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File 130109759847.png - (353.80KB , 802x601 , gop.png )
1884 No. 1884 [Edit]
The game I spend the most time on recently, one which I've spent at least 500 hours playing over these past year, is 'Great Orb Project'. Its a minigame stuck inside an otherwise incredibly boring, grinding MMORPG called ‘Runescape’ (which I admit is shitty and i’m ashamed to have played it).

What struck me about its game was how strategic it was. It was incredibly deep. The premise is simple: you’re a wizard in a team of wizards. You have a wand which can attract or repel ‘orbs’ towards a large rock in the middle. The aim is to attract more orbs of your own colour and repel the enemy orbs.

Look deeper and you will see an incredibly complex web of strategies- from the angles from which to repel orbs, the exact timing of when to release, where to stand, when to quit the game to fuck up other players, down to the precise mechanics of how the game is programmed.

That probably means fuck-all to you, but just take my word for it- this minigame is like the complete opposite of meaningless grinding of the main game, you actually have to think. The game creators added yet another shitty grinding aspect to the game but inadvertently made a strategic masterpiece. Its pretty darn fun.

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