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File 129135330840.png - (75.82KB , 654x546 , transformice.png )
235 No. 235 [Edit]
You guys like transformice?
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>> No. 236 [Edit]
I don't know what it is.
>> No. 238 [Edit]
It's a cute flash game where you are a mouse and need to get cheese, along with several other players (and one player gets magic powers to help the rest). It's like lemmings only everyone is a player.
>> No. 239 [Edit]
It's pretty fun if you have enough people.
>> No. 240 [Edit]
  Pretty much explains it all.
>> No. 241 [Edit]
Even after only playing for about ten minutes I can more or less say that this is an accurate depiction of this game.
>> No. 242 [Edit]
They used to update the game a lot but they've slowed down since they allowed player-made maps
>> No. 243 [Edit]
We could all play in /room tohno together but I dunno if there will be enough people to be worth it
>> No. 244 [Edit]
Looks kind of fun, I'd certainly like to play with you dudes.
>> No. 245 [Edit]
File 129150403459.jpg - (17.79KB , 800x395 , sad mouse.jpg )
>> No. 699 [Edit]
File 129347357640.png - (42.47KB , 200x285 , yaranaikasouris.png )
Hey, why didn't I see this thread earlier?
Anyway I've been playing for quite a while now, usually in room v or vanillav or another variation with people from various *chans (though there are a lot of 4channers). It certainly is as much about the game than the community, though that is not to say the game is bad. Oh and my nickname there is 'feor'.

Many people who appear in this video still play (Bromice, Klim, Horrdorr and others).
>> No. 702 [Edit]
Oh and I forgot to mention, message me if you want to know what room we're playing on. Currently it's 'notvidya' but it changes every few days. Also, it's rather empty in the morning (gmt).
>> No. 703 [Edit]
room v is the /v/ room right? I would really rather not play with them
>> No. 704 [Edit]
It was at the start, but now most of them don't post on 4chan anymore or post on other boards. There is still some 4chon shit like 'implying' but honestly even that is fading away. Also there's a fair number of people who come from other places like fightingamphibians etc.
Either way it would obviously be much better to gather enough brohnos to be able to play without them, but I can't see that happening anytime soon.
>> No. 711 [Edit]
hi im doki

Room v is friendly to non /b/ faggots so come on in, I really doubt tohno has enough people to organize a tohno room. Currently we are still in room notvidya, and don't log into a guest account because then you can't use the chat.
>> No. 716 [Edit]
File 129362947671.png - (23.34KB , 640x480 , 1288203894702.png )
>> No. 3632 [Edit]
What the goddamn fuck. I used to play transformice as "Feor" a year or so ago but I don't remember making this post, and I'd never play in a /v/ room anyway. This is very strange and a little embarrassing.

Edit: Ah, nevermind, my nickname was 'Feored'.

Post edited on 19th Jun 2011, 1:09pm

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