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File 130613952975.jpg - (222.00KB , 1200x1600 , Bild028.jpg )
3071 No. 3071 [Edit]
Do not know if /vg/ cares about their Wii anymore but felt like I had to share mine.

Wii adress: 4476 2775 0844 1834
Golden Eye:0022 4266 2638
Mario Kart:5027 8568 8987
SSMB:Ask me later.
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>> No. 3073 [Edit]
File 130617470228.jpg - (91.00KB , 1280x720 , mael nose.jpg )
My wii is dead

It's a shame because I've never played Animal Crossing with someone and TC seems like they'd be fun in it

Post edited on 23rd May 2011, 11:34am
>> No. 3079 [Edit]
Oh man, Animal Crossing would be fun, but I'm going to wait for the 3DS one before sinking a bunch of time into another Animal Crossing.
>> No. 3089 [Edit]
Playing Animal Crossing with you guys sounds like fun, but I still have to download it.
>> No. 3090 [Edit]

Are you >>2366?

Nintendo was always known for sturdy hardware. Many NES consoles still work perfectly up to this day. It's a shame to see that quality of their products has taken a nosedive. I mean, just grab your Nunchuk, shake it a little and enjoy all the rattle. And Wiis dying left and right is not exactly shocking, either. Also, all the dual layer discs problems. Etc. etc. Shame on you N.

As for me, I don't even know my Wii Number. Never had to use it, most likely bnever will.
>> No. 3091 [Edit]
The wii has been know to have cheep out of date hardware for a long time now.
I'm surprised more units have not had problems.
>> No. 3092 [Edit]
Yeah, I am. It was a wii from release date too ;_;
>> No. 3094 [Edit]
>It's a shame to see that quality of their products has taken a nosedive.

This has more to do with technology progression than just them having less reliable products these days. Every console this gen has had notable problems.
>> No. 3095 [Edit]
The only problem that my Wii had that caused me any inconveniences was the dual layer disc problem, but Nintendo ended up fixing it for me for free. ( ´∀`)

Anyway, the only online games I have are Super Smash Brothers Brawl and DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2.

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