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No. 2224 [Edit]
  The award for "most unnecessary game remake" goes to....!5790842/frank-west-regains-the-lead-role-in-dead-rising-2-off-the-record-a-surprising-remake
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>> No. 2226 [Edit]
File 130263525287.jpg - (46.92KB , 393x335 , frank.jpg )
This is what years of drinking 20 gallons of OJ and coffee creamer a day does to you
>> No. 2231 [Edit]
God fucking damn it capcom, of all the old ass out of date classic games they could remake, they remake something that's like 3 years old?
well, at least from the looks of it, it seems like more of an expansion then a remake, still don't know why they couldn't just make a part 3, they must have gotten lazy and didn't want to remake another mall.
>> No. 2233 [Edit]
>they remake something that's like 3 years old?

More like 6 months
>> No. 2234 [Edit]
Holy crap, I just checked and you're right.
If this was announced 11 days ago, I would have thought it was just a joke.
>> No. 2246 [Edit]
Frank looks like what would happen if Dan Aykroyd ate Johnny Knoxville and merged with him.
>> No. 2249 [Edit]
I really don't feel like going through DR2 again, so yeah. Pass.
>> No. 2254 [Edit]
I'm probably going to get it because I've been wanting the PC version of DR2, and this would be better than getting the exact same game I already played on the Xbox.

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