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File 130326068950.jpg - (57.72KB , 600x437 , 10635270_m.jpg )
2471 No. 2471 [Edit]
What are game universes you would like to see more of or that don't currently satisfy you? details please.
1.Even though this art of FFXII ,I don't necessarily want more from 12 ,but I feel like there are still stories left in Ivalice to tell.
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>> No. 2472 [Edit]
2.FFX and X-2 are played out in game terms ,but there could still be a movie maybe about the special dressspheres. Yuna must wear Floral Fallal and thief at some point.
3. FFVII- I want a a fucking conclusion S-E you bastard, a GOOD ONE. I have mixed feelings about a remake.On one hand a simple facelift and retranslation would be nice ,but I'm not a graphics whore and would like more content. On the other hand , they might fuck it up. The only things I can say I would definitely like is a chance to see more of Midgar and the other slums. I'd also like to see a sidequest where Don Corneo uses the manipulate materia on Tifa ,Aeris and perhaps Cloud. I think it would be more exciting if instead of trying to rescue Tifa only to find out it was a ruse ,Tifa really Did need your help. Of course seeing Tifa and Aeris do some kind of sexy dance/tease at the honeybee inn would be nice ,along with a sissy Cloud waiting tables.But anyway....yeah Midgar.
>> No. 2474 [Edit]
4.FFVIII-Is pretty much over ,although a movie or game showing Ultimecia's rise to power would be welcome.

5.FFIX-My favorite final fantasy so very tricky indeed.I think a sequel in the future could work,maybe enough that eiko is as old as Garnet was in FF9. One idea I've been waiting to see in a final fantasy game is mind control/corruption. I think it would be cool to have the main villain/the dragon kidnap a girl from your party and turn her into one of their minions complete with unique outfits and powers where you and maybe a different party are actively working against the main party.Anyway that's my 2cents for now.
>> No. 2475 [Edit]
File 130326341128.jpg - (480.70KB , 999x1406 , gensokyo_map.jpg )
>> No. 2476 [Edit]
God dammit, I can't think of anything but Square games.

I would like to see a game set in the world of FFXIII, with actually good gameplay and a solid story. It took an entire playthrough for me to realize that the only reason I liked it are the graphics. It was honestly a beautiful moment when I first got to Oerba and 'Dust to Dust' started playing, but not because I cared about the characters or anything, but because Square-Enix is really fucking good at making CG environments and Masashi Hamauzu knows his way around string music. The idea of Cocoon/Pulse is interesting enough, and the graphics are stunning, but other than that, it's a weak game.

XIII-2 is probably going to suck, so that doesn't count.

I'd also like to see a sequel to Threads of Fate. One of the first few games I beat by myself, and the ending left grounds for a sequel, you know? Ken Akamatsu was supposed to do a manga adaption, actually, but he scrapped it for Negima! instead. Probably for the best.

Threads of Fate is the only Square game that I have no real issues with, actually - Although I probably should take off the nostalgia goggles.
>> No. 2950 [Edit]

That happened in FFIV and FFVII, to Kain and Cloud , respectively.
>> No. 2955 [Edit]
I almost feel that way about TWEWY, it feels like the world has more stories to tell, but at the same time I don't really think it needs more exposition.

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