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File 130143703087.jpg - (50.00KB , 500x300 , good to be a loli.jpg )
1927 No. 1927 [Edit]
What are some games with customizable characters that allow you to create "lolis" (in terms of breast size mostly), but it is not a requirement? Even the two games I've played with the best customization I've seen, Saints Row 2 and APB, don't let you do it. SR2 has breast size tied to feminine body shape, so if you wanted a flat chest you would also have a manly body in every other aspect as well, and APB had the most customizable breasts I've ever seen in a game but they can't go below a C-cup in terms of size. It just seems like game developers want to enforce traditional western standards of beauty, which of course means big tits.
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>> No. 1928 [Edit]
File 130143986496.jpg - (0.99MB , 850x1950 , 995e02a6d58e2d312613eb4abad6920b.jpg )
>> No. 1929 [Edit]
I don't think I could have played through Fallout NV if it weren't for the shojo mod. When Skyrim comes out I'm not touching it until it has similar mods
>> No. 1930 [Edit]
After a quick google, I think another playthrough of fallout new vegas may be in order. That race looks great.
>> No. 1931 [Edit]

I documented my run through the game here


I was also going to do an evil run but I just couldn't get the interest to do so
>> No. 1941 [Edit]
>It just seems like game developers want to enforce traditional western standards of beauty, which of course means big tits

This is true, but also because the media doesn't want to show kids being hurt or mutilated in games or film.
Why do you think you never see kids on the streets in open world violent games?
>> No. 1946 [Edit]
Even if the character is clearly an adult (based on height, voice, etc) they still force them to have tits, like in the two examples in the OP
>> No. 1961 [Edit]
Yeah that much is certainly as op said, them pushing their idea of beauty with thinking smaller (more realistic) Brest sizes are ugly, and that cow tits is what everyone should want.

SR2 kind of sucked for making women I think, from what I saw as I played, body types aside, maybe it was just because of the "gangster/thug" style of the game, but all the clothing options out there were limited to that of the typical hooker's wardrobe.

on a somewhat related note, did you know pornography in australia is illegal and considered child porn if the women in the porn have a a-cup or smaller, regardless of their age?
>> No. 1962 [Edit]
>SR2 kind of sucked for making women I think, from what I saw as I played, body types aside, maybe it was just because of the "gangster/thug" style of the game, but all the clothing options out there were limited to that of the typical hooker's wardrobe.

I actually really liked SR2's clothing because it wasn't gender-specific. I had my character mostly wore guy clothes
>> No. 1975 [Edit]
Honestly though I don't know if I could decide on a bodytype if lolis were common. I love both "relatively short and athletic with mid to small breasts" and "loli with toned stomach and nice ass" bodytypes equally, and asking me to choose ONE for my character would be a decision that would take me hours to make.
>> No. 2049 [Edit]
I'm not the only one who imagines "bad ends" with their video game characters, am I? Maybe your cute fallout character got captured by raiders who haven't seen a girl in weeks, or your SR2 character's gang members have had enough of her shit and decide to show her who's boss. Basically I imagine every game as if it could be violated heroine
>> No. 2051 [Edit]
Well, hopefully tera online.

We'll see how that turns out though.
>> No. 2055 [Edit]
is that the game with the loli catgirl race?
>> No. 2074 [Edit]
Yeah Tera.
Though the Elin sort of look like lolis in some aspects they're very un-loli like in many ways.

They've said they don't want to remove the race or edit anything about it but will change some items, for example they mentioned adding thighs to some items, probably to make them less revealing because well they still look like lolis and you can imagine why.

Yes, Tera Online that new MMORPG with the real time action combat style, one race is the Elin that look like cute girls, they're short and small not really like lolis but maybe like an old loli that's almost a pre teen.
They have the animal ears and tails but they also have some pretty massive thighs some say look like big Brazilian thighs that contrast with the rest of their bodies.

Right now I'm really interested in the game, it might be good but regardless of that it seems like it will be something unusual because of the gameplay and the production values also seem good, good graphics and customization and all.
>> No. 2075 [Edit]
I might pick that up then, though I'm a little weary about paying for an MMO these days since I have yet to play one that wasn't awful.

>They've said they don't want to remove the race or edit anything about it but will change some items, for example they mentioned adding thighs to some items, probably to make them less revealing

Or maybe not, because shit like this is a bad omen
>> No. 2078 [Edit]
File 130212368688.jpg - (279.91KB , 1600x1200 , popori_f_r11.jpg )
I'm not sure man.
It's sort of censorship and letting pressure affect your decisions which of course could lead to a game that tries to protect the playerbase as if they were kids or complies to the demands of anyone and tries to be too politically correct.
That would hardly lead to an experience enjoyable for the players but I don't think it's exactly like that or that bad.

I mean, I can see why they'd change some stuff. I'm not in favor of it but I can see why they would do it.

Go check some items at

that's a russian site about it.

I'm interested in seeing how their proposal of having some items edited a bit with added stuff turns out.
It could be anywhere between changing many items to a very conservative and standard MMO or even ugly look that would calm some people while giving up the entire spirit of the game's art design or it could simply be a small edit to some of the more extreme items so they're more in line with the rest of the items available for the Elin and other races which would definitely still be a change but not such a drastic one and rather the a pragmatic viable minimum necessary level of change to avoid any bigger potential problems and to while also ensuring the success of the game by not alienating other potential players with the smallest possible sacrifice.

Pic sorta related since it's one of the more extreme looking outfits in the game that doesn't fall in line with the rest and could be the kind of stuff that could jeopardize the race as a whole.

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