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File 130266658531.jpg - (29.09KB , 530x320 , easportslogo530.jpg )
2250 No. 2250 [Edit]

tl;dr: EA is getting sued, not for making crappy football games, but for being the only guys out there that make crappy footballgames.
>> No. 2251 [Edit]
The only Madden game I ever played was for the SNES, and it was my brother's. Can I still get in on some good old fashioned American lawsuitin'?
>> No. 2252 [Edit]
Heh, doesn't seem like. It only applies to games after 2005. Plus, you didn't buy it, you just played it.

Still, this whole thing is strange.
>> No. 2292 [Edit]
There are plenty of good reasons to sue EA, this is not one of them.

This is just another example of the shameless and down right stupid court system in America, with an even more stupid culture that's encouraged to sue anyone they can for any reason they can.
Stuff like this makes it almost embarrassing to be called American.

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