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File 129153488417.jpg - (85.23KB , 554x782 , fable-3-box-w-resize.jpg )
246 No. 246 [Edit]
So I'm playing Fable 3, and I'm really conflicted with it


-Funny, just like 2

-Unlike 2, a female character doesn't become
comically hulk huge when they get strong

-Atmosphere is great


-Glitches everywhere. I've had to restart twice because a character won't walk to where they are supposed to, meaning the scene can't go forward

-Horrible lag. Especially during jobs (which are all the same button pressing thing), which can really fuck you over

-Not a lot of customization. I've only found one outfit I really like for my character. Ditto on hair styles

-Without spoiling anything, let's just say the second "half" of the game is so tedious (if you want to stay "good") that you will want to throat punch Peter Molyneux.
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>> No. 247 [Edit]
and another thing: There's a few things that require you to play co-op with someone in order to unlock them. I really wish developers would stop doing that, since it makes it impossible for me to 100% so I don't feel bothered to even try
>> No. 248 [Edit]
I never played past 1.

Sure it was fun, but I have no interest in getting a 360 for a single game, and my current computer can't play newer games.
>> No. 249 [Edit]
fable 3 is supposedly getting a pc release...but lion head is kind of dead to me now.
>> No. 262 [Edit]
I enjoyed Fable 1 quite a bit. I've got Fable 2 but haven't finished it yet, mainly because I couldn't find back that enjoyment I had with F1. Everything was kind of a mess and not really well explained.

All things considered I might not get Fable 3 though.
>> No. 272 [Edit]
File 12915849158.jpg - (126.47KB , 1054x594 , not fun.jpg )
I'm definitely going to hesitate getting Fable 4 after this. They seem to want to sacrifice fun gameplay for messages, like fable 3's "doing the right thing isn't always easy/ruling people AND being loved isn't all it's cracked up to be". I can appreciate what they were trying to do but it's just not fun at all..
>> No. 279 [Edit]
My xbox has been on almost all day and I STILL haven't accumulated even half the money I need to save everyone

This shit sucks
>> No. 285 [Edit]
File 129165803967.jpg - (24.57KB , 415x600 , hardhat.jpg )
I guess the first Fable was pretty good back in the day. Only a guess though, since I didn't play it.
I did however play the second one a fair bit. It's fun and easy to get in to, but also casual to the verge of unplayable. Not being able to die? Who the hell thought that was a good idea?
>> No. 291 [Edit]
I thought that was good, since getting scarred from getting knocked out made me more cautious than just dying and respawning as I didn't want my character to become ugly. Of course, since leveling anything made her unattractive anyway (guns made her really tall, will made her look like a tron character, and strength made her...yeah) it kind of lost it's effect
>> No. 298 [Edit]
Fable 3 does that better (no giant tron she-hulks), though my character still wound up looking like some sort of vampire/goth by the end. Apparently being really really nice makes your skin very gray and forces you to wear too much eyeshadow

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