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File 130542172619.jpg - (67.15KB , 790x409 , Character-Creation-Iris.jpg )
2881 No. 2881 [Edit]
I'm going to try out this MMORPG game called Iris Online where you can be a cute little girl.

Anyone want to join me in finding if this is any good (of course it's not, it's just a poor excuse)?
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>> No. 2882 [Edit]
>> No. 2884 [Edit]
Looks kind of cute.

Is it free to play/buy? If so I would love to play with some of you bros.
>> No. 2885 [Edit]
what's so bad about it? I made an account in 1 minute, downloaded the game and now I'm patching.

>> No. 2887 [Edit]
The bad things about gPotato are, in order of importance:
GameGuard, arguably the worst online game hack prevention software ever conceived. It can and will cause issues when playing the game, from disconnects/game crashes all the way to BSODs. If you're unlucky, it'll do so even when you're not playing. It also does not come with an uninstall option and unless you manually remove its files and registry entries, it will persist on your computer even after you uninstall the game. You are essentially letting some Koreans hack your system as an insurance that you won't tamper with their clients' software.
A virtual item store that is exceedingly overpriced and ensures not paying a cent means you will never stand a chance against anyone who does. While this might be the same story as any other free MMO, gPotato games are exceptionally bad.
Absolutely awful customer support. Or rather, lacking whatsoever. Any problems you might have will not be resolved, no matter how many times you mail them, paying customer or otherwise.

The game itself suffers from a lack of content past the early-mid levels which sees you suddenly going from a few hours of casual questing to grinding tens of thousands of monsters for one level up. And gPotato's aforementioned business practices. I remember logging in a while back after not having played since beta, to see someone with an item shop upgraded weapon sporting around 200+800 damage while I used to break mine in hopes of reaching 200+100 or so. I shrugged, logged off and uninstalled.

I'd still play with you because I'm lonely and the little girls are pretty cute, on the odd chance you haven't already quit.
>> No. 2894 [Edit]
Radiant Sun or Luminous Star?
>> No. 2896 [Edit]
Whimsical star
>> No. 2898 [Edit]
I quit.

I'm going to find a another game where I can play as a cute little girl.
>> No. 2978 [Edit]
This game looks pretty interesting. An original theme, a good degree of polish for a free game, and you can play as a loli catgirl. If anyone's still interested my character is SoMoe on Luminous Star.
>> No. 3019 [Edit]
File 130585292043.jpg - (82.44KB , 289x398 , 2_5_loli.jpg )
You can make a loli in Aion. Once 2.5 comes out next week, you can make their facial features more anime/manga-esque in proportion like in the picture.

I resubbed a few weeks ago, and I'm enjoying it. It's not the RMT infested grindfest it was at launch. It still has it's fair share of problems (still not much of an end-game and RNG shenanigans in PvP), but if you can look past them, it's a pretty decent game now.
>> No. 3020 [Edit]
Really cute, but I don't think that will be enough to get me to play it
>> No. 3022 [Edit]
File 13058559516.png - (28.93KB , 409x386 , 1279257670996.png )
>paying for MMOs

>> No. 3023 [Edit]
I'd pay for an MMO if it was good enough but I doubt Aion is.
>> No. 3025 [Edit]

That's pretty much the general response I expected, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
>> No. 3032 [Edit]
I hear Aion isn't bad if you're into a lot of leveling up and skill tweaking etc. It's as generic as can be, but probably more indepth than say Rift or whatever other popular MMO is out there these days.
>> No. 3053 [Edit]
Aion lets you fly apparently, which is always good in an MMO.


I might play with you if I can get $40 for the game.
>> No. 3055 [Edit]
Unfortunately, flying is pretty limited in Aion. You could only fly in certain areas and there was a limit to how long you could fly. If I remember correctly, your max flight time starts out at around 45 seconds, after which you have to spend one or two minutes waiting for it to recharge or pop an expensive potion to refill your flight gauge. One of the few pluses compared to other MMOs with flight is that you can fight while flying, but even then there was a limit (at least I think there was...) to what skills you could use in flight.

I don't know if any of that has changed, since I only played during a couple of the closed betas back in 2009. It's a shame, the one game mechanic I was looking forward to when I decided to check this game out turned out to be one of the most crippled.

The game had nice graphics and a pretty good soundtrack though.
>> No. 3065 [Edit]

Hmm, well I'm still interested, if for the high production value or for playing as a loli with a giant sword.
>> No. 3069 [Edit]
If I want to be the little girl online, I'll just play Tera.
>> No. 3070 [Edit]
Are you in the beta?
>> No. 3072 [Edit]
No, thanks. I'd rather not support EME and their wanton censorship, as I don't want to see that sort of thing becoming a trend in the 'localization' of eastern games.

Besides, TERA was decent (when playing Korean version), but still somehow felt really generic and surprisingly not all that different, despite the non-targeted combat. I'd rather wait for Blade & Soul, in that case.
>> No. 3138 [Edit]
File 130637683634.jpg - (185.43KB , 1568x905 , rom_character_creation.jpg )
RoM is another MMO with some cute options. It's a pretty decent game for a WoW clone. The dual class system is pretty cool.
>> No. 3188 [Edit]
Practically a game where you literally can't endgame that much without spending your money and wasting time on improving your stats. Haven't played it in literally two years now.
>> No. 3196 [Edit]
Of all the moe MMOs I tried, including Iris, none were any good.

Expect grinding.
>> No. 3204 [Edit]
Ha Ha Ha.
Someone is trying to get me to try Prius (aka Aika v0.5)
Fuck that.
>> No. 3288 [Edit]
File 130718083756.jpg - (422.15KB , 1677x1046 , banned_in_america.jpg )
We'll just have to wait for Tera.

Although if I'm going to play an MMO it will probably be Guild Wars 2.
>> No. 3292 [Edit]
These kinds of games are good for a day to 2 weeks, because it's nice to play a loli.

After that period I usually figured everything out that deviates from the formula.

Checking with hotglue what's new is pretty helpful when you want some kind of social experience going with it. (they can be nice people and no one ever anoyed me)
>> No. 3314 [Edit]
You frequent their IRC?
Tell them Mystic is seeking them on the Prius forum in the Aurora guild section.
>> No. 3316 [Edit]
Better saddle up for disappointment.

Apparently, the game isn't faring too well in Korea. The game has been out for 4 months and they're already on their second round of server merges. I can only imagine it's going to be an even larger disaster in the West.
>> No. 3318 [Edit]
>Prius has a unique feature where players have a young girl as a companion who grows as the player progresses.

This has piqued my interest.

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