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File 129168991035.jpg - (172.13KB , 997x491 , steam.jpg )
292 No. 292 [Edit]
Set sail, landlubbers!
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>> No. 293 [Edit]
This looks interesting.
>> No. 295 [Edit]
I can vouch for Chime being a good game. Great music you can take it easy to as while the game requires a good bit of skill in order to rake in the high scores.
For this prize you have no excuse not to own it.
>> No. 297 [Edit]
File 129169860958.jpg - (12.72KB , 378x301 , hnnnng.jpg )
That Still Alive remix. My body was not ready.
>> No. 339 [Edit]
This marketing scheme is genius. They're not only getting people to add games to their wish list, they're getting people to drop small amounts of money on random games so that they can get more entries in the treasure hunt.

The buying games for the treasure hunt part speaks for itself. As for the genius of the wishlist, it's almost Christmas. Wishlists have got to generate a sizable income.
>> No. 1408 [Edit]
File 129857294570.jpg - (214.31KB , 1036x375 , Gabe's early years.jpg )
>> No. 1412 [Edit]
I chuckled. Saved.

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