No. 3388
>If Nintendo's not going to commit themselves to decent hardware they're not going to be able to compete with Sony/Microsoft once they release their new consoles in a year or two.
I heard the same thing about Wii some five years ago.
>It'll be the same situation with the Wii, which once again, has proven that Nintendo can't support itself indefinitely without third parties, even if that's just ports. I
Wii was an amazing commercial success and everybody at Sony and Microsoft secretly (or not) envies N for coming up with this. That's also why they released Kinect and Move and they're pushing it so hard right now.
Nintendo is a business company just like any other. They care about money they can make (even though they obviously have to claim otherwise for PR purposes). Sony and Microsoft do the same. It just so happens that N's business model was much more successful.
>I hate to use this term, but Wii did have a successful, active userbase buying casual titles and Nintendo games, but hardly anything else.
That's exactly what they were aiming for. It was a huge success and everybody is happy about that.
>Wii was hardly even shown at the conference, which speaks volumes about just how barren Wii's upcoming software is.
"Upcoming"? Why talk about the future? The only somewhat worthwhile game released for the Wii this year was de Blob 2. You could also play it on any other console this gen and it wasn't even that good to begin with.
>Iwata said he wants to capture the hardcore
Again, PR. Of course he wants to. But he won't do much to do so. It's much easier and much more profitable to carter to casuals. Again, this gen obviously shows this. Look at Wii Fit sales, Wii Sports Resort sales etc. as opposed to, say, Muramasa or Little King's Story.
Also, note that there hasn't been a single good game that made use of Motion Control Plus. Those peripherals weren't exactly free, too. But causals were happy that they could swing their Wiimotes for a few hours playing Wii Sports Resort. And there's nothing wrong with that. Again, that's Nintendo's current policy right now and their profits are absolutely stunning. If you don't like the way they go about doing business nowadays you're free to support Sony or Microsoft.
>Otherwise Wii U is left in the dust again with Vita ports, 360/PS3 ports, watered down PS4/360 2 ports, and some token, weird third party exclusives (like that Lego game shown).
That's exactly what's gonna happen. It will be current gen all over again. Whether it will work or not is somewhat hard to predict (as indicated by poor 3DS sales) as it seems the causal market is saturated with Nintendo products. Then again, Wii U might outsell Wii and it won't really surprise me.
>YOu can't just slack on this stuff anymore.
Sure you can. Casuals wouldn't be able to figure out how to connect their consoles to the 'net either way.