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File 130155490978.jpg - (706.41KB , 1000x750 , games.jpg )
1940 No. 1940 [Edit]
Had this thread on the old board, seemed like it could do with another go

post your collections!

Also, what do you do with your games? Do you keep them after beating them, do you maybe collect games but don't play them? Or do you trade in/sell games right after you beat them/finish them?
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>> No. 1947 [Edit]
I don't have a camera

I just keep games around after beating them, so I easily have over 100 from across all consoles I've ever owned (going back to snes). For my PC games I don't have any hard copies so I just uninstall them when I'm sure I won't be playing anymore
>> No. 1971 [Edit]
File 130160346132.jpg - (8.69KB , 200x196 , 1298658721424.jpg )
american boxart sure is ugly compared to my glorious EU artâ„¢ , will post tommorow.
>> No. 1972 [Edit]
No collection since I pirate all of my games, etc.
>> No. 1988 [Edit]
File 13016701409.png - (2.33MB , 1280x1024 , IMG0000.png )
I've sold a lot of my old games to get some money back. Some I really regret selling (MGS3, MvC2.)

Only have a few PSX games that were not destroyed by my siblings years ago, like Saga Fronteir, Crash Bandicoot, and Air combat in that top sleeve.

Piled the PS3 games over my TE so the picture would not be a tower.

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