No. 2400
>Why would they want to change that?
They won't. Wii 2 will be more powerful than 360 and PS3. Wii was more powerful than Xbox and GCN (as PS2 was technically the weakest console, notice a pattern here?). I suspect the gap between new Sony/Microsoft consoles and Wii 2 will be as huge as it is this gen.
>They never before seemed the least bit interested in making orgasmicly good looking games
I wouldn't agree with that, 'LOOK AT DEM GRAFIX' seemed to be one of the selling points of GCN. It failed miserably and they sort of learned they lesson.
>has anything changed?
As I said, their hardware will be (most likely) weaker than Sony's/Microsoft's so no, not really.
>I dislike Nintendo's policy on doing only poor graphical games with "innovative" gameplay.
I don't give much of a damn about graphics. The problem is, none of their games were innovative. 95% of Wii games were your average games which could've been released on any consonole, except they had some tacked-on gimmicks. Some of the most overhyped ones would be universally disliked if they didn't have gimmicky controls (MadWorld anyone?). Most likely there are less than 10 (good) games that make proper use of Wiimote. I have only ever seen one - Zack & Wiki (well, maybe Boom Blox counts, too). Goddamn, that game was so good. Other than that the devs go so far that they even allow you to use Classic Controller/Wavebird as they realize how retarded Wiimote is.
As much as I hate to say it Wiimote is for casuals who like to wave it around and laugh about it with their friends. It adds nothing to the games and only makes them harder to control.
I have given up on N after Wii and DS failed to deliver. I doubt I will buy any Nintendo console again.