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No. 1875 [Edit]
  Did any of you play World of Warcraft before the first expansion?
To me playing during WoW vanilla was the the most enjoyable experience i had with a game.

So how about we share some stories about WoW and reminisce about "the good old times" when men were men and women were night elf druids,
as some guy put it.
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>> No. 1876 [Edit]
I've actually never played WoW. Probably a good thing because I get addicted to things pretty easily and apparently WoW is something of a life-ruiner, not that I have much of a life in the first place
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
I played it though vanilla and BC, it was good times while it lasted...A complete and utter waste of time but eh it couldn't be helped. It got me though some times so I can't really complain, definitely worth the money if you pulled 50+ hours a week

Not bad for 15 months a month for that much entertainment. Better then working for money
>> No. 1879 [Edit]
I played WoW briefly before Burning Crusade but I never got very far (only to around level 40) because my parents didn't want to keep paying for the monthly subscription.

I started playing again a couple months ago and it kind of seems like I missed the boat, the opinion of the game is often that WoW has just progressively gotten worse. I don't really notice it because I'm still somewhat new to the game but it makes me wonder, why do people have such good memories of the earlier version than now? Is it just a general nostalgia or has the game actually gotten worse?
>> No. 1880 [Edit]

General nostalgia, but most older players prefer how it was.

When Cata came out I did a 1-60 over a bored long weekend to see how they reworked everything. With the way dungeon finder, in game quest helper, how you can solo just about everything etc, works you can hit level cap without speaking to another person on your server which really hits the community feel of the game. Everything does definitely feel a lot "easier" to a point where the whole thing is a complete bore and their isn't a challenge unless your doing high end raiding/PvP.

I didn't really play LK that much, but from the guildmates I talked to who kept on playing the raids only gotten worse in terms of how it played challenge wise.

Overall I found the whole rework boring to deal with as a hardcore player.(20-50 hour/week). But I can see playing the game a bit more casually it would be better.
>> No. 1881 [Edit]
I enjoyed vanilla a lot, but I think a lot of it had to do with the "new MMO mystique" that you get when you're starting an MMO for the first time. I honestly had more fun when I was playing during late BC and early Wrath with a tight-knight group of friends.
>> No. 1882 [Edit]
I was really into Blizzard games at the time and I bought it at its release. I got to level 40 or so and gave it to my little brother. I found the game in itself really boring and unoriginal, and the community was utter shit even then, so I don't even want to imagine what it's like now.
>> No. 1885 [Edit]
I love vanilla WoW and still play it on a private server. The game got progressively worse and oversimplified with each expansion, cataclysm is an abomination compared to the original game.
>> No. 1886 [Edit]
It's always been the same empty addictive shit
>> No. 1887 [Edit]
I've played Blizzard games since I was 6 or 7(starting with WC2 and SC later on), and eventually started WoW after BWL was released.

I was a very slow leveler, and it took me forever to finally decide on a main(altoholic, and I tried several servers before staying on Emerald Dream until Wrath to raid with brother and irl friends).

I have enough stories that I could probably write a book series off them.

The personalities on my server were quite amazing, at least, from the nostalgic perspective I have from when I was 12-14, the span of my early WoW career. This was also back when I was active in the RP community(hell, the server community as a whole was a lot tighter).

I still play now, but I'm very tempted to just leave my current server and go back to the old one. However, a verbally abusive(i.e. ventrilo rage city) raid leader is really what's making me consider it.

I think what's really gone wrong with WoW is the fact that you can do random dungeons with people from other servers that you will never see again. Server communities have been hurt pretty badly by this. There was friendly competition between guilds in bgs, and you made friends with people you pugged for dungeons. story time! Hell, I found my first guild through meeting two guys for a group quest in Silverpine Forest(Fenris Keep). We enjoyed chatting with one another and added each other as friends so we could do some dungeons at a later time. A few days later, after we all had leveled up from a recent SFK run, we headed back to Undercity to train new skills. By chance, a guild's weekly RP meeting was about to start in an 15ish minutes, and we decided to check it out. Good times...

But I think they should allow queuing for bgs/dungeons with only people from your server as an option.

My, this post ended up longer than I had planned.
>> No. 1889 [Edit]
I only really played mainly during vanilla and BC, quit when wrath came out. I'll hop aboard the nostalgia bandwagon and say that vanilla was the best, even though the game at the time had a lot of really shitty mechanics. I played on an RP server, and for about 6 months I think, I had a sort of e-gf from the opposite faction (I was horde, she was alliance).

I'd always meet her on the second floor of the goldshire inn every evening at around 1 AM.(goldshire at this time was still not known as pornshire, another lovely tale). We'd just do silly kinky things for about an hour before I'd get assraped by guards and players.

back when Naxx first came out, a friend of the guild leader's got access to his account, so we broke his armor, escorted his character to eastern plaguelands (near stratholme), stripped him of his hearthstone, and logged out. When he came back it took him 6 hours to finally get out of there. We all lost officer status for about a month.

I remember the massive amounts of collaboration and in-vent fighting between alliance and horde guilds that took place in order to coordinate the opening of AQ. I think the AQ invasion event was the most memorable experience in the game for me.

When I finally got my epic mount I felt bad-fucking-ass.

When we finally downed Onyxia I felt bad fucking ass. The attunement questline alone was reason for celebration.

Blizzard at the time wasn't sure how to properly allocate stats to gear so you'd have stupid shit like rogues with spirit and mages with strength on their gear.

There's more that's just not really coming to me right now, but I met some pretty cool people ingame that have followed through with me to other games.

We're playing Rift right now which sort of really captures part of the nostalgia from vanilla, but there are many places where it really falls short. Primarily in the roleplaying and re-rolling sector. Also the voice acting is horrible. We're playing it while waiting for TERA to come, and if that turns out to suck, we'll probably move on to GW2.
>> No. 1901 [Edit]
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Crazy, I used to play on Emerald Dream during Vanilla WoW as well. The community on that server was amazing back when it was still small, but around the time I left it was getting way overpopulated and started turning to shit.

Time for my story. Whenever I get into conversations about GW2, which I couldn't be more excited for, I always get a longing to return to vanilla WoW. I never really found the gameplay amazing or anything, but I just really miss the people I used to know on that server. I lost contact with all of them and while now I know different people and I am sure my old friends have all forgotten me, the nights were me and my few friends I met in that game would just go to some random place in the world and spend hours fishing or farming while telling funny stories were some of the funnest times I've ever had in a game.

The community in early WoW was just amazing and really gave me something to live for before I really had anything resembling a direction in life. The interactions between both factions was just glorious. Despite never speaking a word to each other that we understood, the Horde and Alliance players knew who to fear or respect, which guild was great and which was going to send a ton of high level people to grief you. Being recognized in that server was a fantastic feeling, only matched by seeing that one Orc Warrior who helped you finish a quest 20 levels later in a different zone.

I am not sure any game will ever capture what I felt in Vanilla WoW. It might be nostalgia or delusion or a combination of the two, but I know that nothing will ever again match those nights in that game, just riding your mount through the barrens while your guild mates keep you company over chat. I don't know if it is because I am now too cynical or if your first MMO is just this kind of experience, but I will always remember the times I had on that game.

Too bad Blizzard fucked up everything about it, but that is another story for another time.
>> No. 1902 [Edit]
Its sad that such companionship we get from a game might be more than we'll ever get in real life.

Its just too sad. I'll never play another MMORPG.
>> No. 1904 [Edit]
I don't mean to sound haughty or anything, but it looks like WoW was the first MMO for a lot of you guys. It's weird because I imagined Brohnos to be older than that.
>> No. 1905 [Edit]
I wouldn't say that's an accurate description of Tohno-chan as a whole. It would be more fair to say that people who played WoW first would be more interested in posting in a thread like this.
>> No. 1906 [Edit]

WoW just happened to be the current game discussed. I've had more memorable experience with EQ and AC but WoW just still has that "fresh in the mind" appeal I guess
>> No. 1907 [Edit]
My first MMO was The Matrix Online. Then again my family didn't get a computer until I was 13
>> No. 1908 [Edit]
I played UO as a kid but I never got as into that as I did WoW.
>> No. 1910 [Edit]
>That feel when you got your first mount
>That feel when you got your first epic mount
>That feel when you finish your paladin/warlock epic(quite, in fact) mount quest chain.

Yeah don't do this please
>> No. 1911 [Edit]
My first MMO was Eve Online, but I did end up playing WoW at one point during TBC. I got bored of the game and quit shortly before that sunwell island or whatever that place was called was released and went back to playing Eve Online on and off for three years before I quit playing that game as well.
>> No. 1915 [Edit]

How old are you?
>> No. 1916 [Edit]
wow is just exponentially more popular than other mmos
im 25 and its the only one I played
>> No. 1918 [Edit]
I have never played an MMO.
>> No. 1919 [Edit]
thats a good thing
>> No. 1920 [Edit]


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