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File 130112509827.jpg - (160.60KB , 849x1200 , 20110209021906!Title.jpg )
1888 No. 1888 [Edit]
Looks like Blazblue is to Guilty Gear what Under Night will be to Melty Blood.

Getting invalid video Id during embed.

With the massive disappointment that was MvC3, and how good Arcana Heart 3 was to balance it out, hopefully this game will make me forget marvel and make it a good year for 2D fighters.
>> No. 1890 [Edit]
I still have yet to play BlazBlue so I don't know how it compares to GG, which I played for years, but this looks nice. Although it seems to be in an early stage of development, new 2D fighters are always welcome. Ougon Musou Kyoku was a disappointment.

You can only post the video's code and not what's after it. For instance here, you should put PWaI87q2Fsg and not PWaI87q2Fsg&feature=feedf.
>> No. 1914 [Edit]
Blazblue is great, but you hardly have any Oki options as compared to Guilty. One combo works on pretty much all of the cast rather than adjusting per character as in Guilty as well. I'd wish they had kept FRC's as well.

This looks about the same speed as Melty, and the meter management the same as well, which is great.

Around 1:16 in the video there are character descriptions on fighting style, so that could be somewhat like moons in MB.

Thanks for the video tip.
>> No. 2238 [Edit]
Linne looks like a Ryougi playstle type of character. She even has the same crossover from C-Ryougi.

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