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274 No. 274 [Edit]
Does /tc/ like Age of Empires? Or any other strategy game for that matter.

I just spent four hours playing the first one building me an awesome empire, then I used photon men with cheats to destroy everything. It's still a lot of fun. People usually prefer AoE2 but the first one is still my favorite, probably because I'm a huge sucker for Romans.

I uploaded it here if you want to give it a try but I'm not sure it works outside my comp:
>> No. 275 [Edit]
I used to play Age of Empires and Age of Empires 2 about 9-10 years ago.

I prefer AoE2. I tried out AoE3, but that was complete shit compared to the previous games, with this colony bullshit.

I'm so used to playing AoE2 for quite a while, that even playing one of the many custom campaigns in AoE fucked with my head for a while. I might reinstall both of those games if I had the chance to, along with SWGB, which is pretty much AoE2 with Star Wars in it.
>> No. 278 [Edit]
Yeah, AoE3 was kind of a let down even if it looked awesome.

I never tried Battlegrounds, maybe it will let me overcome my disgust for AoE2's ugliness. Thanks for reminding me.
>> No. 313 [Edit]
I prefer AoE2 because the sprites are reasonable scales when compared to each other. I guess I'm just picky that way.

Plus, I like the medieval and post-medieval period better.


For some reason, I found that game rather disturbing. I don't even know why.
>> No. 1283 [Edit]
I remember playing age of empires II a while back. I got it as a gift (along with the conquerors expansion) but I can't find the game disk anymore.
>> No. 1288 [Edit]
Real time strategy games are great. I also love grand strategy games like Victora 1 & 2, but those are in an entirely different league. Games take days and days of meticulous almost autistic planning and work.

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