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File 129154252752.jpg - (79.44KB , 800x600 , VTMB_800x600.jpg )
254 No. 254 [Edit]
Anyone here played this gem? If not I highly encourage you to do so and don't worry it has nothing to do with Twilight or sparkling vampire crap. The dialogue is phenomenal, the characters seem real, and it has one of the best endings I have ever seen in a video game. The music is great too.
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>> No. 255 [Edit]
File 129154281886.jpg - (364.57KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-22 04-16-30-23.jpg )
If you decide to torrent it make sure to apply Wesp's Unofficial patch.
>> No. 256 [Edit]
File 129154289328.jpg - (326.05KB , 1680x1050 , Ming.jpg )
Here's some more screen shots of the game.
>> No. 257 [Edit]
File 129154294622.jpg - (372.99KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-22 04-20-11-88.jpg )
>> No. 258 [Edit]
File 129154350432.jpg - (535.18KB , 1600x1200 , screenshot4.jpg )
>> No. 301 [Edit]
One of the many games on my "to finish" list. So many games, so little time.
>> No. 302 [Edit]
File 129177504428.jpg - (210.49KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-14 07-17-10-07.jpg )
You better get your priorities straight and move this game to the top of the list. Everything else can wait.
>> No. 303 [Edit]
File 129177875359.png - (388.55KB , 616x471 , father.png )
>> No. 306 [Edit]
File 129178624342.jpg - (227.20KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-13 06-18-44-57.jpg )
I loved hearing what she said on my second play through and actually understanding it.
>> No. 308 [Edit]
I have this game installed, what should I roll?

I have never played a vampire series game before so I don't even know ho it really plays other than its a shooter rpg.
>> No. 310 [Edit]
I've heard of this game quite a bit; someone recommended it to earlier this year. I should torrent it.
>> No. 311 [Edit]
File 129183854635.jpg - (139.86KB , 1680x1050 , Pimping for Romero.jpg )
Tremere's fun if you want to be a vampire mage that siphons blood and makes people explode. Toreador is good if you want to be a suave motherfucker who is a god at firearms.Ventrue is pretty good in that you can command people into doing what you want them to do and they can also soak a lot of damage You should hold off on Malkavian though since it will spoil the game for you despite it being your funnest run. Nosferatu can be pretty inconvenient since you have to hide your ugly ass in the sewers.
>> No. 312 [Edit]
File 129183887615.jpg - (244.07KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-14 21-06-15-40.jpg )
You won't regret it.
>> No. 340 [Edit]
I played it up until the docks where I got the infamous water bug which made it impossible to progress. It was fun up until then.
>> No. 357 [Edit]
File 129214305151.jpg - (316.84KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-14 01-09-44-77.jpg )
Were you using Wesp's patch? Also what's the water bug?
>> No. 360 [Edit]
I was using the official steam release. The water bug was a graphics problem with some cards which made water slow your system to a crawl.
>> No. 372 [Edit]
File 129219318974.jpg - (335.01KB , 1680x1050 , vampire 2010-04-22 05-11-18-88.jpg )
I'm sad to hear that. Especially since you bought it. I sure as hell wouldn't want my money going to Activision when they pretty much killed Troika and did what they could to cripple the game.
>> No. 475 [Edit]
File 129255178751.jpg - (234.48KB , 1280x1024 , 1270467373324.jpg )
So has anyone made any progress in the game?

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