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File 130563868987.jpg - (80.93KB , 580x402 , laptop-pillow-1.jpg )
2936 No. 2936 [Edit]
Hi /vg/.

I hope you won't mind but I'd like to ask you to help a fellow Brohno out. I know we've got a feedback thread on /mt/ but since this matter is highly /vg/ related I think it's more appropriate to ask for help here. I'm really of out the loop when it comes to video games so there's lots of stuff I'd like to ask about.

Also, I should note that this is going to be a wall of text. I'm kinda long-winded in the first place (well, at least on the 'net) and on top of that I think it's easier to help somebody when you can work with a more detailed description. If you don't feel like reading all of this I bolded what I believe are the most importnant parts.

First of all, a TL;DR version. I want to buy (or rather, I'm forced to as my old one died on me) a new laptop. It would be nice if I could play some games on it, too.

Before someone remarks that a gaming laptop is a stupid idea in the first place I'll have to say that I am well aware of this. As I already mentioned I'm out of the loop nowadays but it hasn't always been this way and back in the day I could give you feedback on most matters I'm gonna ask about. However, I want a laptop as I mostly use it to browse 'net/read manga/watch anime/read VNs; video games aren't as important - they are a nice addition if anything. It's not like I'm just plain too lazy to build a PC from scratch and want an easy solution. I just spend 95% of my time in my bed and in this situation a laptop is obviously a more convenient choice.

As I own neither 360 nor PS3 and my old laptop wasn't exactly a powerhouse I missed on pretty much every game this gen (sans some smaller indie games that you could run on a tosater if you'd try hard enough, such as VVVVV for example). I don't really want a high-end machine that could run everything out there on highest details; I don't mind not being able to play some of the newest games. I'm mostly interested in widely recognized titles released over last couple of years such as BioShock, Dead Space, Fallout 3 and such (I think you can guess some others titles).

Now, time for the actual questions. First of all, games themselves. I heard that some games are made virtually unplayable due to DRM. I also realize that most games nowadays are developed with 360/PS3 in mind and PC versions are simply ports and they suffer from consolitis. Are there any blockbuster games that suffer from this problems? I heard GTA4 sucked hard on PC but I'm not that interested in it it the first place. I'd be more interested in Dead Space 2 for example and I heard the PC version was allegedly butchered. If it would be easier to work with a more detailed list I could look through what was relased and make one.

Also, I must admit I don't really know whether, say, Intel Pentium Dual Core T4500 2,30GHz is medicore or just plain shit nowadays. If someone could at least try to specify what 'high-end' means nowadays (which would probably be what some newest games require to run on max details) and what you'd consider to be medicore it would help me a lot.

Last of all the matter of the laptop itself. I mostly used Toshiba's and Acer's but I don't mind getting something else if it will be a better solution. Are there any companies I should stick to? Also, if you know some particular model which isn't too expensive and fits my description feel free to name it. As for my budget it's rather flexible. It sure would be nice to buy something for Five hundred and ninety nine US dollars but I think that's just my wishful thinking so let's say I could spend up to 800$ (maybe more if it's still not enough).

Thanks in advance.
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>> No. 2937 [Edit]
Dat bold.

It's safe to say pretty much every laptop will struggle at playing games, particularly recent ones. Even with nice hardware, they tend to struggle/overheat. Integrated video is just..ugh.

That said, that's about all I know about laptops.
>> No. 2939 [Edit]
There are some good gaming laptops for $650-$700 but they're hard to come by. Building a gaming desktop for this money would be much easier and you could play those games no problem.

You should look for Intel i3/i5 or AMD Phenom II in processors, these are usually the high-end and what a good laptop uses nowadays, graphic cards is harder to tell, just avoid anything with Intel HD if you're a bit serious about gaming. Usually you will have things like Radeon HD 56xx/58xx/66xx/68xx or Geforce GT 54x/GTX for gaming at good resolutions.

Asus G51VX-RX05
Acer Aspire AS5552G

There are some good and cheap Acer Travelmate with good chips but they don't seem to be available in the US for some reason unknown to me.
>> No. 2941 [Edit]
File 130564196878.png - (59.59KB , 869x515 , speccy laptop.png )
I can run oblivion maxed out on this laptop (pic specs)

I have modded the game plenty though, but that should only make it harder to run I think. It's the only game I have on this computer other than 3D custom girl and maid.
>> No. 2942 [Edit]
Wow, now that I look through recent releases most good-looking games don't even get ported anymore. Shame. If the situation looks like that maybe I should reconsider and go for some old, cheap laptop and a current gen console.


Thanks for help.

>Building a gaming desktop for this money would be much easier and you could play those games no problem.

I understand as much but it can't be helped. I want a laptop no matter what, for reasons I specified.

>There are some good and cheap Acer Travelmate with good chips but they don't seem to be available in the US for some reason unknown to me.

Feel free to name them, I don't live in States.
>> No. 2943 [Edit]
I hate to be the one to have to say this, but
>gaming laptop

Just fucking no.
>> No. 2944 [Edit]

Ok, let me rephrase it then.

I need to buy a new laptop and I wonder which one is best suited for playing games released 3 or so years ago.

Sound any better?
>> No. 2945 [Edit]
Would still overheat.
>> No. 2947 [Edit]

I don't want to discredit you as it seems you have more knowledge on the subject but I did some gaming on my old laptop and I never experienced overheating. Of course, those were some old games but not all of them were that old (I even played quite a bit of SupCom and it worked fine).
>> No. 2948 [Edit]
My laptop can run Portal 2 on all high settings, and it has never overheated. It gets freaking hot, yeah, but it still runs fine.
>> No. 2949 [Edit]
A Toshiba for $599.99

or a Toshiba for $769.99

Either should play the games you listed, as for the overheating part I can't say, I've never owned a laptop.
>> No. 2952 [Edit]
I looked through Acers for the time being, here's a short list of what fits my (and those >>2939 mentioned) so far.

Acer Aspire AS5750 (770$)

ProINTEL Core i3-2310M 2x2.10 GHz
nVidia GeForce GT 540M 1GB + Intel HD Graphics 3000
2048 MB RAM 1333MHz DDR3

Acer 7540 (610$)

AMD M320 2 x 2.1 GHz
ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 5650

Acer 5552 (720$)

AMD Phenom II Triple-Core Mobile N870 3 x 2.3 GHz
ATI Mobility Radeon™ HD 6650
4096 MB RAM DDR3

Acer TravelMate 5742G (720$)

Intel Core i5-430M 2.26 GHz-2.53 GHz
AMD Radeon HD 5470
4096 MB RAM DDR3

As I said, that's a quick look through Acers only (I might look into Asuses and MSIs later). To an untrained eye that Phenom-powered 5552 probably looks the best. Any thoughts?
>> No. 2960 [Edit]
Yeah, enjoy having your processor burn through the motherboard in another few months.
>> No. 2961 [Edit]
That sounds highly unlikely.
>> No. 3006 [Edit]
I'd recommend you get a thinkpad, they cost a bit more but they're far more durable than your typical laptop.
>> No. 3007 [Edit]
And as I've discovered working with these things at work, far more easier to open up to get to parts.

Then again, I've only worked on T60's and T60p's, but compared to other laptops I've tried to open up in the past these things are way easier.
>> No. 3142 [Edit]
Hi. I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me out (especially >>2939). After giving it some thought I decided to buy that 770$ Acer Aspire AS5750. I realize 2GB RAM isn't enough so I also decided to upgrade it by another 2GB on my own.

Thanks once more.

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