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File 129124448072.jpg - (526.96KB , 902x510 , 1290296263271.jpg )
217 No. 217 [Edit]
Umineko Fighting Game General in anticipation.

The game will be released at C79, December 31.

Official site:
Youtube playlist:

Let's hope it won't have major imbalances but some are to expected as always. Quite excited about this, how ready is your body?
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>> No. 218 [Edit]
File 129124452732.jpg - (541.64KB , 902x510 , 02.jpg )
More screens.
>> No. 219 [Edit]
File 129124457049.jpg - (533.26KB , 902x510 , 03.jpg )
Battler's special. Works on men?
>> No. 221 [Edit]
File 12912446187.jpg - (187.32KB , 902x510 , 05_big.jpg )
>> No. 222 [Edit]
File 129124463435.jpg - (146.91KB , 902x510 , 06_big.jpg )
>> No. 223 [Edit]
I've always sucked at fighting games but I do still enjoy them. Will be looking forward to this one.
>> No. 226 [Edit]

I was kind of hoping for PsP, but that's fine too.
>> No. 227 [Edit]
Fighting games are like shmups, you get better at them over long periods of time
>> No. 228 [Edit]
Who's developing this? The art's great, but something about the bars bothers me. They seem flashy and distracting.
>> No. 229 [Edit]
Maybe we could move this to /vn/?
>> No. 237 [Edit]
Just like Umineko. Fabulous bars.

It's developed by 07th expansion. Can't wait for that music.
>> No. 305 [Edit]
File 129178548550.jpg - (50.66KB , 500x250 , ougon_logo.jpg )

Character list and move sets. December 31 can't come fast enough.
>> No. 307 [Edit]
I'm excited for this, but Bern and Lambda had better be extra/secret characters.
>> No. 309 [Edit]
They may very well be. I heard that there are two secret characters, but not sure whether they can be unlocked, in a future patch or god forbid, a fucking DLC.
>> No. 755 [Edit]
File 129382159756.jpg - (434.06KB , 902x510 , gdss03.jpg )
You guys ready for MAXIMUM JIGGLE?

Netplay seems pretty good from what I've seen on ニコニコ so far.

Torrent is available on Nyaa but I'm still downloading.
>> No. 756 [Edit]
It will take me four days to download this fucking thing at 2.3gb. Balls.
>> No. 758 [Edit]
Download faster, dammit.
>> No. 760 [Edit]
File 129383863585.jpg - (462.20KB , 1608x712 , 000.jpg )
Verdict after playing for 2 1/2 hours:

It's a nice little game.
Lacks variety.
Your run of the mill KOF/GG copycat game.
No secret characters apparently.
Animations and CG are polished and nicely done.
Music is obviously god tier.

I am bored already.
>> No. 762 [Edit]
>No secret characters apparently.

Then what are those two spaces with question marks doing there?
>> No. 777 [Edit]
That's the... RANMDOM.
>> No. 782 [Edit]
Online play either constantly lags or DC's.

There's probably going to be a patch that fixes all of this.

Still trying to find a decent controller. Not sure if my Gamecube controller would work with it (and that means I have to get an adapter).
>> No. 836 [Edit]
File 129426705025.png - (728.14KB , 896x502 , 432545.png )
Me fucking around in training mode. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I don't own a usb controller.
>> No. 894 [Edit]

Looking forward to the game getting patched so we can get some netplay going on.

Other than that, I dig the sprites and the controls. Simple but effective and fun.

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