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No. 263 [Edit]
  So, some guy remade Mario Bros 3 using the New Super Mario Bros DS engine. Has anyone else been playing it? Some of the new bits are fucking hard, the guy who worked on it was obviously some kind of sadist. I'm on the world 6 castle at the moment and having trouble getting into the pipe at the end of the red blocks room.
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>> No. 264 [Edit]
File 129158153217.jpg - (41.11KB , 450x531 , 1288899868573.jpg )
That part where you have to break a wall with buzzy beetles is total bullshit

Still better than accumulating 30+ lives in the original NSMB and whoever made the game obviously put some thought in the level design to compensate for the relative lack of abilities compared to the original game
>> No. 266 [Edit]
File 129158185840.png - (140.77KB , 670x970 , 1238801871179.png )
Yeah, the lack of things like racoon suit and that awesome boot thing is making me consider just playing Mario All-Stars on my Snes instead. But I'm determined to at least finish this game first, despite the endless frustration.

Still, I think I prefer annoyingly difficult over annoyingly easy. And this game throws so many lives at you that you don't get an excuse to close the DS when you run out of lives. I've been stuck on this level for hours and still have about 50 left. I'm going be stuck here FOREVER.
>> No. 268 [Edit]
>making me consider just playing Mario All-Stars on my Snes

Nintendo is rereleasing Super Mario All Stars for the Wii. It's interesting because you can buy all games included in SMAS for 21$/2100 Wii Points (Virtual Console). I bet the game itself will cost more. Sure, there are some additional materials included but I still think it's funny (or not, depening how you look at it).

Sorry for this thread unrelated post but after you mentioned SMAS I just felt like posting this.
>> No. 269 [Edit]
Can you play this on an emulator neatly?
>> No. 270 [Edit]
File 129158384843.jpg - (178.36KB , 483x500 , 2288758322_5cc0c405a1.jpg )
I'd assume so, it looks like the person who made the youtube videos of the game like the one in the OP post seems to be playing them that way. You need a ROM of the original New Super Mario Bros DS to patch still though.

Seeing them re-re-re-releasing those games yet again was funny to me also, though I guess I should learn to expect it by now.
>> No. 271 [Edit]
File 129158452290.jpg - (37.09KB , 600x450 , wah.jpg )
Finally beat that fucking level. Onto world 8!

It's amusing how your playing skill goes down the more times you attempt the same level in a row. Once the <100 seconds remaining music kicks in, your playing goes to absolute shit. And then for the next attempt you mute the game, put on the Hidamari Sketch OST and do things perfectly. I love you, Hidamari Sketch OST.
>> No. 273 [Edit]

>Seeing them re-re-re-releasing those games yet again was funny to me also, though I guess I should learn to expect it by now.

Actually I was talking about how they trying to cash in on everything. Oh well, it's not like they force you to buy it.

>It's amusing how your playing skill goes down the more times you attempt the same level in a row.

This is true for me, too. I get frustrated quickly and once I'm pissed I can't get anything done right. I vaguely remeber completely giving up on few games then giving them another shots months later and beating levels I spent so much time on with ease (even though I expected to fail hard since I didn't play in months). I can't really tell which games this applies to but you get the point.
>> No. 276 [Edit]
looks fun, OP; the (abusive) usage of SM64 wallkick jump alone, renders a very different gameplay.
btw: does anyone remember in wich NES game you could commit instant suicide (by pressing SELECT, I think)?
>> No. 318 [Edit]
Looks promising, I love platformers. Thanks for the tip, OP.
>> No. 329 [Edit]
SMB3 was the best mario period in my opinion. This looks interesting.

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