchise?

Post edited on 27th May 2011, 7:58am
>> No. 3160 [Edit]
The only MGS game i ever played was the one on gamecube and it was pretty cool. I'll definitely get the PC games if that's true
>> No. 3170 [Edit]
File 130662738693.jpg - (387.29KB , 1600x1200 , JfFOB.jpg )
Two no name blogs are reporting that PSP2/NGP is going to be named PS Vita. Probably fake, but you never know. There's another promo picture for the name at that blog.
>> No. 3171 [Edit]
I doubt it's real. The font doesn't even match.
>> No. 3174 [Edit]
Can't edit the OP any longer. Oh well. I just realized June 2nd is Thursday, not Monday. Oops!

Anyway, if a mod could edit the post, that'd be nice. All that needs to be changed is Monday to Thursday, June 2nd, and that the GTTV Pre-E3 Preview starts at 10 P.M. PST.
>> No. 3175 [Edit]
I don't think we have a super edit button. All I can really do is delete or move it. Sorry.
>> No. 3176 [Edit]
probably should have used a password you could remember.
>> No. 3177 [Edit]
No prob.

I've always just used the default one. I probably should have gone with a custom one for this thread, but I don't know if that would've made a difference.

The Official Sony Blog will be hosting a livestream for their conference:

Post edited on 29th May 2011, 8:24pm
>> No. 3180 [Edit]
Some more credence to the PS Vita name being real:

>Sony's developer sites contain a curious subdomain:
>> No. 3181 [Edit]
File 130679572719.png - (3.68MB , 1680x1050 , TERA_ScreenShot_20110403_124318.png )
Very excited for what TERA will showcase.

Still a bit disappointed that they reworked some Elin clothing though.
>> No. 3189 [Edit]
File 130688737223.jpg - (78.64KB , 620x465 , E3PredictionsControllers-620x.jpg )
Destructoid has an annual E3 predictions article that's always fun to read that they just put up. This year the writer used dogs and cats from a shelter to predict what will be announced/shown at E3, along with which of the big 3 will win E3. All of the cats/dogs featured are available for adoption.
>> No. 3190 [Edit]
cool dogs
>> No. 3200 [Edit]
  Just one day left. Even if it's not going to top 2010's conference, it's still bound to be awesome. I still don't know where the hell this is going to be streamed.
>> No. 3202 [Edit]
If you were still doubting the PS Vita name being real:

Pretty much confirmed at this point. Just have to wait until Monday for it to be official.
>> No. 3206 [Edit]

8 hours remaining.
>> No. 3210 [Edit]
The Witcher 2 coming to Xbox 360 by the end of this year, fuck yeah. Really wanted to try it, but my computer's too damn old.
>> No. 3211 [Edit]
1 hour until Konami's conference starts. Still no idea where it will be streamed. I guess just keep an eye on Konami's E3 site.
>> No. 3214 [Edit]
10 minutes, guys. These are the only streams I'm aware of, and I'm not positive they're even going to show it live. Stick with Konami's site for now, if you can get it to load.

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 4:54pm
>> No. 3215 [Edit]
It's pre-recorded, what the fuck. Full video:
>> No. 3216 [Edit]

Nice find
>> No. 3217 [Edit]
File 130706014144.jpg - (36.09KB , 641x344 , sigh.jpg )
Oh look! Let's not do a new game but instead release the older ones with HD graphics.
>> No. 3218 [Edit]
File 130706103674.jpg - (107.97KB , 624x332 , 5791504939_914d3d0c21_z.jpg )
Yeah, this was a complete letdown. There's also going to be an MGS HD collection (picture is the improvements/alterations). At least Neverdead looked decent.
>> No. 3219 [Edit]
Did they say anything about the PC MGS remakes or was that bullshit?

Post edited on 2nd Jun 2011, 5:34pm
>> No. 3220 [Edit]
I haven't seen anything about it. It was either bullshit or they haven't announced it yet.
>> No. 3222 [Edit]
New Contra teaser.
>> No. 3224 [Edit]
Well that was the only thing I cared about for E3 so that's just great.
>> No. 3225 [Edit]
Never dead looked somewhat interesting, but sounded horrendous.

The voice acting on it made my ears bleed.
>> No. 3226 [Edit]
Why couldn't they include MGS1? or some of the dozen or so side games like guns of the patriots?
Seems rather dumb to me to have a "collection" and leave out more then half the games in the series.
>> No. 3227 [Edit]
I guess I could rent the MGS stuff or something, though I haven't even turned on my Xbox is like half a year so I don't know if it's even still functional
>> No. 3230 [Edit]
A Silent Hill collection with 2 games. 2 games.

People are fucking idiots.
>> No. 3233 [Edit]
GTTV's pre-E3 show thing with "10+ reveals" starts now. Stream below:
>> No. 3234 [Edit]
>>3230 Yeah seriously man. I wonder if they think most people don't want to play a "old and ugly" game or if they're trying to hide their more poorly done games in the series. Either way it's retarded. I've never played any of the silent hill games, but that's mostly because of how much of a pain in the butt it would be to go out and hunt down all the games, a collection would getting people into the series such as myself that want it and who want to play it from the start, but they do this, and it makes like no sense, they're touching up the games that done look to bad, and ignoring the games that could really use a touch up, it makes no sense to me at all. on a similar note, I've been collecting the MGS games, and wanted to play them in chronological order, but they never seem to stop making games that take place at random points in the series, and now they're gonna have updates to 'some' of the games.. such a headache it is to me...
>> No. 3237 [Edit]
Well MGS is their cash cow, it's just like Konami to not let this series die. Too bad they spend time making sequels and prequels for MGS instead of something that actually NEEDS a new game and that fans desperately want, like ZOE.
>> No. 3246 [Edit]

I don't follow things like E3 alot and stuff ,but holy shit someone please tell me this is an actual game ,and if so where do I buy it?
>> No. 3248 [Edit]
that looks like a cg movie rather than a game
>> No. 3250 [Edit]
Not even that; it looked liked a eurodance music video.

On a slightly related note, is it bad that I know the exact sample pack and loop number they used for that song's percussion, and I'm pretty sure I know the exact synthesizer they used?
>> No. 3252 [Edit]
This is really nice.

A calm, peaceful game. Shame it's only on the PS3.
>> No. 3256 [Edit]
Nikkei confirmed the rumored Nintendo Cafe/Wii 2 controller.

>Includes a touch screen (6" screen on the controller)
>allows for tablet-like controls for games
>tap the touch screen to control the characters on your television
>can also be used as a portable game machine
>built in rechargeable battery
>includes a camera
>camera can be used for a variety of play opportunities, for example, a player making an avatar of himself for use in a game
>due out in mid-2012

Post edited on 3rd Jun 2011, 2:49pm
>> No. 3257 [Edit]
2007 still-gives-a-shit-about-consoles me would have been so hyped for this
>> No. 3258 [Edit]
I'm hyped for it even though I'd never actually buy it.
>> No. 3295 [Edit]

>Includes a touch screen (6" screen on the controller)
>allows for tablet-like controls for games
>tap the touch screen to control the characters on your television
>can also be used as a portable game machine
>built in rechargeable battery
>includes a camera

Why not use DS connectivity instead? Because this controller sounds like DS lite ('lite' as in 'lite', not 'DS Lite') in pretty much every aspect (sans the camera but even that is covered by the DSi). So why not go all the way?

Of course buying new controllers would be somewhat problematic in this situation. But if you think about it, buying a second Wiimote with Motion plus and Nunchuk would cost you about 70$ either way. I think the production costs for old DS models are below that or at least will be in a year. This would also help them sell even more DSs and they could include some extra features if you have DSi or 3DS (the latter really needs some support because it looks like it might flop hard). On top of that DS is an actual console no matter how you look at it. Extra controllers just gather dust whenever you don't play local multi games. A DS would serve more purposes. Heck, you could even give it as a gift to someone and then remind them to take it with them whenever they'd drop by to play something. And they sold almost 150 million DSs already so quite a few people do own one already. In a way, the costs might be actually lower than for normal controllers.

As for the 'why can't I even play games for the console I own' (in case there would be some games that only support DSi or 3DS) I've got one thing to say - Wii Motion Plus. On top of that they actually promised Wiimote itself would be capable of doing everything Motion Plus does.

That could be good for their PR, too. It's no secret that N carters to casual crowds nowadays and a large portion of their who always bought their consoles (reporting in) feel like N would rather hang out with the cool kids nowadays and would rather concentrate on creating new 'Cafe Fit' add-on every year. Including such support would be somewhat rewarding for people who already own a DS.

But yeah, not gonna happen.
>> No. 3312 [Edit]
Here's a huge list of Microsoft rumors/trademarks/misc. stuff that'll possibly be revealed during their conference on Monday:
>> No. 3321 [Edit]
File 13072686394.jpg - (614.64KB , 1024x768 , 182720110605_041104_8_big.jpg )
Pictures of the signs and stuff that have been put up near the entrance of the LA convention center where E3 is held. Booths have been going up since Friday and should be mostly complete by the end of today. Hoping for some booth pictures sometime later on.
>> No. 3326 [Edit]
File 130731221788.gif - (4.29MB , 320x214 , e3field.gif )
>> No. 3328 [Edit]
i assume that's related to konmais pre-E3 event?
>> No. 3329 [Edit]
File 130733291824.gif - (3.11MB , 320x179 , 8y9hdg.gif )

Just twelve and a half more hours left. Looking like Microsoft's conference might be a train wreck if it's going to be Kinect focused.

Short preview of Star Wars Kinect and Kinect Disneyland. Where the gif is taken from:
>> No. 3330 [Edit]
Do you think it's true what they say about Kinect?
That almost everyone hates the thing, but Microsoft is trying hard to hide that fact and is flat out lying about it being popular and selling well, as they try to force it on us?
>> No. 3331 [Edit]
  Skullgirls pre-E3 walkthrough. The stage shown and the animations look great.
>> No. 3332 [Edit]

All companies do that with all products regardless of how popular it actually is.
>> No. 3333 [Edit]
I don't know, but I do know that of the 2 other forums I frequent that discuss video games literally nobody talks about it, or the Move
>> No. 3338 [Edit]
File 130734895539.png - (11.55KB , 500x340 , oef96.png )
Everything in one single image for your convenience.
>> No. 3339 [Edit]

Yeah well, Kinect and Move are aimed at casual market. They just want to sell couple of games and consoles to people who wouldn't normally buy them.
>> No. 3340 [Edit]
20 minutes until Microsoft starts.

List of livestreams:
>> No. 3341 [Edit]
>Halo 4
>youtube on 360
>new Fable
>minecraft on 360
xbox is dead, only good thing from microsoft is the Halo CE remake...which will probably be ruined by them too.
>> No. 3342 [Edit]
>minecraft on 360

You mean it's being ported or are you talking about the blatant minecraft ripoff that's going to be on the arcade?
>> No. 3343 [Edit]
No, it's being ported as Minecraft Kinect.

And EA starts in an hour, guys. Same links from before should work.
>> No. 3344 [Edit]
>No, it's being ported as Minecraft Kinect.

Ahahahah what the fuck
>> No. 3345 [Edit]
I don't even understand how minecraft would work on kinect. Do you just make punching motions at blocks until they break or something?
>> No. 3346 [Edit]
Me and my brother watched it togeheter and then laughed our ass off when showing of the kinect line-up.
>> No. 3347 [Edit]
Video games are dead
>> No. 3348 [Edit]
  Skyrim footage.
>> No. 3350 [Edit]
EA starting.
>> No. 3351 [Edit]
  For those who didn't watch the conference
>> No. 3353 [Edit]

>Video games are dead

What else is new.

Well, at least Ubi's conference will be worse then M$'s. They'll probably demonstrate Imagine Party Babyz 2: Babyz and Poniez and call it a day. Goddamn it Ubi, I liked your games. What happened?

Also, my gut feeling tells me Sony's will be miserable, too. Can't tell you why, I just feel this way, even though I think it will be ok (and if I were to bet money I wouldn't just go along with my gut feeling this time). We'll see I guess.
>> No. 3355 [Edit]
Ubisoft's conferences almost always border on train wreck, so they're worth watching. EA's going pretty by the numbers so far. Sony probably won't be that bad.
>> No. 3356 [Edit]
I hope ME3 still comes out on steam because if I'm going to be forced to use EA's online thing I'm not buying it
>> No. 3361 [Edit]
EA: CG trailers, the conference.
>> No. 3362 [Edit]

>Ubisoft's conferences almost always border on train wreck, so they're worth watching.

Yeah, that's what I meant. The one from two years ago was especially hilarious.
>> No. 3363 [Edit]
Makes sense, since nobody cares about gameplay in games anymore.
>> No. 3364 [Edit]
I haven't played a Battlefield game since Vietnam, but BF3 looks like it might be cool.
>> No. 3365 [Edit]
Also they're actually showing gameplay. PC gameplay
>> No. 3366 [Edit]
Ubisoft just started.
>> No. 3367 [Edit]
this host is awful.
>> No. 3368 [Edit]
The next fable game is basically an on-rails shooter. Peter Molyneux has totally given up I guess
>> No. 3369 [Edit]
10 minutes until Sony starts. Links again:

Post edited on 6th Jun 2011, 4:50pm
>> No. 3370 [Edit]
There hasn't been much info and it's probably too early to tell, but from what I've seen so far it looks like they're going the splinter cell conviction route with the next Hitman game. God damn it
>> No. 3371 [Edit]
...and from more info I've read this is exactly the case. Cover system, special "instinct" abilities like xray vision, forced action sequences, pretty much everything they added to Conviction. It's getting harder and harder to be hopeful about the future of video games
>> No. 3372 [Edit]

inb4 the new Thief game is hack'n'slash.

Seriously, what happen to the stealth genre? At this point it's deader than adventure games (the latter at least gets some low priced indie games and such).

Anyway, could someone link me to an article(s) with all important announcements? I'm too lazy to sit through whole conference/go look for them myself.
>> No. 3373 [Edit]
Three hours left, my body is not ready for this
>> No. 3374 [Edit]
Less than 10 minute until Nintendo.
>> No. 3375 [Edit]
>Wii U

What a really lame name... It is pretty cool, however.
>> No. 3376 [Edit]
about as lame as vita
>> No. 3377 [Edit]
Nintendo fucking won E3 in my opinion.
>> No. 3378 [Edit]
I thought Vita was a cute name.
>> No. 3379 [Edit]

No, that name is an absolute clusterfuck. Vita is a bad name but at least it only sounds bad and doesn't look like whoever came up with it was illiterate.


I hear this every year and yet I've got nothing to play even though I bought pretty much every Nintendo console since SNES (sans Vritual Boy and 3DS I guess, N lost it's touch so I'm not gonna buy their consoles anymore). Haven't turned on my Wii in months (even DS is in a better condition despite being essentially dead).
>> No. 3380 [Edit]
File 130746735547.jpg - (874.60KB , 1920x1080 , untitled-1h886.jpg )
Ehhhh, Nintendo really needed to drop some bombs here on both 3DS and Wii U, but they did neither. Nintendo are going to be doing some catching up with third parties when it comes to their first HD titles if the Zelda tech demo/trailer is anything to go by.
>> No. 3381 [Edit]
File 130746765147.jpg - (11.71KB , 640x360 , rtewj.jpg )
The console. Given the size, now I'm worried they're really not putting anything above 360/PS3 level tech in it. Even the tech demo with the bird wasn't that impressive.
>> No. 3382 [Edit]

What were you expecting? The difference between Wii and last gen consoles isn't that significant. It's a given that N's new console is bound to be just barely better (if it will be better at all) than current gen consoles. Current gen games will be ported left and right once it'll be released (I wonder if they will be willing to go back and release some older stuff with tacked-on whatever-this-new-controller-is-supposed-to-be-called controls).
>> No. 3383 [Edit]
Nope, I will just continue to play my psp and ps2.
Wii suck U
>> No. 3384 [Edit]
Well, that was a disappointment.

I was really looking forward to hearing about the Last Guardian or Pikmin 3.
>> No. 3385 [Edit]
Deleted. Overreaction.

Anyway, specs.

* High definition display, up to 1080p resolution via HDMI output
* 6.2" touchscreen on New Controller, running in non-HD resolution
* Internal flash-based media storage, upgradeable via USB and SD cards
* Games ship on proprietary iDensity discs of unspecified, but "large capacity"
* Games will also be available as downloadable content
* Console compatible with Wii games and devices
* Release date between April 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012; or after the end of Nintendo's fiscal year

Post edited on 7th Jun 2011, 11:26am
>> No. 3386 [Edit]
Okay, Reggie's on G4 saying they'll talk more about the console's online this week at least. He's promising it'll be on par with PSN/XBL.
>> No. 3388 [Edit]

>If Nintendo's not going to commit themselves to decent hardware they're not going to be able to compete with Sony/Microsoft once they release their new consoles in a year or two.

I heard the same thing about Wii some five years ago.

>It'll be the same situation with the Wii, which once again, has proven that Nintendo can't support itself indefinitely without third parties, even if that's just ports. I

Wii was an amazing commercial success and everybody at Sony and Microsoft secretly (or not) envies N for coming up with this. That's also why they released Kinect and Move and they're pushing it so hard right now.

Nintendo is a business company just like any other. They care about money they can make (even though they obviously have to claim otherwise for PR purposes). Sony and Microsoft do the same. It just so happens that N's business model was much more successful.

>I hate to use this term, but Wii did have a successful, active userbase buying casual titles and Nintendo games, but hardly anything else.

That's exactly what they were aiming for. It was a huge success and everybody is happy about that.

>Wii was hardly even shown at the conference, which speaks volumes about just how barren Wii's upcoming software is.

"Upcoming"? Why talk about the future? The only somewhat worthwhile game released for the Wii this year was de Blob 2. You could also play it on any other console this gen and it wasn't even that good to begin with.

>Iwata said he wants to capture the hardcore

Again, PR. Of course he wants to. But he won't do much to do so. It's much easier and much more profitable to carter to casuals. Again, this gen obviously shows this. Look at Wii Fit sales, Wii Sports Resort sales etc. as opposed to, say, Muramasa or Little King's Story.

Also, note that there hasn't been a single good game that made use of Motion Control Plus. Those peripherals weren't exactly free, too. But causals were happy that they could swing their Wiimotes for a few hours playing Wii Sports Resort. And there's nothing wrong with that. Again, that's Nintendo's current policy right now and their profits are absolutely stunning. If you don't like the way they go about doing business nowadays you're free to support Sony or Microsoft.

>Otherwise Wii U is left in the dust again with Vita ports, 360/PS3 ports, watered down PS4/360 2 ports, and some token, weird third party exclusives (like that Lego game shown).

That's exactly what's gonna happen. It will be current gen all over again. Whether it will work or not is somewhat hard to predict (as indicated by poor 3DS sales) as it seems the causal market is saturated with Nintendo products. Then again, Wii U might outsell Wii and it won't really surprise me.

>YOu can't just slack on this stuff anymore.

Sure you can. Casuals wouldn't be able to figure out how to connect their consoles to the 'net either way.
>> No. 3389 [Edit]
wii is nothing but ps2 area tech, you really think the wii2 would be a technological power house?
>> No. 3391 [Edit]

>wii is nothing but ps2 area tech

Yeah, no. It's closer to PS2 than to PS3, yes, but even Gamecube was visibly more powerful than PS2 (for example you can check how the lightning in PS2 port of RE4 was absolutely BUTCHERED - it looked really good on Gamecube, too). I'm too lazy to check it but I'm willing to bet Wii has at least 1,5 times as much processing power as PS2.
>> No. 3392 [Edit]
Aw man, now you're going to make me respond. Your argument is that Nintendo just wants the casual market, which isn't true, and that necessitates that they have an online network and system capabilities on par with what Microsoft/Sony have done to ensure third party ports (and raise a healthy userbase). The hardware itself can be lower than what PS4/360 2 is aiming for (PS2 obviously was); they just need to guarantee that they'll be getting ports of all the major third party titles PS4/360 2 will have. Microsoft and Sony have hinted that they aren't going to be doing a giant leap like they did this gen with hardware, so no crazy $500+ launches. I don't think the leap from Wii U to PS4/360 2 will be gigantic if Nintendo's using decent hardware.

Wii was meant to be a unification of hardcore and casual, it failed, Iwata's admitted it numerous times. And you're right, Nintendo is a business, and that's why they're not aiming for just the casual, but also the core. They don't want Microsoft/Sony owning the core market while they own the casual market, they want both. The same goes for all three of these companies, of course.
>> No. 3393 [Edit]
Bunch of 3DS trailers/screens on Nintendo's site.

Here's Animal Crossing. Love the music, and swimming!
>> No. 3394 [Edit]
All right, this is very relieving. Why can't Nintendo just announce this stuff at the conference, or put it on the spec sheet.

>IBM tells us that within the Wii U there's a 45nm custom chip with "a lot" of embedded DRAM. It's a silicon on insulator design and packs the same processor technology found in Watson, the supercomputer that bested a couple of meatbags on Jeopardy awhile back. Unfortunately, IBM wouldn't give us the chip's clock speeds.
>> No. 3396 [Edit]

>Your argument is that Nintendo just wants the casual market

I never said that, though. Actually, if you're willing to reread my post again you might notice that I said the opposite at one point. But let me repeat that.

N wants to have both. BUT. They won't do much to carter to 'hardcore' gamers for various reasons. First of all, it's not profitable. They could spend a lot of money developing a good game for core crowd or they could just release Wii Fit U Plus. Guess which one will be more profitable? Also, Nintendo fans have always been known for their brand loyalty (mostly due to N's flagship series but there are other reasons, too). If they were willing to put up with Nintendo's business model throughout the whole gen and are willing to buy Wii U even though it will be the same shit all over again...

Now, Nintendo obviously has to do something for them. It's just that they'll try to do so with wasting as few funds as possible.

>they just need to guarantee that they'll be getting ports of all the major third party titles PS4/360 2 will have.

You don't honestly believe it's gonna happen, do you?

>Wii was meant to be a unification of hardcore and casual, it failed, Iwata's admitted it numerous times.

It failed at that but nobody cared as it was a commercial success. Again, I don't give a shit about what CEOs say as it's all PR. When it was obvious PS3 was doing terribly somebody from Sony (might've been Kaz Hirai) stated that they care about hardcore crowd first and they will continue to carter to them no matter what. Why? Because that strategy was profitable. It's all politics.

Iwata said what he did because more and more people are growing tired and disillusioned with Nintendo's politics. They want to believe N will actually cares about them again so they will believe whatever they are told.

>They don't want Microsoft/Sony owning the core market while they own the casual market, they want both. The same goes for all three of these companies, of course.

That's a given. Again, that's why M$ and Sony are pushing Kinect and Move right now. But for Sony and M$ casual market is part of their target while it's obvious that Nintendo cares about casuals first, core crowd second. On top of that, Nintendo was always (and i mean ALWAYS - look at what happened during the N64 era - Nintendo was doing their best to change it by trying to encourage 3rd party publishers to port some violent games to N64) associated with kiddie and family friendly games and it doesn't help. However, what was once their weakness has been turned to an amazing advantage due to brilliant marketing and PR divisions.
>> No. 3397 [Edit]
Nintendo fanboys sure do take their shit seriously.
>> No. 3399 [Edit]


Could you refrain from words such as this? They have a rather pejorative connotation you know.
>> No. 3400 [Edit]
>BUT. They won't do much to carter to 'hardcore' gamers for various reasons. First of all, it's not profitable.

And thus why it's essential they have a console that can at least support third party core games (both graphics-wise and with online capabilities), so third parties can support that market. Nintendo isn't going to get into an arms race with Sony/Microsoft (though neither seem like they will next gen, either), and I don't think Nintendo are going to be increasing their development budgets much next gen (save for their biggest titles like Smash Bros., Zelda, Mario and Metroid). Again, you're saying they only want the casual market and everything else is PR nonsense. I'm agreeing that at the conference at least they didn't show me anything that gave me confidence they're serious about the core crowd.

Anyway, I deleted my post for a reason because I was expecting the conference to be a huge blowout like 3DS was last year, when it really wasn't. The system's a year away and there's tons we don't know about it yet. I don't think either of us can claim they're going to be successful in their endeavor, but to say they're not going to at least be aiming for both audiences is underselling what Nintendo has said about their strategy.
>> No. 3401 [Edit]
I had heard the new nintendo console would be able to play any nintendo game, like cartridges and stuff. I knew it wasn't likely but that was the only thing interesting to me (I have a shitload of old games)
>> No. 3402 [Edit]

>And thus why it's essential they have a console that can at least support third party core games (both graphics-wise and with online capabilities), so third parties can support that market.

It will support third party games. I don't think you understand how profitable it is to have inferior hardware. The development costs for Wii games are astonishingly low compared to PS3/X360 games. Selling 100k is a success on Wii. Actually, there were quite a few examples where developers began to talk about sequels when their games hit 100k. So of course people are going to develop for it - it's profitable.

>Nintendo isn't going to get into an arms race with Sony/Microsoft

But they already did. And they failed miserably. You might not be aware of it but original Xbox outsold Gamecube. 'AMAZING GRAFIX' was Gamecube's key selling point (that and low price compared to technically superior Xbox).

>Again, you're saying they only want the casual market...

Again, I'm not.

>...and everything else is PR nonsense. I'm agreeing that at the conference at least they didn't show me anything that gave me confidence they're serious about the core crowd.

Like every year. They'd rather push Style Savvy or something. The thing that bothers me? I have no - and I mean NO - idea why. Casuals don't care about E3 either way so what's the point? Well, on the other hand it's not like they have something else they could show.

>to say they're not going to at least be aiming for both audiences is underselling what Nintendo has said about their strategy.

What they're saying is far from what they're doing. They kept talking how much they care about core audience and how they don't want to alienate them throughout the whole gen but in the end they never fulfilled any of their promises. I doubt it will change this gen. They will do something for the core crowd every now and then but for every thing they will offer them there will be two things aimed at casuals. It wouldn't bother me as much if the latter wouldn't infiltrate their flagship titles, too (I found SMG to be virtually unplayable due to difficulty level - or rather lack thereof).

Again, it will be Wii all over again and yet people will most likely still buy their 9th gen console after that.
>> No. 3403 [Edit]
>Selling 100k is a success on Wii.

But it's chump change, for the publisher and Nintendo. Nintendo wants those 5 million or whatever crazy figure CoD sales on Xbox 360, not 100k pittance sales on Wii. Why? They get a nice chunk of money from that through licensing fees. It's much more profitable and sensible for them to try and at least leverage hardware that makes that possible, which it wasn't at all this generation. And development costs are offset by releasing across multiple platforms, obviously, so it's in Nintendo's best interest to have a console that'll be comparable to PS4/360 2. Publishers didn't stick back a gen developing primarily for Wii this gen, they aren't going to do it again next.
>> No. 3404 [Edit]

You're confusing publishers with developers.

Aside from that you're mostly right. Except that I don't expect Nintendo to do jack's shit. Actually, since they jumped the gun and will release U next year Sony and M$ could gamble and just troll them with consoles with superior hardware. Not by a landslide, just to the point where porting wouldn't really be an option.

But they don't need to be this clever. They can just focus on doing their business as usual and it will happen on it's own. N is pouring lots of money in those retarded controllers of theirs (how did this happen in the first place? I still think Wavebird is the best goddamn controller on the whole market) so the hardware is bound to suffer. Unless Sony and M$ will actually try to mimic them.
>> No. 3405 [Edit]
They said the same about wii before it came out didin't they?
>> No. 3406 [Edit]
Anyone know if I can still use my Gamecube controller on this thing?
>> No. 3408 [Edit]
>Again, this gen obviously shows this. Look at Wii Fit sales, Wii Sports Resort sales etc. as opposed to, say, Muramasa or Little King's Story.

>Muramasa or Little King's Story

Them games are very niched they never reach the "hardcore" call of duty tards/Asassins creed notice.
>> No. 3409 [Edit]

>Them games are very niched they never reach the "hardcore" call of duty tards/Asassins creed notice.

Point taken. I just wanted to brag about how they sold like shit (well, Muramasa did fairly well I guess) despite being great. Oh, and I forgot about A Boy and his Blob. And Rune Factory Frontier. And probably couple of others as well (Zack & Wiki should've sold at least 40 million copies - I pity retards who own Wii but haven't even played it's best game).
>> No. 3410 [Edit]
Has anyone any updates on PSP games like Valkyrie Chronicles 3 and FF zero?
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
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>> No. 3412 [Edit]
Why does everyone care about the hardware and graphics? Honestly... is 'hardcore' gaming all about how the game looks now?

Probably not, it doesn't look like the console is big enough for many plugs. Might wanna grab a classic controller or something when you get it.
>> No. 3413 [Edit]
people care about the next nintendo console's graphics capabilities because the wii's poor performance in that regard meant a lot less ports of 3rd party games.
>> No. 3414 [Edit]
no, hard core gaming is all about motion control, 3D, over sized touch screens in your controller, and mariocart.
>> No. 3415 [Edit]
I don't enjoy Nintendo for the 'hardcore', i enjoy it for the fun and knowing the game i play will be exciting for me.
I have my PC for 'hardcore' shit.

I see nothing wrong with how any game looked in the tech demos.
I thought the thing with the bird, tree, and fishes was amazing.
I don't care if it's something expected of the PS3/360.
>> No. 3417 [Edit]

You completely miss the point. It doesn't matter whether Wii U games will look like N64 games or PS3/X360 games. The real issue is this: will Wii U be on par with PS4/X720 so that it can get ports from said consoles?

It's not about graphics, it's about ports. And Wii U won't get those hence the outrage.
>> No. 3419 [Edit]
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Vita on a vita.
>> No. 3427 [Edit]

At first I thought it's obvious that you can. Then I realized that they didn't mention it anywhere and I began to worry. Just saw this on /bun/ (I copied only the most interesting stuff):

>It will launch in 2012 between April and December sometime.
>Wii U will be backwards-compatible with all Wii games and accessories.
>But it is not compatible neither with Gamecube games nor its accessories.

Cool story Nintendo. How am I supposed to play Muramasa and/or Smash Bros on that thing? Classic Controller fucking sucks.

>It can handle one tablet controller plus as many as four Wii Remotes or Wii Remote Plus wands at the same time.
>A Journalist states: "It is, without question, more powerful than the 360 and PS3. Noticeably."
>Pikmin 3, New Super Mario Bros. Mii and a new Super Smash Bros. game are confirmed for the Wii U.

Fuck this shit. Miyamoto confirmed they're working on new Pikmin in 2008. I begin to doubt whether they had any intention of actually releasing it for Wii.

>Wii U scraps friend codes in favour of user profiles similar to Xbox Live.

At least they got that right.
>> No. 3428 [Edit]
>Wii U will be backwards-compatible with all Wii games and accessories.
>But it is not compatible neither with Gamecube games nor its accessories.

I'm gonna assume it's not compatible with older accessories such as that from N64.

This is supposed to make sense how?
>> No. 3429 [Edit]
The original Wii was backwards-compatible with Gamecube games.

It's just like how they axed GBA compatibility starting with the DSi.
>> No. 3430 [Edit]
I'm going to get a Wii U and enjoy either the Wii or the Wii U library and no one can stop me.

You guys might be overreacting a bit too much, I don't doubt some third party will make a wavebird look a like for wii u. I thought the Classic Controller was great, though.
>> No. 3432 [Edit]
Oh god it isn't going to have the regular voice of 47 in it either. What the fuck is happening
>> No. 3435 [Edit]
Nintendo probably didn't want to shove the four controller/two memory card ports into it like Wii, which is completely understandable given how much space that took up in Wii.

I played MH Tri for 100+ hours last year with the original Classic Controller and thought it worked fine.
>> No. 3436 [Edit]

I played MH3 with Classic Controller, too. But that's just because MH doesn't support Wavebird. CC is way too light (seriously, it's like a paper toy), it's too 'angular' and just doesn't 'fit' the hand as nicely as Wavebird did. Also, the button placement was Wavebird's biggest advantage, it's a shame they decided to go back to the NES/SNES placement.

It works fine but it sure isn't as comfortable as it should be.
>> No. 3439 [Edit]
About the PS Vita, did they say anything about how they would release games for it? Like a new umd style format, or something. I'm kind of scared they are going to make it download only like the pspgo, but surely they wouldn't right?
>> No. 3440 [Edit]
I think they said it would use cards/cartridges.
>> No. 3455 [Edit]
I believe it's called a NGP card.
>> No. 3456 [Edit]
I'll be pretty pissed if vita doesn't support pro duo.
>> No. 3462 [Edit]
same here, i dont want the cards i bought to just collect dust.
>> No. 3504 [Edit]
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Oh boy!
I can't wait to play with my very own vita!
>> No. 3505 [Edit]
Is she, erm, "backwards" compatible?
>> No. 3506 [Edit]
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>> No. 3608 [Edit]
Fuck. I just realized N didn't say a word about Fire Emblem's 2 remake localization. Which means that it's pretty much officially not gonna happen right now. This makes me sad.

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