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File 129153808591.gif - (52.42KB , 449x618 , quake_logo.gif )
250 No. 250 [Edit]
Anybody actually play good shooters here?
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>> No. 251 [Edit]
Fuck yeah, Quake 1.

Quake 1 and 2 were good. Quake 3 came along and it started going downhill from there.
>> No. 252 [Edit]
File 129154096181.jpg - (32.20KB , 225x294 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
I've played some halo: reach and black ops
but seriously, i like reach. dunno what people consider 'good', but i enjoy it regardless of the fucktarded fanbase
>> No. 253 [Edit]
Good? QL and CS1.6 way back. Only recent FPS I have any real experience with is TF2 but that is not exactly "good" in the same sense
>> No. 259 [Edit]
File 129154574112.png - (686.84KB , 1280x1024 , 1277521989266.png )
cosmic brak
>> No. 260 [Edit]
Shut up nutbladdr.
>> No. 277 [Edit]
File 129160857338.png - (378.30KB , 588x603 , tech_support_being_laughed_at.png )
I played a lot of Arena back in the days, then I made the jump to Unreal Tournament. 2004 was still kind of fun (let's not talk about UT3) but I haven't played in a long time. Last time I checked there were still populated servers.

Nowadays I only play TF2 and Bad Company 2.
>> No. 287 [Edit]
wouldn't the engineer be tech support?

that reminds me, I need to pick up unreal tournament

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