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File 130577745816.jpg - (0.96MB , 1320x1000 , 16123800.jpg )
2984 No. 2984 [Edit]
Anyone else still playing/just pick this up?

I keep getting my ass fucking handed to me. I don't get why this game is so hard for me though. I can do very hard mode on a number of other games but this one just kills me.

I HAVE managed to kill a few demons though. Fools Idol was definitely the easiest. Well, actually, Vanguard was the easiest because he honestly just stood there while I attacked him(I'm not complaining), but the easiest that was a legit fight was Fools Idol. I also managed to take down the armored spider, and that's about it.

Enough of my rambling. Thoughts on this game?
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>> No. 2985 [Edit]
I need to go back and play it, I picked it up a few months ago, but got distracted by other games. Only got passed the big oil blob boss though.
>> No. 2986 [Edit]
It's not really as hard as people claim.
It's more about learning the pattern of the levels and where are the enemies located.
It's pretty much the same with the bosses, but using their weaknesses at your advantage and finding a blind spot (there are a LOT) will get you through in no time.

The hardest level for me was the swamp, the darkness was everywhere, and I always got lost. It compensated with pretty weak bosses though.
>> No. 2988 [Edit]
Yeah, go back and tell us how you do.

Yeah, what I've done is is largely trial and error with learning about the levels. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

The hardest boss for me so far is the Tower Knight because he is so fucking big and I have bad reflexes, so when he attacks I see it coming but can't dodge in time. I hear the next underground boss is harder.

I also hear it's easier with more people, but I can't seem to get anyone to join.
>> No. 2989 [Edit]

Tower Knight get easy if you stay close to it, walk between his legs and attack him in the back.

If you get hit, run to the top of the stairs, there's a blind spot where he can't see you, you can heal there.

After the 3rd time, it's just a walk in the park.
>> No. 2990 [Edit]
That's what I'm doing now, but like I said, I have terrible reflexes and he is fucking huge so his attacks have a wide range and always get me. It would be counterproductive to be constantly running up the stairs to heal, only to come back and be hit again.

I really want to get past him, too, since I hear that witch is in 1 - 3.

Thanks for trying to give me some tips though, potential help is always appreciated.
>> No. 2991 [Edit]

I don't know why, but I left the first level for last, probably because of the last boss, that son of a bitch.
I also killed the dragon on the bridge of 1-2 with plain arrows, it took a long time.
>> No. 2994 [Edit]
I still troll it. Anyone in the 120 range that needs help, ask.I'm always willing to blue (especially if we get to gangrape invaders).
>> No. 2995 [Edit]
Yeah, that's the way I'm heading, too. Probably going to finish the second level first, then the fifth, third, fourth(Those fucking skeletons.), and then the first, if I can get to the final demon in any of them.

And I took down the dragon with regular arrows, too. Thinking of taking on the blueish one shortly, just need to buy some arrows and hope it stays laying down there in the cliff.
>> No. 2996 [Edit]
Those Demon's Souls comics from /v/ were all pretty funny, does anyone have those?

Nevermind, just found them.
Here, in case anyone's interested (they have spoilers)

Post edited on 18th May 2011, 10:14pm
>> No. 2997 [Edit]
File 130578230032.png - (1.00MB , 663x6000 , soul.png )
>> No. 2999 [Edit]
How much of a difference does it make playing this offline?
I was thinking of playing it, but I don't want to take my console online. (I'm sure you can guess why)
>> No. 3001 [Edit]

Not much of a difference, unless you like coop and red phantoms kicking your ass and interrupting your gameplay.

Some messages are pretty funny though.
>> No. 3009 [Edit]
I've not seen a real difference. Some of the messages helped point out things, but aside from that, nobody has joined my game, and nobody has invaded, so I can't say much about that.
>> No. 3026 [Edit]
I take that back. Someone just helped me(Read: Pretty much did on his own, and I'm not complaining) take down Tower Knight. I've still not been invaded though, and I am thankful for that.
>> No. 3033 [Edit]
>nobody has invaded

I can fix that.
>> No. 3049 [Edit]
Yeah, real funny, because after you posted this, I got invaded twice in a row and slaughtered both times.

They were even nice enough to give me time to heal up before the fight(We were in the Shrine of storms and those skeletons were swarming us.), and I still couldn't beat them. Although the second guy used this bullshit weapon that poisoned me, gave me the plague, and I was already bleeding, so I was really just a sitting duck and didn't want to waste my new moon grass on a phantom.

Still, after being able to level up a lot after taking down the Dragon God, I'm starting to really like this game since I can hold my own against the AI now.

I've also come to terms with my inability to beat harder opponents right now, and now cheese them to death with arrows and running away.

Sorry about the rambling again, I'm just rather enjoying this game right now.
>> No. 3068 [Edit]
So, within two days playing online, I went from not even being able to beat the Tower Knight, to having the game completed, with a few ass kickings via black phantoms scattered in between. I guess summoning turns the game into easy mode. Let's see if I can take down NG+ on my own.
>> No. 3127 [Edit]
Well, that lasted about ten minutes.

Mother fucking Tower Knight again, except this time one his from his shield and I'm dead, even in body form. And nobody seems to want to fight him with me. All of my hate.
>> No. 3192 [Edit]
I beat Tower Knight on my own a few nights ago. Cheesed him to death with my White Arrows. Powerful things, those arrows. Really need to get a hold of more of them.

I'm now level 108, which is amazing to me considering how much of a hard time I had with this game at first.

Also, the DS servers seem to be acting up for me. Anyone else having trouble seeing messages/summoning spots?

Post edited on 31st May 2011, 8:13pm

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