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File 130228920561.jpg - (136.33KB , 800x600 , portal-2-slow-run.jpg )
2103 No. 2103 [Edit]
Anyone else hyped? I loved the first one, as short and terrible meme spawning it was, and the second looks pretty good so far. Co-op may or may not be cool depending on if anyone in the steam group plays it. Speaking of co-op, people on the PC and PS3 will be able to play with each other, so anybody not getting the PC version for whatever reason can still play with some brohnos!
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>> No. 2104 [Edit]
I am excited and have it pre-ordered on steam but I've held myself back from looking up videos and trailers of it so that I'll be more surprised when I do play it.
>> No. 2106 [Edit]
File 130229528020.jpg - (441.50KB , 1920x1200 , portal2_wallpaper.jpg )
I pre-ordered it but not on Steam. They were selling it for €28.95 on Zavvi and I had a coupon for a discount of 10%. Classy.

I hope we can play together.
>> No. 2107 [Edit]
Assuming you got it for PC: it's a steamworks game, so it will be no different than if you bought it through them. I think that's how it works anyway.
>> No. 2108 [Edit]
If anyone isn't excited, they are likely retarded.
>> No. 2109 [Edit]
I hope single player doesn't suffer from them focusing so much on co-op.
>> No. 2110 [Edit]
I'm gonna look for a place that sells it in my country.

I like to have important games in my shelf, and 40 bucks is too damn expensive for a digital game.
>> No. 2116 [Edit]
Counting down the days, me and a friend are doing a non-stop livestream of co-op mode as soon as we can play.
>> No. 2135 [Edit]
  first 7 minutes of co-op gameplay. I hope my lack of mic doesn't fuck me over too much
>> No. 2138 [Edit]
I'd love to play it with you guys, but from the looks of the specs, my puny laptop doesn't seem like it will support it.

Oh well. I guess I'll have to wait until after I get a better computer, if I ever do.
>> No. 2156 [Edit]
It looks like you should be able to get by with just text chat and the commands.
>> No. 2235 [Edit]
Game's ready for pre-loading!
>> No. 2239 [Edit]
So how different is the co-op campaign going to be compared to the single player? Is it same story but different chambers? Or will the story and the chambers both be different?
>> No. 2240 [Edit]
Co-op is supposed to be it's own thing I think. Different characters (except glados), different story, different areas.
>> No. 2242 [Edit]
It might even take place during a different time period, since the chambers in the single player are decayed and look like ruins and in co-op they look clean and functional as ever
>> No. 2243 [Edit]
Preload is all done. Time to wait warmly for release
>> No. 2248 [Edit]
Man, my PC had to die on me just a week before the release?

I preordered it too...
>> No. 2255 [Edit]
What's funny is that in the time between Episode 2 and Episode 3 they've already made Portal and it's sequel. I'm starting to wonder if there will ever be an Episode 3
>> No. 2259 [Edit]
There's a rumor going around that the Steam release is being moved up to Friday.
>> No. 2260 [Edit]
Reverse Valve Time???
>> No. 2261 [Edit]
Portal 2 is Episode 3
>> No. 2265 [Edit]
Chell and Gordon will meet, and communicate solely via throwing physics objects around and crouching constantly.
>> No. 2267 [Edit]

Damn, I gotta fix the computer fast.
>> No. 2269 [Edit]
I have a question.
I just bought Portal 2, and steam told me I get a free copy of Portal with the pre-order, and in case I already hav it, I can gift it to anyone.

Well, I got Portal from the Nvidia give-away last year, do I have have an extra copy too? And in case I do, where the hell do I see it/gift it?
>> No. 2270 [Edit]
In your steam window click "Manage Gifts and Guest Passes".
>> No. 2271 [Edit]
Under the games tab. I probably should have mentioned that part
>> No. 2272 [Edit]

Thanks, found it.
Now anyone wants a free Portal 1 copy?
>> No. 2273 [Edit]
You should ask on the steam page, and the first member to call dibs gets it.
>> No. 2274 [Edit]

ok, guess I'll do that.
>> No. 2275 [Edit]
That's a bad idea I think, a lot of guys that are joined in that group don't even come to the site, they just joined for the sake of joining.
>> No. 2276 [Edit]

...well, I'll keep offer here if anyone's interested.
>> No. 2277 [Edit]
check how many groups they are in and if they're in like 100 groups or something he can pass them over.
>> No. 2278 [Edit]
However keeping it here would probably the best solution I guess, since I didn't really think of all the "posers"
>> No. 2279 [Edit]

I'd do that, but I don't want to deny it to them if they already won.
It just doesn't seem fair.
>> No. 2280 [Edit]
Isn't it up to you to decide who to give it to?
if you don't want to give it to someone who doesn't know what TC is, then don't, no one's forcing you to.
>> No. 2281 [Edit]

Well, I'd give it to anyone that appreciate it, and I'm pretty sure TC people might do that better than someone who joins many random groups to get free stuff.
But I can't prove someone doesn't visit the site, can I? So it's easier to post it here.
>> No. 2282 [Edit]
Who hasn't played the first portal by now though? I have an extra copy too but I don't think anybody would want it.
>> No. 2283 [Edit]
Well with me I had played it on the xbox when it first came out, and played through again on PC after I got it from my pre-order.
>> No. 2284 [Edit]
i've never played it, but i have no interest in playing it either.
>> No. 2285 [Edit]
File 130276546217.jpg - (24.96KB , 185x229 , A happy Kizaru.jpg )
Bought it yesterday. Shit's gonna be a blast.

Don't let all the "PORTAL CAKE ECKS DEE!!!" shit ruin it for you. The game's really good. Short too; you can beat it in about two hours.
>> No. 2287 [Edit]
Yeah, there's really no reason to deprive yourself of Portal. It's a unique experience.
>> No. 2288 [Edit]
I mean puzzlish games like this just don't interest me much.
The whole aspect of portals is neat, but i'd probably hit some annoying puzzle and just stop playing.
>> No. 2289 [Edit]
they hold your hand the whole way through so things never get too difficult. I wasnt a fan of the gameplay of portal but its worth playing through just for the high production values of the game and portal 2 looks way above portal 1 in that regard
>> No. 2290 [Edit]
It's not really that tough. There's one or two stages where you have to experiment a bit before you find the correct solution.

Agreed. The original isn't a great game, but it's definitely worth playing.
>> No. 2291 [Edit]
On a slightly related topic, anybody know of any other good puzzle games that don't feel too puzzle-y (ie. Bejeweled) such as Portal or Braid?
>> No. 2293 [Edit]

The ending song alone would be worth the 3 hours of game.


You mean something like a puzzle platformer?
>> No. 2295 [Edit]
Uhh, yeah I guess though it doesn't necessarily have to be a platformer.
>> No. 2296 [Edit]

Ever played the oddworld games?
The first two are the best.
>> No. 2299 [Edit]
I normally don't like puzzle games either but Portal is really top-notch. The atmosphere and the humor is great (if you can get past the internet running shit into the ground), and it's not a hard game by any means. If the people itt still have the spare copies you should definitely let them give it to you.
>> No. 2300 [Edit]
15 hours to go.
>> No. 2302 [Edit]
Clearly that countdown is for the release of Episode 3. I mean come on Portal 2 isn't out until the 19th
>> No. 2307 [Edit]
My portal 2 preload just got an update. Oh god what's going on
>> No. 2326 [Edit]
Goddamn it valve. Seriously, fuck you.
>> No. 2327 [Edit]

It's like Gabe Newell heard my prayers!
Hopefuly my PC will be ready for the release.
>> No. 2328 [Edit]
you need to collect potatoes by playing steam games to play portal 2? i remember when you could just buy games, those were the days
>> No. 2329 [Edit]

Well, the regular release was planned for next week.
This is just a promo where we all have to collaborate to get it earlier.
>> No. 2332 [Edit]
So what's going on with the release? I just woke up ( ¯ω¯·)
>> No. 2333 [Edit]
And then everyone pitches in, and against all odds, they buy enough Potato Sacks to push forward the release.

And it still gets delayed.

>> No. 2334 [Edit]

It not about buying the potato sack, and even if you do, you don't have enough time to play all the games until the release.
It's about playing the ones of the pack you already own.
>> No. 2341 [Edit]
At this rate the game will only unlock like a few hours before it's real release date. Then again maybe that's the point
>> No. 2342 [Edit]

So far the game will be launched 14 hours early. Yay, I guess?
>> No. 2349 [Edit]
I wouldn't mind taking it and playing the game again, if my steam worked that is.
>> No. 2351 [Edit]
Portal is an awesome game to replay, at least a few times with enough time between them.
Half Life 2 too.
>> No. 2353 [Edit]
Now it says 50 minutes early. A third of the bar being full giving us less than an hour hardly seems worth the effort
>> No. 2354 [Edit]
If the early release is only in terms of hours I'll probably sleep through it anyway.
>> No. 2356 [Edit]

Post your steam id here, or in the group and I'll gift it to you.
>> No. 2386 [Edit]
The Toki Tori bar on the GLaDOS@home thing just filled and it knocked one hour off of release. This seems so pointless
>> No. 2391 [Edit]
well, as I said, my steam isn't working at the moment, but if no one else wants it...
>> No. 2393 [Edit]

I think you have to accept my friend request for it to work.
>> No. 2394 [Edit]
If any of you haven't preordered it yet, you should get it from Best Buy. It's only $35 and you get a $10 gift card.
>> No. 2395 [Edit]
>Portal 2 + The Potato Sack bundle

Goddamnit, I bought them separately last week.
>> No. 2396 [Edit]
Steam's deals are a double edged sword. One time I bought Hitman Blood Money and there was a sale like a week later that would have gotten me EVERY Hitman game for just a few dollars more.
>> No. 2406 [Edit]

The potato count is going down.
>> No. 2407 [Edit]
Joystiq posted something saying the Auxiliary Power counter will reach 0 around 10 PM EST.
>> No. 2408 [Edit]
I'm going to be sleeping by then, making this whole thing pointless for me ;_;
>> No. 2411 [Edit]
It's going to unlock soon!
>> No. 2412 [Edit]

Yeap, only one hour left and I still have to download 700mb more.

Let's see who is faster, glados or my shitty 1mb connection.
>> No. 2413 [Edit]
Nevermind, completing the Killing Floor bar only took off 5 minutes. Now the game will be released after midnight EST, which is also it's normal release date. What a coincidence!!!
>> No. 2414 [Edit]
Shoulda preloaded it
>> No. 2415 [Edit]

I just got my new hard drive yesterday after the old one broke.

I've been preloading it all night.
>> No. 2416 [Edit]
Out of curiosity, why did none of you pirate the game to play it before its "HOLY SHIT OFFICIAL RELEASE" then just buy it to show your support?
>> No. 2417 [Edit]
I didn't want to
>> No. 2418 [Edit]

I don't know, I guess I actually want to try the multiplayer first.
>> No. 2419 [Edit]
It was cracked?
>> No. 2422 [Edit]
All this teasing by Valve was just a pretext to get people to buy more Steam games, without moving the actual date up. Pretty shitty of them, but what are you going to do.
>> No. 2424 [Edit]
whoever bought a bunch of games they didn't really want just to play another game slightly early is an idiot anyway.
>> No. 2425 [Edit]
The funny thing is people who got the games and got all the potatoes would have been given portal 2 for free, but they most likely already bought it
>> No. 2426 [Edit]
also the free copy they got is non-giftable
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
Portal 2 has a hat shop, and TF2 hats are cross-compatible
>> No. 2428 [Edit]
It's unlocking!
>> No. 2429 [Edit]
Damn, glados was faster.

98% of my download.
>> No. 2430 [Edit]
Decrypt faster already!
>> No. 2431 [Edit]
File 130318775442.png - (10.90KB , 360x366 , comeooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.png )
Ooooohhhh the anticipation...
>> No. 2432 [Edit]
Ok, now it's decrypting.
>> No. 2433 [Edit]
Why does it decrypt so slowly ;_;
>> No. 2434 [Edit]
Holy shit this game is even better than I thought it would be
>> No. 2435 [Edit]
oh god it's stuck at 13% help
>> No. 2436 [Edit]

Damn it giascle don't do this to me.
>> No. 2437 [Edit]

Wait for it, it's normal.
>> No. 2438 [Edit]
Is anyone here from europe? Ill need someone to play co-op with.
>> No. 2439 [Edit]

I'm from south america, but I don't think it's region locked.
>> No. 2440 [Edit]
God damn it, now its updating.
>> No. 2441 [Edit]

Lets try to play some co-op if i manage to stay up long enough to get to that part then.
>> No. 2442 [Edit]

ok, I'll join once I get this damned update.
>> No. 2443 [Edit]
Incomplete installation? Servers are too busy? Goddamn it, Valve.
>> No. 2446 [Edit]
Try switching your download region in steam's settings. That's how I got it to work.
>> No. 2447 [Edit]
Pretty fun so far. Very atmospheric. I'll probably beat single player tomorrow and then I'll be in the mood for some co-op! \(°∀°)ノ
>> No. 2448 [Edit]
I played through co-op tonight, it was really fun. I'd love to run through it again with a brohno, send me a message if you're interested.
>> No. 2449 [Edit]
I'm probably like halfway done at this point and it's really exceeded expectations.
>> No. 2451 [Edit]
My copy has been sent this Monday. See you next week.
>> No. 2453 [Edit]
is this piratable for PC yet
>> No. 2463 [Edit]
I realize most of you guys are playing this on PC, but I'm posting this anyway since I picked up the 360 version.

Here's a PS3/360 screen comparison. They're comparable, but 360 has an ugly, ugly blur/gritty film over everything, supposedly because the 360 can't do 720p + HDR + AA without tiling.
>> No. 2465 [Edit]
File 130324886280.jpg - (271.46KB , 1016x849 , 1303248580943.jpg )
/v/ didn't like the game apparently.
>> No. 2466 [Edit]
>Gabe Newell stated at last year’s E3 that the PS3 version of Portal 2 will be “the best version, on any platform”
howcome it's better than PC?
>> No. 2467 [Edit]
/v/ complains about everything. I'd never trust their opinions.

Also, is anybody up for the co-op tonight from around midnight eastern-standard-time?
>> No. 2468 [Edit]
I'd like to know this also, the console versions seem more expensive then the pc version, I'd like to know what reason there is for this, if any.
>> No. 2469 [Edit]
I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 2470 [Edit]
On chapter 3. It's been very similar to the first so far. Not too impressed.
>> No. 2478 [Edit]
I beat it. Really fun game. The only thing I didn't like was how one part's solution was to put a portal on a moving part of a wall, which is impossible to do at all at any other time in either game.
>> No. 2479 [Edit]
It's like /v/ is full of retarded children or something!
>> No. 2481 [Edit]
I just picked up a copy of it for the hueg box 360. I social engineered an extra cooperative play skin code from the guy at Gamestop.
>> No. 2492 [Edit]
Just finished, really good.
I'd change some details about the end though (story-related stuff)
>> No. 2494 [Edit]
Like what?
>> No. 2503 [Edit]
Chapter 6 alone destroys the expansion pack-esque first half. Hopefully this keeps up.
>> No. 2504 [Edit]
Not the same person, but I agree, the end was a bit.. weak..
shooting a portal to the moon? and the singing orchestra of turrets? really?
>> No. 2505 [Edit]
>> No. 2506 [Edit]
This SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE is so delicious and moist
>> No. 2507 [Edit]
File 130340831190.jpg - (39.17KB , 346x352 , house animey2.jpg )
how the fuck would you end it? it sure as hell couldn't possibly come close to SHOOTING A FUCKING PORTAL TO THE MOON
>> No. 2508 [Edit]

I did notice the comment about the moon rocks being good portal conductors, It just seems a bit silly is all, I don't believe the gun would have that kind of range.

>> No. 2516 [Edit]
File 130344696346.jpg - (293.74KB , 1600x1200 , 2011-04-21_00001.jpg )
>> No. 2517 [Edit]

My partner disconnected and I never finished it...

>> No. 2518 [Edit]
Yeah, I had 2 disconnects too. But you should really go back and finish it. Some of the maps in the last world of coop are pretty fun to solve together.
>> No. 2520 [Edit]
You're trying to take Portal seriously? Calling the ending silly is like calling Gurren Lagann silly.
>> No. 2526 [Edit]
File 130352762112.jpg - (421.12KB , 1920x1080 , portal 2 hard.jpg )
>> No. 2527 [Edit]
Who says casual gamers aren't ruining games for the rest of us?
>> No. 2528 [Edit]
It's weird because crushers and shit are all over in co-op
>> No. 2538 [Edit]
Apparently, when you buy the ps3 version (just ps3, not 360) you get the pc copy of the game for free also, if you have a steam account.
>> No. 2545 [Edit]
There's really only that one puzzle where crushers are actually a threat. Even then, only one of you has to get the timing correct.
>> No. 2574 [Edit]
File 130384847893.jpg - (83.32KB , 800x1162 , sentry.jpg )
>> No. 2594 [Edit]
>> No. 2595 [Edit]
Science isn't about why, it's about why not!
>> No. 2596 [Edit]
File 130388586290.jpg - (85.31KB , 1680x1050 , cave johnson.jpg )
You're fired.
>> No. 2634 [Edit]
Completed co-op with my brother yesterday. So much fun.
>> No. 2639 [Edit]
My little brother keeps making space jokes

>> No. 2721 [Edit]
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
>> No. 2724 [Edit]
>> No. 2725 [Edit]

Haha, what a genius.
>> No. 2962 [Edit]
  All games should be rated A so we don't have to deal with annoying parents anymore.
>> No. 2973 [Edit]
What exactly about Portal is "educational"?
>> No. 2974 [Edit]
I'm surprised I even lasted until they said the game is rated E.
>> No. 2980 [Edit]

I never thought I'd rage over anything on /tc/.
>> No. 3035 [Edit]

You'd be surprised how much you train your brain in certain aspects when you solve puzzles.
>> No. 3602 [Edit]
Now for the low low price of 140 dollars, you can play portal 2 on your pc like you were playing it on the wii
>> No. 3603 [Edit]
This looks awesome. Not particularly innovative, but awesome.

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