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File 130240765723.png - (294.55KB , 512x512 , 770760ff8e9eda67483c30d1442872b90cbffec1.png )
2140 No. 2140 [Edit]
Who was your first video game crush/fap?

For me it was Marin from the original Link's Awakening. Oh god, those sprites were so hot and I spent hours talking to her in hopes she accepted me. I was young and in love. I made sure to talk to her every time I went on a dangerous adventure.
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>> No. 2143 [Edit]
File 130240869057.png - (7.54KB , 192x144 , Oracle_Of_Ages_-_Nayru_Singing.png )
I guess Nayru, but that wasn't really a crush; I just thought she was cute. Otherwise, the furthest back I can remember was Rena Ryuuguu.
>> No. 2146 [Edit]
File 130240997878.jpg - (23.45KB , 200x359 , n-banter_7-10-2005_karen.jpg )
Karen from HM64. I married her almost every file I played
>> No. 2148 [Edit]
1. This is for video game characters
2. Furry
>> No. 2149 [Edit]
File 130241080767.jpg - (60.02KB , 486x592 , meru2.jpg )
I mentioned this before, but it was most definitely Meru from Legend of Dragoon. Something about her just clicked with the childhood me from the instant I got her in my team. I always had her in my party, learned all of her additions, and maxed out her Dragoon transformation. That's...pretty much everything you can do in the game. She was the best character in my team - Other than the protagonist, of course, but you can't switch him out.

Fuck, that game was my life back then...I remember being so sad when I finally finished it.
>> No. 2150 [Edit]
I remember having somewhat of a crush back when I was a kid. Playing Final Fantasy Legend III or II I think. There was a character named Gloria who could shapeshift by eating monster meat, but I never wanted her to transform, since it looked painful, so I kept her as a healer and always spend as much money on her gear as I possibly could. Curtis was my strongest character, he was a real brohno mage.
>> No. 2151 [Edit]
Either Rinoa from FF8, Cecilia from Harvest Moon AWL, or... i can't remember, but i know there was another possible.
>> No. 2153 [Edit]
  While not a crush, Chun Li was one of the first characters I found attractive. At least from what I can remember. Not very unique since there's like a million guys who felt the same way.
>>2149 OH SHIT,someone on this site knows of Legend of Dragoon besides me? Bless you bro.
>> No. 2155 [Edit]
File 130242161630.jpg - (384.11KB , 840x1120 , 1295034098889.jpg )
Lyn. I always leveled her the most, gave her the stat-boosting items, and the best weapons...
>> No. 2253 [Edit]
I have to agree that part when you hang out with Marin had some pretty impressive amount of character interaction for a gb game, probably more than our current gen games do.

Possibly my favorite part of the game too, though I never found her to be hot.
Now Roll Casket from Megaman Legends 2, hottest archaic 3d ever. Dose legs, man.

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