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File 130306665983.jpg - (30.43KB , 350x300 , wiitv.jpg )
2364 No. 2364 [Edit]
Wii 2
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>> No. 2365 [Edit]
>What's most exciting about the Wii successor however is its all-new controller, which industry sources have indicated is not simply an upgraded Wii Remote, and will even feature a built-in HD screen.

What the hell.
>> No. 2366 [Edit]
I tried turning on my wii for the first time in a little under a year yesterday and it's dead ;_;

RIP My Wii

>> No. 2367 [Edit]
>> No. 2368 [Edit]

It just died?
>> No. 2369 [Edit]
>will feature full HD visuals and graphical capabilities beyond Sony and Microsoft's current hardware

Now xbox and sony will be forced to push out consoles with better graphics, which means they'll finally let PC game tech advance a little bit! \(°∀°)ノ
>> No. 2371 [Edit]
It turns on but doesn't boot up. It was having freezing problems last time I played it so I assume whatever was causing that killed it
>> No. 2373 [Edit]
>more powerful than Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3

This part really confuses me.
First off, Nintendo has made a killing by selling out of date over price hardware, which they still haven't dropped the price on yet.
Why would they want to change that?

Second, why would they even need or want to be more powerful then the competition when all the games they make are low detailed kids stuff?
They never before seemed the least bit interested in making orgasmicly good looking games, what changed? has anything changed?
Pokemon is a good example of this, their hand held technology has advanced considerably, but the pokemon games look very much the same as they did when they first came out, graphically.

Is there any point in them being more powerful?
>> No. 2374 [Edit]
Can't wait to play the same animal crossing game over again
>> No. 2375 [Edit]

Maybe they don't want to replace Wii, just make a new high tech console and keep their money printer as it is.
Why can't they have 2 consoles at the same time?
>> No. 2376 [Edit]
>Why can't they have 2 consoles at the same time?

Last gen consoles never stick around long after the new tech has been realised.
>> No. 2377 [Edit]

It's seems like a good time for a change.
>> No. 2378 [Edit]
>> No. 2379 [Edit]
That sounds to me like an upgraded wii remote.
>> No. 2380 [Edit]

I haven't touched my Wii since MH3. All the games are boring. I'm never buying a console again, the 360 will be my last one probably.

I'd guess a lot of gamers got HDTVs now, so they want to bring that extra horse power. They might want to implement those achievements everyone has and cool dashboards too. But frankly, I dislike Nintendo's policy on doing only poor graphical games with "innovative" gameplay. You can have good gameplay with good graphics.
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
>I'm never buying a console again, the 360 will be my last one probably.

I'm kind of the same (I haven't touched my xbox since I got a gaming computer). I'm probably still going to get whatever console sony puts out next though, in case there's any console-only games I want
>> No. 2382 [Edit]
Too early to say if any of this is true. As a Nintendo fan that'll be there day one for the console regardless, I'll be super disappointed if they don't fix their online infrastructure for Wii 2 (3DS has made big leaps, but it's still based on friend codes) and if the console isn't going to be graphically competitive with what PS4/Xbox whatever can do.

A 6" screen on the control would be absurd, too.

Did you have WiiConnect24 turned on? That apparently would kill the GPU slowly over time.
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
I stopped trying to decipher, understand or predict Nintendo long ago.
A console with screens on the controllers? Sure, why the hell not Nintendo. Amaze me please.

To be honest my big complains on Nintendo is on part of their mentality, but at the same time it's that mentality that also makes them do a few things in a weird way which I like.
Like they suck big time at making an online experience that compares with the rest of the world but at the same time they haven't fallen into the whole achievements thing.
They don't release cool new content DLC style which is a shame but at the same time they don't do that dirty thing of releasing paid DLC the day after the game comes out and releasing a thousand little dumb gimmicks you have to pay for.
So really, I'm not sure with Nintendo.
In the end of the day I'll be buying their systems for some of their games but those games are becoming less and less.
This gen only Mario Galaxy really made me buy the Wii though I did find a few more enjoyable games that justified it.
>> No. 2384 [Edit]
>They don't release cool new content DLC style

This isn't entirely true. They've done bi-weekly tournaments in Mario Kart Wii since it's been released, weekly (I think) puzzles for Professor Layton, and I think weekly puzzles for Picross 3D. Might be others I'm forgetting. Unless you mean the mini-expansion pack-type DLC that some developers do (Rockstar, Gearbox, Bioware, etc.), which, yeah, I'd have to agree that it's a shame Nintendo would probably never be open to that for their own games.
>> No. 2387 [Edit]
File 13030929344.png - (91.32KB , 488x284 , 1303090072694.png )
>> No. 2388 [Edit]
File 130309303983.jpg - (228.14KB , 860x565 , 1303091562506.jpg )
>> No. 2389 [Edit]
File 130309305961.jpg - (37.24KB , 700x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
And finally..
>> No. 2390 [Edit]
gamers do yeah, but what does that have to do with Nintendo?
>> No. 2392 [Edit]
That's some strange analog stick placement.
>> No. 2399 [Edit]
File 130311900836.png - (37.13KB , 224x261 , ecstacy anime.png )
I think that looks liek a Logitech multimediaremote ,it could have some appeal to americans with netflix.
>> No. 2400 [Edit]

>Why would they want to change that?

They won't. Wii 2 will be more powerful than 360 and PS3. Wii was more powerful than Xbox and GCN (as PS2 was technically the weakest console, notice a pattern here?). I suspect the gap between new Sony/Microsoft consoles and Wii 2 will be as huge as it is this gen.

>They never before seemed the least bit interested in making orgasmicly good looking games

I wouldn't agree with that, 'LOOK AT DEM GRAFIX' seemed to be one of the selling points of GCN. It failed miserably and they sort of learned they lesson.

>has anything changed?

As I said, their hardware will be (most likely) weaker than Sony's/Microsoft's so no, not really.

>I dislike Nintendo's policy on doing only poor graphical games with "innovative" gameplay.

I don't give much of a damn about graphics. The problem is, none of their games were innovative. 95% of Wii games were your average games which could've been released on any consonole, except they had some tacked-on gimmicks. Some of the most overhyped ones would be universally disliked if they didn't have gimmicky controls (MadWorld anyone?). Most likely there are less than 10 (good) games that make proper use of Wiimote. I have only ever seen one - Zack & Wiki (well, maybe Boom Blox counts, too). Goddamn, that game was so good. Other than that the devs go so far that they even allow you to use Classic Controller/Wavebird as they realize how retarded Wiimote is.

As much as I hate to say it Wiimote is for casuals who like to wave it around and laugh about it with their friends. It adds nothing to the games and only makes them harder to control.

I have given up on N after Wii and DS failed to deliver. I doubt I will buy any Nintendo console again.
>> No. 2401 [Edit]
I know that, if i have the money, i'm getting it on launch.
and also need to get a wii still too, which will be nice and easy soon enough.

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